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OLC, 1105 Schrock Road, Suite 440, Columbus, OH 43229-1174 Ph: (614) 410-8092, Fax: (614) 410-8098, Government Relations Update June.

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Presentation on theme: "OLC, 1105 Schrock Road, Suite 440, Columbus, OH 43229-1174 Ph: (614) 410-8092, Fax: (614) 410-8098, Government Relations Update June."— Presentation transcript:

1 OLC, 1105 Schrock Road, Suite 440, Columbus, OH 43229-1174 Ph: (614) 410-8092, Fax: (614) 410-8098, E-mail: Government Relations Update June 9, 2010

2 FY ‘10 – ’11 Biennium Budget  $50 billion over 2 yrs.  Balanced  Sales tax above estimates  Personal tax payments 16.3% under estimates  121,000 net increase in jobs Feb. – Mar.  Medicaid underspending

3 FY ’12 – ’13 Biennium Budget ??????????????? - $ 8 billion ???????????????

4 FY ’12 – ’13 Biennium Budget  How do you balance the next biennium budget?  Increased Revenue VLTs Fees Gambling Federal $$$ Taxes Bake Sales


6 FY ’12 – ’13 Biennium Budget  How do you balance the next biennium budget?  Cut expenses Where? How?

7 Election Year  Governor’s Race  General Assembly

8 Educating Legislators  Home Days  Candidate Opportunities  Trustees  Materials / Message

9 Educating Legislators  Message  We have strong and successful libraries. Key public service, used by all ages. Critical asset for Ohio competitiveness as a place to live and work.  The further we advance into the information age, the more Ohioans are using their libraries.  88% of Ohio voters rate their local libraries as excellent or good.

10 Educating Legislators  Background  Importance of state funding Good libraries throughout Ohio, not just economically advantaged areas Collaboration  History of state funding Intangibles tax 1930’s - 1984 LLGSF 1985 – 2006 6.3% of personal income 5.7% of personal income PLF 2007 – current 2.22% 1.97%

11 Educating Legislators PLF/LLGSF: 2001 - 2009 $ Difference% Difference$ Difference% Difference YearAmountYear-Year from 2001 2001 $ 496,458,342 2002 457,671,290 (38,787,052)-7.81% (38,787,052)-7.81% 2003 452,648,009 (5,023,281)-1.10% (43,810,333)-8.82% 2004 455,470,323 2,822,3140.62% (40,988,019)-8.26% 2005 457,692,919 2,222,5960.49% (38,765,423)-7.81% 2006 457,970,324 277,4050.06% (38,488,018)-7.75% 2007 457,970,324 -0.00% (38,488,018)-8.40% 2008 450,578,991 (7,391,333)-1.61% (45,879,351)-9.24% 2009 370,367,615 (80,211,376)-17.80% (126,090,727)-25.40%

12 Educating Legislators  Local Message  Traffic / circulation  Special programs – Ready To Read, Job Search, Homework Help Centers  Hours  Staff Materials

13 Educating Legislators  Post Election materials  Funding  Trustees  Children

14 Eliminating the Income Tax  HB 400  43% of state revenue  Congressman Kasich

15 County Prosecutor’s Ruling  Federal judge  Legislative action – Rep. Murray  Amendment  Bill  Letter to prosecutors / directors  What does this mean?  Advisory  Representation?

16 Local Government Commission  Report due September 1, 2010  26 recommendations  Review library organization

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