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SEU On-line Sales System Mark Davis Senior BS in Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "SEU On-line Sales System Mark Davis Senior BS in Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEU On-line Sales System Mark Davis Senior BS in Computer Science

2 Overview Idea behind the SEU On-line Sales System What is my solution? How did I go about implementing my solution. Problems I ran into. Testing Possible enhancements and future ideas. Questions?

3 Idea Behind the SEU On-line Sales System SEU lacking a unique On-Line Sales System. Implementing a piece of software that caters to a small community of individuals. Other universities…

4 What is my Solution? Create a web based application that mimics an online message board program. This “ebay” type application will present a way for students to virtually communicate with each other and post items to be bought and sold.

5 Implementing my Solution Basic foundation  Front end  web application  Back end  database Choosing a language  Perl  PHP  ASP  HTML Choosing a database  Microsoft Access  MySQL What I chose..  PHP, MySQL, & PHPmyAdmin

6 Implementing my Solution Design  Applications needed  User Friendly  Simple  Maintainability

7 Become a Member

8 Connecting to and Insert in the DB Connecting to the DB <?php $sql = mysql_pconnect('', 'mdavis3', 'weiohg913a'); mysql_select_db('mdavis3', $sql) or die (mysql_error()); ?> Inserting into the DB $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO MEMBERS (first_name, last_name, phone_number, email_address, user_name, password) VALUES ('$_POST[first_name]', '$_POST[last_name]', '$_POST[phone_number]', '$_POST[email_address]', '$_POST[user_name]', '".md5($_POST[password])."') "); if(!$sql){ echo "Error Inserting Your Information Into DB: ".mysql_error(sql); footer(); exit(); } else { include 'html/success.html'; }

9 phpMyAdmin

10 Error Handling for Input

11 Login

12 Login Code session_start(); $validate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM MEMBERS WHERE user_name= '{$_POST['user_name']}' AND password = md5('{$_POST['password']}')"); if(mysql_num_rows($validate) == 1){ while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($validate)){ $_SESSION['login'] = true; $_SESSION['first_name'] = $row['first_name']; $_SESSION['last_name'] = $row['last_name']; $_SESSION['email_address'] = $row['email_address']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row['user_name']; $_SESSION['password'] = $row['password']; myheader("Login Success!"); include 'html/loginsuccess.html'; footer(); } } else { myheader("Login Failed!"); echo ' Login Failed '; echo ' Check Username and Password for Case Sensitivity.'; footer(); }

13 Posting Items Design methods:  What fields are needed?  How will these fields be used?

14 Posting Items

15 Viewing an Item What will the user see? How can an item be purchased? How can an item be removed?

16 Item View


18 Image Handing

19 I Want To Purchase An Item Email is sent to the seller email address. Just wait!

20 I Want To Remove My Item Unique removal of items Remove query mysql_query("DELETE FROM ITEM WHERE item_name = '{$_POST['item_name']}'") or die(mysql_error());

21 Problems I Ran Into Uploading and displaying images Starting and destroying sessions Error handling for input forms

22 Testing Alpha tested modules as they were created Beta testing took place within a group of friends.  LOTS OF CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM!  A FEW SCENARIOS NOT ACCOUNTED FOR  A GENERAL FEEL FOR THE SOFTWARE

23 Possible Enhancements and Future Ideas Display multiple images Implement time stamps for items. Develop a search tool for items. Get the software to the point where it could be presented to the university for possible use.

24 Conclusion What was my problem? Did I find a solution? Am I satisfied with my solution? What now?

25 Questions? This concludes my presentation

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