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A Rapid Survey on e- learning/web-based Teaching Potential at the College of Agriculture, University of Ghana, Legon SGK Adiku Dept. of Soil Science, University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Rapid Survey on e- learning/web-based Teaching Potential at the College of Agriculture, University of Ghana, Legon SGK Adiku Dept. of Soil Science, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Rapid Survey on e- learning/web-based Teaching Potential at the College of Agriculture, University of Ghana, Legon SGK Adiku Dept. of Soil Science, University of Ghana. Legon

2 Introduction College established; – first as Dept of Agriculture in 1948, elevated to Faculty and later to College in 2004 – Currently 70 Lecturers and Researchers

3 Issues/Problems 1. Students enrolment has increased drastically in recent years – 1979: 100 students, 60 Lecturers – 2011: 1000 students (900 undergraduate+ 100 post graduate), 80 Lecturers 2. Physical space has not expanded significantly. 3. Face-to-face teaching only 30% effective Explore alternative ways of teaching and learning (e.g. e- learning)

4 Materials and Methods Mental Map Mental Map

5 Plan of Study Activity A: Needs Assessment A1. Identify stakeholders A2. Develop mind map from cross section of stakeholders A3. Develop and test Questionnaire A4. Interview stakeholders A5. Analyze questionnaire Milestone A: Activity B: Prepare Budgets and seek funding B1. Identify and determine hardware & software cost elements B2. Indentify and determine personnel cost elements B3. Develop proposal & seek funding B4. Prepare procurement bids and tender Milestone B: Activity C: Enhance computing capacity C1. Employ additional Technical Staff & enhance bandwidth C2. Purchase hardware, increase lab capacity & wireless spots C3. Purchase and install e-based teaching software C4. Strengthen Technical support Unit Milestone C: Activity D: Train staff and students in web-based course delivery D1. Digitize all lecture notes D2. Develop training modules for lecturers and train them D3. Develop training modules for students and train them D4. Run pilot e-based teaching & learning for one month D5. Carry out SWOT analysis on the pilot project D6. Final project report Milestone D:

6 Materials and Methods Structured questionnaires served on: – 60 randomly selected undergraduate students – 20 randomly Post-graduate students – 20 randomly Lecturers/Researchers – Questionnaires analyzed using Excel – Summary statistics, figures, etc.

7 Modes of Lecture delivery (a) students’ response and (b) Lecturers’ response

8 Modes of Lecture delivery: Lecturers’ responses

9 Proficiency in computer literacy (a); students (b) Lecturers

10 Students’ access to Computer laboratory

11 Download knowledge by students

12 Support for laptop ownership scheme by students

13 Previous participation in on-line and e-learning by Lecturers

14 What are the Challenges to migration to e-learning: students’ view

15 What are the Challenges to migration e-learning: Lecturers’ viewpoint

16 Are Lecturers ready to migrate to e- learning course delivery?

17 Conclusion Lecturers and students in the College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences are willing to welcome the e-learning/web-based learning and teaching. However, there are a number of challenges that must be overcome for a successful introduction of e-learning/web-based teaching into the College of Agriculture. These include: – Need for improved computer infrastructure/hardware accessibility – – Need for a scheme to support computer ownership by students and Lecturers – Need for expansion of wireless internet access – Need for education and training in e-learning and web-based teaching and learning – Policy framework, prevention of copyright breaches.

18 Conclusion cont’d Need to cost and seek funding to support migration to e-learning, Need for a pilot project to study the introduction of e-learning/web-based teaching.


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