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TELEBALT review - 11/11/2002 1 TELEBALT on the Web and tools for teleworking with the Baltic States Alexander Beriozko (EDNES) TELEBALT project manager.

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Presentation on theme: "TELEBALT review - 11/11/2002 1 TELEBALT on the Web and tools for teleworking with the Baltic States Alexander Beriozko (EDNES) TELEBALT project manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 TELEBALT review - 11/11/2002 1 TELEBALT on the Web and tools for teleworking with the Baltic States Alexander Beriozko (EDNES) TELEBALT project manager ber@e E. Zvirblis, Z. Bigelis (INFOBALT), D. Mudure, E. Grikis (“Open Latvia”), K. Baranov (Inforing AS)


3 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20023 TELEBALT main Web-site INFOBALT, Vilnius Special topic: business Languages: English, Lithuanian TELEBALT EDNES Web-site EDNES EDNES Language: English TELEBALT Latvian Web-site “Open Latvia”, Riga Special topic: tourism Languages: English, Latvian TELEBALT Estonian Web-site Inforing AS, Tallinn Special topic: employment Languages: English, Estonian, Russian TELEBALT on the Web

4 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20024 TELEBALT on the Web (Infobalt)

5 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20025 TELEBALT on the Web (Open Latvia)

6 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20026 TELEBALT on the Web (EDNES)

7 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20027 TELEBALT on the Web (Inforing AS)

8 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20028 LT Web-site content structure  Information on TELEBALT project  Business information on Lithuania (links)  General information on Lithuania (links)  Feedback information  Subscribe information  Contact information

9 TELEBALT review - 11/11/20029 LT Web-site information on TELEBALT project  General information on TELEBALT project  Information on TELEBALT events  TELEBALT progress reports  TELEBALT deliverables: –Newsletters –Proceedings –Training courses

10 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200210 LT Web-site general and business information (links)  Lithuanian European Committee News  Lithuanian Development Agency  Ministry of Economy  Custom Department  Tax Department  Currency exchange information

11 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200211 LT Web-site feedback information  The best approach to designing a Web-site is to involve customers (users)  Feedback –Discussion Group –FAQ (constantly updated) –Proposals information

12 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200212 LT Web-site subscribe information  Subscribe service is convenient for users  Subscribe –Electronic newsletter –CD-ROM – project report

13 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200213 LT Web-site enhancement strategy  Information Demonstration Centre (IDC) is one of the main project results  Project Web-site as a tool for IST information dissemination  Project Web-site as a tool for project management  Project Web-site as tool for collaboration and partnership building

14 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200214 Enhancement of LT Web-site  Development of Domain Knowledge Centers (DKC)  DKC is an ontology-based Web application  DKC as a tool for information transforming to knowledge and knowledge building  DKC main principles: – knowledge building as a part of everyday work – knowledge sharing and updating by project team and registered users

15 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200215 LT Web-site DKC list  Lithuanian TELEBALT Web-site is planed to contain DKCs: –Telework Knowledge Centre –Teamwork Knowledge Centre –IST Programme Knowledge Centre (under discussion) –EU Telematic Products Knowledge Centre (demo catalogue)

16 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200216 DKC prototype structure  Domain Knowledge Centre prototype consists of two core modules  Information sources DB enriched by structured information (triple object – attribute- value) is the first part of knowledge  Domain ontology is the second part of knowledge  Telework Knowledge Centre prototype on MS Access is operational since the end of 2001

17 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200217 Information sources DB Enter & Edit Form

18 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200218 Collaborative Browsing in Information Resources – Tools and Services  Collaborative Browsing (CoBrow) toolkit goals: –bring together users of the WWW –provide Virtual Presence in the Web (i.e., Web- users are able to see each other on Web-pages) –let people communicate on such locations

19 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200219 CoBrow user interface basic capability Displaying other neighbor's locationsDisplaying other neighbor's locations Chatting between neighborsChatting between neighbors HidingHiding Enabling/disabling CoBrowEnabling/disabling CoBrow Defining user’s icon and nameDefining user’s icon and name Setting communication URLSetting communication URL Setting base URL of user’s detailsSetting base URL of user’s details Setting preferred languagesSetting preferred languages

20 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200220 Presence Awareness Information Broker (former Virtual Presence System(VPS))  Presence Awareness Information Broker (PAIB) features: –Lets people realize who else is around (people ‘see’ each other while they are browsing the same Web-page or Web-site) –Provides chat functionality –Provides user status information –Realizes pure Java implementation –Stores user properties in external LDAP database –Implements a client/server architecture

21 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200221 System functioning scheme Servlet Engine Proxy Servlet CBUA Window Browser Window HTTP Request/ Response tunneled through Proxy Servlet Reports user’s current URL Retrieves users located at/ neighbouring to user’s current URL Web Site Client Side Server Side Actual HTTP Request/ Respons e CBUA: Collaborative Browsing User Agent (developed VPS user’s interface) PAIB PAIB: Presence Awareness Information Broker (former VPS)

22 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200222 European Knowledge Platform (EKP) Basics Hoffmann+Reif Consultancy  Enabling applications which are easy to use for everybody „...integration functions are becoming increasingly important.“  The vicious circle: –systems introduced to reduce complexity and to improve coherence actually tend to increase complexity  The solution: –browser based open source applications for distributed collaboration and publishing

23 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200223 Shared workspace as EKP basic principle: access, rights, collaboration

24 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200224  Teamware Pl@za is a modular software solution for creating interactive Web sites. Pl@za offers functionality for creating Web communities and increasing interaction between people. It provides personalized, interactive Web sites, tailored according to the preferences and access rights of individual users and groups.  Teamware Pl@za is a modular software solution for creating interactive Web sites. Pl@za offers functionality for creating Web communities and increasing interaction between people. It provides personalized, interactive Web sites, tailored according to the preferences and access rights of individual users and groups.  Each Pl@za site can be tailored to meet the demands of the look and feel of your site. Other information sources can be integrated into Pl@za so that, if required, other Web functions or data from other data sources can be utilized. Teamware Pl@aza

25 TELEBALT review - 11/11/200225 Teamware Pl@aza capabilities Interactive Business Card for accessing contact informationInteractive Business Card for accessing contact information Personalized views based on user preferences and access rightsPersonalized views based on user preferences and access rights Who’s online for person-to-person networkingWho’s online for person-to-person networking Content provision by easy inserting and updating of the informationContent provision by easy inserting and updating of the information Searching of site contentSearching of site content Feedback FormFeedback Form Group managementGroup management System administrationSystem administration

26 TELEBALT review - 11/11/2002 26 Thank you for your attention ! Alexander Beriozko (EDNES) TELEBALT project manager ber@ednes.o E. Zvirblis, Z. Bigelis (INFOBALT), D. Mudure, E. Grikis (“Open Latvia”), K. Baranov (Inforing AS) ?

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