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Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, & War with Europe.

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1 Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, & War with Europe

2 Revolution of 1789 (No note-taking) PlayersEvents *First Estate* Tennis Court Oath *Second Estate* National Assembly *Third Estate* National Constituent *Populace Assembly * Bastille/Great Fear * Dec. Rights of Man and Citizen * Constitution of 1791

3 I. The Three Estates (in 1789) 1.First Estate 2.Second Estate 3.Third Estate

4 II. Meeting of the Estates General 1.Aristocracy made 2 demands a) 1 st b) 2 nd Problem?

5 2.Cahiers de doleances = (ordered by Louis XVI) was a a) list of grievances brought to royal palace 1) criticized 2) demanded

6 3.A stand-off b/c Third Estate refused to sit as a separate a) 3 rd Estate invites _______&______ to join them in organizing a new legislative body. b) some clergy c) June 17 – they declare d) June 19 – 2 nd Estate

7 4.Tennis Court Oath a) Day after 2 nd Estate joins 3 rd Estate b) Vowed not to leave hand ball court until c) Louis XVI then orders So…goes from 1) Estates General to 2) National Assembly to the renamed 3) National Constituent Assembly to 4) Legislative Assembly

8 III. Two new forces on the scene (Louis & the populace) 1.Louis musters troops near 2.Populace reacts to this by a) b) July 1789 – citizens storm the

9 IV. Lafayette & the National Guard 1.Paris militia call on him to 2.Tri-color flag 3.Louis (again bowing to the immediate circumstances) arrives in Paris a) b)

10 V. The Great Fear 1.Peasants attacked 2.Determined to take 3.Several liberal nobles and clerics 4.August 4, 1789, ALL French citizens were subject to

11 VI. Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 1.Drew on 2.Protected __________& ____________ but did not provide for 3.Women & march to Versailles

12 VII. Reconstruction of France 1.National Constituent Assembly a) main goals b) Political Reform c) Active v. Passive Citizens 2. Departments

13 3.Metric System 4.Economic reform a) b) Chapelier Laws 1) banned guilds & strikes (why?) c) confiscated Church lands d) Assignats

14 5.Religious Reform a) Civil Constitution of the Clergy 1) One of the assembly’s BIGGEST mistakes (why?) b) Refractory Clergy

15 VIII. Counterrevolutionary Activity 1.Emigres 2.Flight to Varennes 3.Declaration of Pillnitz 4.Meanwhile, things are contentious in France This is the end of the 1 st Stage of the Revolution. The 2 nd Revolution would bring an end to the monarchy.

16 IX. The Jacobins 1.One group that divides into 2 sub- groups: a) Mountain 1) wanted a Republic vs a 2) called Mountain b/c 3) leaders = 4) It’s when the Mountain allies with the popular revolution (sans- culottes) that the 2 sub-groups are formed.

17 b.Girondists 1) called this b/c 2) assumed leadership in Leg. Assemb. 3) wanted a constitutional monarchy 4) April 1792 declare war on 5) Believed revolution had gone far enough

18 X. September Massacres 1.Paris citizens

19 XI. The Convention 1.Paris commune calls on Leg. Assembly to elect a new Assembly to write a _____________ ____________. 2.This new assembly is called the Convention. a) Its first act = b) replaces

20 XII. Sans-culottes 1.Radical group of a) b) c) d) e) f) cooperate w/

21 XIII. Execution of a Monarch 1.Louis XVI charged with 2.Girondists wanted to 3.King beheaded January 21, 1793 4.The next month, the Convention declared war on

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