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STUDYING NEBULAE EJECTED FROM MASSIVE STARS WITH HERSCHEL Chloi Vamvatira-Nakou ARC meeting - 11 February 2010 Centre Spatiale de Liège (CSL) (PhD student.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDYING NEBULAE EJECTED FROM MASSIVE STARS WITH HERSCHEL Chloi Vamvatira-Nakou ARC meeting - 11 February 2010 Centre Spatiale de Liège (CSL) (PhD student."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDYING NEBULAE EJECTED FROM MASSIVE STARS WITH HERSCHEL Chloi Vamvatira-Nakou ARC meeting - 11 February 2010 Centre Spatiale de Liège (CSL) (PhD student GAPHE, AGO ULg)

2 Outline MESS – Herschel Guaranteed Time Key Programme MESS – Herschel Guaranteed Time Key Programme Hershel Space Observatory Hershel Space Observatory Circumstellar Environment of Massive Stars: Circumstellar Environment of Massive Stars: - Luminous Blue Variables - Luminous Blue Variables - Wolf - Rayet Stars - Wolf - Rayet Stars Aims of this study Aims of this study

3 MESS – Mass-loss of Evolved Stars Main aims: To study the time dependence of the mass loss process, in order to quantify the total amount of mass lost at the various evolutionary stages of low to high-mass stars To study the time dependence of the mass loss process, in order to quantify the total amount of mass lost at the various evolutionary stages of low to high-mass stars To study the dust and gas chemistry as function of progenitor mass To study the dust and gas chemistry as function of progenitor mass To study the properties and the asymmetries of a representative sample of low and intermediate mass stars (AGB, post-AGB, PN), high mass stars (RSG, WR, LBV) and Supernovae (SNe) To study the properties and the asymmetries of a representative sample of low and intermediate mass stars (AGB, post-AGB, PN), high mass stars (RSG, WR, LBV) and Supernovae (SNe) “The circumstellar environment in post-main-sequence objects”

4 Waveband the full far-IR and sub-mm (55-672 μm) Waveband: the full far-IR and sub-mm (55-672 μm) Launch 14 May 2009 L2 orbit Launch: 14 May 2009 L2 orbit Mission lifetime ~ 4 years Mission lifetime: ~ 4 years Telescope Cassegrain - mirror diameter 3.5 m Telescope: Cassegrain - mirror diameter 3.5 m (the largest ever flown in space) Instruments Instruments: - HIFI (Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared): 480 –1250 GHz (625-240 μm) 1410 –1910 GHz (212-157 μm) 1410 –1910 GHz (212-157 μm) - PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer): 55-210 μm - PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer): 55-210 μm - SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver): 194-672 μm - SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver): 194-672 μm cool universe “cool universe” Herschel Space Observatory

5 PACSSPIRE Imaging Photometry Imaging Photometry - 2 bands simultaneously: 60-85 or 85-125 μm and 125-210 μm - field of view: 1.75 × 3.5 arcmin Integral Field Line Spectroscopy Integral Field Line Spectroscopy - range: 55-210 μm - range: 55-210 μm - field of view: arcsec - field of view: 47 × 47 arcsec - resolution: between 1000-5000 - resolution: between 1000-5000 Imaging Photometry Imaging Photometry - 3 bands simultaneously: 250, 350 and 500 μm - field of view: 4 × 8 arcmin Imaging Fourier Transform Imaging Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Spectroscopy - range: 194-672 μm - range: 194-672 μm - field of view: 2.6 - field of view: 2.6 arcmin (diameter) - resolution: 1000 at 250 μm

6 Herschel Space Observatory

7 Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Massive Stars Standard evolutionary model for a single massive star: The outer envelopes are removed through the stellar wind revealing chemically enriched material and the star becomes a Wolf-Rayet (WR) early type O star WR star Episodes of extreme mass loss during a Red Supergiant or a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) phase - The outer layers are removed and the bare core becomes a WR star - Extended regions of stellar ejecta are produced → circumstellar nebulae (sources of IR emission) must lose a big fraction of its initial mass

8 Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Massive Stars Luminous Blue Variables (S Doradus variables) Evolved, massive, very luminous, unstable hot supergiants in the upper left of the HR diagram, suffer irregular eruptions, precursors of Wolf-Rayet stars Luminosity: ~10 6 L ʘ (close to the ‘Eddington limit’) Photometric variability: - giant eruptions of ≥2 mag, uncertain time scale 10 2 -10 3 yr (Eta Car, P Cyg) - eruptions of 1-2 mag, time scale of 10-40 yr (AG Car, S Dor & R 127 in LMC) - oscillations of ~0.5 mag, time scale of months-years (on top of normal eruptions) - microvariations of ≤0.1 mag (R 71, AG Car, HR Car) Spectra: variable (visual min: hot supergiant, visual max: cooler supergiant A or F) Temperatures: 12,000-30,000 K at visual min, ~7000-8000 K at visual max Mass loss rates: 10 -5 – 10 -4 M ʘ yr -1 at the active-shell ejection phase

9 Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Massive Stars Luminous Blue Variables Ejected nebulae: - Diameter of 0.5 - 2 pc - Expansion velocity between 25 and 140 km s -1 - Dynamical age of 5×10 3 to 5×10 4 yr - Morphology: axisymmetric-mildly to extremely bipolar or elliptical, except P Cygni (Barlow et al. 1994, Nota & Clampin 1997) - Spectra: typical nebular emission lines (Ηα, [Ν ΙΙ], λλ6548, 6583,5755, [Ο ΙΙ] λλ3726, 3729, [S II]) - Contain significant amounts of CO and dust (e.g. McGregor et al. 1988, Hutsemékers 1997), mainly in the form of amorphous silicates, minor contribution from crystalline silicates (Voors et al. 2000), P Cygni does not contain dust Eta Car

10 Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Massive Stars Wolf-Rayet Stars Hot, luminous objects (‘bare cores’) with strong broad emission lines in the optical region due to stellar winds. Mass: 5 – 50 M ʘ Luminosity: 10 4.5 - 10 6 L ʘ Temperature: 30,000-90,000 K Mass loss rate: 10 -5 – 10 -4 M ʘ yr -1 (average 4×10 -5 M ʘ yr -1 ) Spectra: strong broad emission lines - strong lines of He and N (WN subtype show the products of CNO, H- - strong lines of He and N (WN subtype show the products of CNO, H- burning, cycle) burning, cycle) - strong lines of He, C and O (WC and WO subtypes show the products of - strong lines of He, C and O (WC and WO subtypes show the products of triple-α, Ηe-burning) triple-α, Ηe-burning)

11 Circumstellar Environment of Evolved Massive Stars Circumstellar bubbles: Nebulae around one third of the Galactic WR stars in the optical (Marston 1997) WR Ring nebulae believed represent material ejected during the RSG or LBV phase that is photoionized by the WR star. Chu 1981, based on nebular dynamics: - R-type nebulae: not dynamically shaped by the WR star - W-type nebulae: bubbles blown by the WR stars - E-type nebulae: ejected nebulae A WR star is surrounded by an inner circumstellar bubble and an outer interstellar bubble (Garcia-Segura et al. 1996) Wolf-Rayet Stars NGC 6888 around WR 136

12 Aims of this Study Study of the dust and the gas in the circumstellar environment of evolved massive stars, ejected nebulae around LBVs and circumstellar bubbles around WR stars Photometry: - nature, structure, mass and size of the dust shells - dust grain size Spectroscopy: - chemical composition of the gas (accurate abundances) - dust mineralogy

13 He 3-519 Spitzer MIPS 24 μm

14 Spitzer IRAC 3.6 μm HD 168625 Spitzer IRAC 4.5 μm Spitzer IRAC 5.8 μmSpitzer IRAC 8.0 μm Smith 2007


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