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CAA O PTIONS : U PDATES AND R EQUIREMENTS November 2007 CAA Options RAW Workshops Amanda Mount.

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Presentation on theme: "CAA O PTIONS : U PDATES AND R EQUIREMENTS November 2007 CAA Options RAW Workshops Amanda Mount."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAA O PTIONS : U PDATES AND R EQUIREMENTS November 2007 CAA Options RAW Workshops Amanda Mount

2 O BJECTIVES What’s up with the requirements for the CAA Options The Collection of Evidence Advanced Placement and College Admission Test Scores The WASL/Grades Comparison The guidelines for score appeals, transfer students and students with “special, unavoidable circumstances” Where you can go for more information

3 W HAT DID THE L EGISLATURE DO ? No change in Reading and Writing graduation requirements Postponed the requirement that students meet the Mathematics and Science standards However, students not meeting the math standard must earn additional math credits and take a state-level assessment annually Expanded/modified the CAA Options Allowed students to access the CAA Options after taking WASL once Added AP and College Admission Test scores Added SAT/ACT Reading and Writing Added Advanced Placement test scores Phased out the PSAT-Math after August 2008 Required students to have a 3.2 cumulative GPA for the WASL/Grades comparison

4 C HANGES TO C LASS OF 2008 A CCESS TO CAA O PTIONS Seniors in the class of 2008 may now access the CAA Options BEFORE they take the Spring WASL This decision applies only to seniors in the class of 2008 This decision was reached because the class of 2008 is the first class for whom graduation requirements have been implemented This decision was reached because the Legislature changed the graduation requirements during their high school years

5 C LASS OF 2008 A CCESS TO THE CAA O PTIONS Current seniors (entered 9 th grade in 2004-05) who have not yet taken a WASL) may submit a COE on February 15, 2008 OSPI will score the COE but will not validate the COE score until after the student has taken the Spring 2008 WASL When the student takes the WASL in March/April, the districts shall be informed of the student’s status on the COE before May 27, 2008

6 C LASS OF 2008 A CCESS TO THE CAA O PTIONS Private School Students and Home School Students who have entered public school and are part of the Class of 2008 may also access the CAA Options by submitting a collection February 15, 2008. They must also take the March/April WASL for their CAA Options score to count towards graduation

7 C LASS OF 2008 A CCESS TO THE CAA O PTIONS Students will still have to make a “genuine effort” on the WASL and generate a scale score in order to have their CAA Options score verified and validated Students have to sit for both days of the test in order to generate a scale score If any student does not attend one or both days of the WASL administration, their CAA Options score will not count, and the only recourse will be the appeal “for special or unavoidable circumstances”

8 AP AND C OLLEGE A DMISSION T EST S CORES Allows a student's SAT, ACT or AP test score to meet the reading, writing, and math standards Tests scores may be earned before or after taking the WASL PSAT mathematics scores may be used until August 31, 2008

9 C OLLEGE T ESTS C UT S CORES Mathematics - PSAT: 47 SAT: 470 ACT: 19 Reading - SAT:350 ACT: 13 Writing - SAT: 380 ACT: To be set at a later date, not enough data available to conduct the data analysis

10 AP AND C OLLEGE A DMISSION T EST S CORES ( CONTINUED ) Advanced Placement Examinations Students must score at least a three (out of five) Approved tests: For mathematics, Calculus and Statistics For writing, English Language and Composition For reading, the English Literature and Composition, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, United States History, World History, United States Government and Politics, or Comparative Government and Politics examination. Advanced Placement tests- the process for reimbursement will be determined by Spring 2008 and noted on the web page.

11 AP AND C OLLEGE A DMISSION T EST S CORES ( CONTINUED ) SAT and ACT- Identify eligible students, interested students fill out registration and voucher form and school mails it to the College Board, students take the test. A fee voucher is available for students taking the ACT and SAT. Requirements to use a voucher are: Intend to use the test as a CAA Option One-time use, for one test only Must register at school with the voucher attached to the registration form No on-line registration

12 AP AND C OLLEGE A DMISSION T EST S CORES ( CONTINUED ) Completion steps for PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP: A form to verify the student’s score and record it in the state student information system is available. o Send verification form and score report to OSPI o Upon receipt of approval letter from OSPI (one sent to the Principal and one to the District Assessment Coordinator) keep a copy in the student’s school and district cumulative file. The voucher and verification forms can be found at:

13 WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON Compares grades of the student with the grades of other students in the school: Who took the same Mathematics or English/language arts courses in the high school; AND Who met or slightly exceeded the standard (Level 3) on the WASL If the student’s grades in the classes are above the mean grades of this “comparison cohort,” the student meets the standard

14  Highest Math WASL score = 390  Took Algebra I and Geometry  Average grades for the two classes: 2.9 Frank Students in the high school who took Algebra I and Geometry The “Comparison Cohort” Students who scored in Level 3 on the mathematics assessment Mean grades of “Comparison Cohort”: 2.7 Frank’s average grades: 2.9 Meets the mathematics standard WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON

15 WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON ( CONTINUED ) Eligibility: Must be in 12 th grade Have a 3.2 cumulative GPA or higher # of courses equivalent of two annual high school credits o Courses must be eligible for mathematics or English/Language arts credits Must use “most recent” courses Level 3 students used to define the “comparison cohort” o Level 4 may be used if not enough students in cohort using just Level 3 Excel spreadsheet is available to complete calculation Microsoft Access tool is available to identify cohort and complete calculation School district compiles Grade History and WASL score files Access tool identifies the cohort completes the calculation

16 WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON UPDATE Eligibility requirements stay the same with one clarification: OSPI has been asked about: Students enrolled in the Segmented Math class. They are immediately unable to access the WASL/GPA Comparison because there is not a “cohort” group as everyone in the class has not passed the WASL. Similarly, there are students who could not put together a cohort using their two most recent classes. However, if they used their first and third most recent classes, a cohort was able to be built.

17 WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON UPDATE If a cohort group cannot be established using the most recent classes, please implement the following procedure: Progressively select earlier classes for a student until a cohort is established. Remember: same class, same year. This is the only way to build a cohort. Begin by reviewing the junior and senior classes. If a cohort is not established, move on to include sophomore classes. If a cohort is not established, move on to freshman classes.

18 WASL/G RADES C OMPARISON ( CONTINUED ) Completion steps for WASL/Grades Submit the Worksheet Summary from the Excel spreadsheet or 2 page Student Summary Report from the Microsoft Access tool to the CAA Options Program Student eligibility must be verified and Summary Report signed. OSPI will review the information Upon receipt of approval letter from OSPI (one sent to the Principal and one to the District Assessment Coordinator) keep a copy in the student’s school and district cumulative file.

19 S CORE A PPEALS Requirements: High school assessments only Did not meet the standard Must view the assessment and identify the scoring error Fixing the problem would result in the student meeting the standard Appeal must be filed 30 days after viewing the assessment Guidelines:

20 T RANSFER STUDENT WAIVERS Available for waiving CAA/CIA requirements for students who transfer in their 11 th or 12 th grade from out-of-state CAA or CIA requirement may be waived for students who have met standards on a high school assessment in math and English/Language arts in another state Assessment must be used for NCLB or be an e xit exam Student eligible to graduate, but does not receive a CAA/CIA Application available at: Out-of-state and out-of-country transfer students may access the CAA options without first taking the WASL

21 T RANSFER STUDENT WAIVERS Complete the Out-of-State Transfer Student Waiver in full – be sure to include student name, 10 digit SSID, birth date and the out-of-state score report Submit the waiver via fax or mail to the CAA Options Program OSPI will review the information Upon receipt of approval letter from OSPI (one sent to the Principal and one to the District Assessment Coordinator) keep a copy in the students school and district cumulative file.

22 S PECIAL, U NAVOIDABLE C IRCUMSTANCE A PPEALS Available to students in senior year Special, unavoidable circumstances include: Not being able to take or complete an assessment; A major irregularity in the administration of the assessment; Loss of the assessment material; Failure to receive an accommodation; or Students who transfer in the twelfth grade year after March 1.

23 S PECIAL, U NAVOIDABLE C IRCUMSTANCES : D ECISION C RITERIA Criteria The student was not able to successfully demonstrate his or her skills on the WASL, on a CAA Option, or on a special education assessment; No other recourse or remedy exists prior to the student's expected graduation date; The student is on track to meet all other grad requirements; and In the board's best judgment, the student “more likely than not” possesses the skills and knowledge required to meet the state standard. Appeal Board of Principals, other educators makes recommendation to OSPI. OSPI makes decision. CAA or CIA waived: Student eligible to graduate For additional information email at or phone 360-725-6434

24 C OLLECTION OF E VIDENCE (COE) It is an “alternative option” to meeting proficiency on the state standards and earning a Certificate of Academic Achievement. Students must take the large-scale, criterion-referenced test—the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL)—before accessing the COE The COE must be comparable (or exceed) in content and rigor to the WASL It is a classroom-centered collection of student work that features examples of assignments that align with the state standards

25 W HAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COE? It contains examples of student work that show accurate demonstrations of student performance It can be collected over time It can include teacher assistance It can include the use of approved resources It allows opportunities for students to review, revise, and select their best work It can be geared towards a student’s particular interests, cultural background, and/or specific academic or technical area of focus

26 C OLLECTIONS FROM J UNE 2007 Mathematics 1800 registered 727 were received 9 were insufficient 332 met standard

27 C OLLECTIONS FROM J UNE 2007 Writing 250 registered 31 were received 31 were sufficient 7 met standard

28 C OLLECTIONS FROM J UNE 2007 Reading 237 registered 18 were received 18 were sufficient 15 met standard

29 H OW DO I SUBMIT A COE? Schools send the COEs to the district District conducts a local sufficiency review Districts sends the COEs to OSPI Collections must be postmarked no later than submission date Scoring process State Sufficiency review Scoring Reporting of scores to schools, districts, students and parents

30 R EGISTRATION D ATES Registration for Winter 2008 opened October 15 and closes December 15. Submission date is February 15, 2008 Registration for Spring 2008 opens January 15 and closes April 15. Submission date is June 16, 2008

31 E NROLLMENT V ERIFICATION P ROCESS OSPI will request information from the DAC regarding the actual numbers of COE submissions. It will be on WAMS Enrollment verifications must include how many collections will be submitted from a school within a district. Number by content area Number of augmented collections Enrollment verification response time is December 17 until January 7

32 COE I NSERTS AND B INDERS We will prepare and mail content specific binders to the District Assessment Coordinators. The contents will include a Student Information Form, Work Sample Documentation Form and Work Sample Sign- off Forms. The binders will need to be distributed to the schools. Binders will be sent to the districts January 18. For the February COE submission binders are to be postmarked by February 15, 2008.

33 A DMINISTRATORS …. Read the memos and bulletins from OSPI. Please step up and inform your students that the options are for them. It is a state law and schools and districts are required to follow it. Commit to your teachers that you will support them with many types of resources—COE training, release time from the classroom for planning, collaboration opportunities across content areas. Provide COE experts to train your staff. The COE is aligned to state standards and there is not a better professional development out there. Learn your responsibilities for the COE. SIGN THE FORMS and make sure your teachers and students do too. Do a local sufficiency review at the district level before you submit the collections. Don’t let the kids get penalized.

34 T HAT ’ S ALL FOLKS … Call us, write us, visit us. Our job is to serve you. Catherine Taylor, Ph.D., Director of Assessment Alternatives and Innovations (360) 725-6061 Lesley Klenk, Ph.D., CAA Options Administrator (360) 725-6330 Amanda Mount, CAA Options Analyst (360) 725-6037 Anton Jackson, Mathematics Initiative Specialist (360) 725-6437 Steve Pearse, Ed.D., COE Writing Consultant (360) 725-6037

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