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Library of Congress Metadata Landscape Sally H. McCallum

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Presentation on theme: "Library of Congress Metadata Landscape Sally H. McCallum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Library of Congress Metadata Landscape Sally H. McCallum

2 Content Library of Congress perspective on Descriptive metadata now Descriptive metadata evolution Broader metadata concerns

3 LC metadata needs Same problem everyone has: Many type of resources Books, journals, maps, audio, moving image, still image, artifacts, electronic Many possible levels of access Collection, item, analytic, cut, etc. Many items 125+ million non-electronic Cataloging for electronic resources 3+ million digital resources Linking to electronic resources

4 LC service perspective Coherence and consistency (as much as possible) Explainable to the end user

5 Primary access tools at LC Online catalog contenttagging Full level catalogingAACRMARC 21 Minimal levelAACRMARC 21 Initial Bib. control AACR-likeMARC 21 Some collections represented by collection level records in catalog connect to finding aid tools

6 Finding aid tools at LC Finding aidslocalEAD Various collections of manuscripts, music, photographs SONIC catalog AACR-likeMARC-like Sound recording collections PPOC catalogAACRMARC21 Photograph collections InQuerymixedinternal Digital conversion collections Indexing and abstracting services Serials

7 Current LC cataloging “feeds” Vendor records (MARC 21) Copy from OCLC, etc. (MARC 21) Publisher records (ONIX) Other for special materials Metadata in digital objects Metadata with digital objects (future)

8 LC Links to electronic resources URIs or equivalent in catalog records and finding aids handle server OpenURL (experimentation)

9 Questions Is this coherent and consistent? Is it scalable to electronic resources? Do all resources need the same kind of treatment? How about proliferating metadata schemas? How do we maintain evolutionary pathway and standardization?

10 We see content diversity Content = the data (title, subject term, etc.) AACR data, EAD data, DC data, ONIX data, … Different use of content rules: Does MARC main entry = DC creator = ONIX contributor? More types – administrative, structural, product data, rights management Global library community convergence on AACR for descriptive metadata?

11 We see markup diversity Markup = data tagging MARC 21 tags, DC tags, ONIX tags, MAB tags, UNIMARC tags HTML tags EAD DTD tags (XML tag sets easy to establish) Global library community convergence on MARC 21 and EAD?

12 We see different structures Structure = record “arrangement” ISO 2709 Microsoft Access DTDs, Schemas SGML, XML, HTML, ?ML family Convergence on XML, Schemas

13 And at LC we have 13,000,000 MARC 21bibliographic records in primary catalog 5,000,000 MARC 21 name authority records 300,000 MARC 21 subject records 350 trained catalogers Integrated Library System

14 Descriptive metadata evolution Need to take advantage of XML Establish standard MARC 21 in an XML structure Need simpler (but compatible) alternatives Development of MODS Need interoperability with different schemas Assemble coordinated set of tools Need continuity with current data Provide flexible transition options

15 MARC 21 evolution to XML

16 MARC 21 (2709) MARC 21 (2709) records Highly developed semantic content Installed base of 1000s of MARC 21 systems Over 1,000,000,000 MARC 21 records in local and network systems Accessible to 100s of Z39.50 clients Thousands of librarians who “speak” MARC 21

17 MARC 21 (2709) record (machine view) 00967cam 2200277 a 4500 001000800000005001700008008004100025020005300229040 001800282050002400312082002100336100003000357245007 400387260004400461300003500505440001200540500002000 552650004200572651002500614 347139419990429094819.1931129s1994 wauab 001 0 eng a 93047676 a0898863872 (acid-free, recycled paper) :c$14.95 aDLCcDLCcDLC 00aGV1046.G3bG47 199400a796.6/4/09432201 aSlavinski, Nadine,d1968- 10aGermany by bike :b20 tours geared for discovery /cNadine Slavinski. aSeattle, Wash. :bMountaineers,cc1994. a238 p. :bill., maps ;c22 cm. 0aBy bike aIncludes index. 0aBicycle touringzGermanyxGuidebooks.

18 MARCXML - MARC 21 in XML MARCXML record XML exact equivalent of MARC (2709) record Lossless/roundtrip conversion to/from MARC 21 record Simple flexible XML schema, no need to change when MARC 21 changes Presentations using XML stylesheets Converters available from LC, open source LC using with OAI, METS, ZING Adopted by OAI to replace oai_marc

19 MARC21 (2709) to MARCXML 00967cam 2200277 a 4500 3471394 19990429094819.1 931129s1994 wauab 001 0 eng 0898863872 (acid-free, recycled paper) : $14.95 DLC GV1046.G3 G47 1994 796.6/4/0943 20 Slavinski, Nadine, 1968-

20 MARCXML record (continued) Germany by bike : 20 tours geared for discovery / Nadine Slavinski. Seattle, Wash. : Mountaineers, c1994. 238 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. By bike Includes index. Bicycle touring Germany Guidebooks.

21 MODS Metadata Object Description Schema – a MARC 21 companion Simpler element set than full MARC, but MARC semantics - simplified coded data Richer element set than DC More compatible with MARC than others “Friendly” schema and tagging, no coded values Special accommodation of electronic resources

22 MODS for electronic resources Development electronic resources an important target input from several digital library projects Xlink attribute throughout Related item structure supports hierarchy needed for complex digital objects Digital origin attribute Several date types specifically for digital projects (e.g., capture) E-resource identifiers, e.g., DOI

23 MODS LC uses of MODS Describing electronic resources AV project, web archiving Technician input web archiving Incorporation with XML resources METS projects OAI collections LC offers MODS, MARCXML, DC simple

24 MARCXML to MODS Germany by bike : 20 tours geared for discovery / Slavinski, Nadine, 1968- creator text wau Seattle, Wash. : Mountaineers, c1994. 1994 monographic eng 238 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. Nadine Slavinski. Includes index.

25 MODS (continued) Bicycle touring Germany Guidebooks. GV1046.G3 G47 1994 796.6/4/0943 By bike 0898863872 (acid-free, recycled paper) : 93047676 DLC 931129 19990429094819.1 3471394

26 MARCXML and DC DC application target – cross domain, metadata in document headers Transformation software important to help standardize crosswalks - LC already maintains DC  MARC 21 mapping Transformation available from LC, open source Offer items for OAI harvesting in DC (MARCXML and MODS)

27 MARCXML to DC Germany by bike : 20 tours geared for discovery Slavinski, Nadine, 1968- text Seattle, Wash. : Mountaineers, c1994. eng Bicycle touring

28 MARCXML from ONIX Publisher/bookseller record to MARC (2709) via MARCXML Complex XML format with traditional descriptive data possibilities potentially useful descriptive data LC does not currently have or supply publisher/bookseller data not of current interest

29 02 Clarion Books HMCo008 Houghton Mifflin Company New York US 20021021 2002 08 0.0 lb A little buckaroo is turning two in this birthday book for the very young, the fifth story about the delightful holiday mice. Mischief and near disaster abound when the littlest ouses sister and brothers throw him a cowboy-themed party. Through simple rhymes and charming illustrations, readers witness the party preparations, the rrival of the guests, the opening of presents, and the blowing out of the candles, as well as the ensuing fulfillment of the little mouses fondest birthday wish: to be a cowboy. 04 05 01 ftp://imag These images may be used only to promote the Houghton Mifflin publications with which they are associated. They may be used only in their entirety without any alteration, other than to change the size of the images. The images must be accompanied by any proprietary notice included therewith. Snip from ONIX record

30 New York Houghton Mifflin Company 2002 32 p. Children/juvenile. Cushman, Doug illustrator Front cover image venile_jacket_low_res/fall_2002/0618077723.tif These images may be used only to promote the Houghton Mifflin publications with which they are associated. They may be used only in their entirety without any alteration, other than to change the size of the images. The images must be accompanied by any proprietary notice included therewith. Snip from MARCXML from ONIX

31 MARCXML – other tools Tagging transformations Name instead of number tags? Different language tags for MODS? MARC 21 XML “full” tagging oai_marc to MARCXML Character set transformations MARCXML to FRBR tool (for experimentation) MARC record validation tool

32 Uses of MARCXML and related tools Standardize MARC 21 across community for XML communication and manipulation Open MARC 21 to XML programming tools and presentation style sheets Standardize MARC 21 for OAI harvesting Standardize transformations to and from other standard formats (DC, ONIX, …) Basis for evolution while maintaining standardization

33 Broader metadata needs LC descriptions of digitized items includes technical and rights data not appropriate for MARC Focusing on METS - Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard Descriptive, administrative, and structural in one XML document

34 Characteristics of METS METS enables resource retrieval, object validation, preservation, rights mgt.,... Non-proprietary; being developed by library community (relatively) Simple; extensible; modular

35 METS Schema

36 METS use LC Moving image project Selected digital collections Developing a record creation utility Others BnF web archiving and digital preservation OCLC web archiving NL Wales digital collections Harvard audio collection Michigan State, Berkeley, etc.

37 In summary LC focuses on AACR, MARC 21, and EAD for primary access New development is evolutionary Employing XML through MARCXML Focus for electronic documents in MODS, a MARC derivative For broader metadata, METS and appropriate extension schema

38 More information

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