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Steel Connections Program to calculate steel structures connections according to EC3 and DIN18800.

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Presentation on theme: "Steel Connections Program to calculate steel structures connections according to EC3 and DIN18800."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steel Connections Program to calculate steel structures connections according to EC3 and DIN18800

2 Theoretic Analysis Overview
The program Steel Connections calculates and designs connections in steel frames. The analysis and the dimensioning is based upon either EC3 or DIN The theoretic basis of the program covers the following types of joints: Nominally pinned joints Rigid joints Semi-Rigid joints Full strength joints Partial strength joints The program classifies the beam to column joints by their stiffness in: rigid semi rigid and nominally pinned joints. Steel Connections

3 Method of global analysis Classification criterion
Analysis Techniques Type of joint model Method of global analysis Classification criterion Used connections Simple All Stiffness Nominally pinned Strength Continuous Elastic Rigid Rigid Plastic Full strength Elastic - Plastic Semi continuous Semi Rigid Partial strength Elastic Plastic Steel Connections

4 Connection Classification
By Stiffness Rigid Semi-rigid Nominally pinned By Strength Full-Strength Partial-Strength Nominally pinned Steel Connections

5 Rotational Stiffness (Sj)
The rotational stiffness of the joint is being determined from the flexibilities of its basic components each represented by its elastic stiffness coefficient ki. Ki is the stiffness coefficient for basic joint component i and The results related with rotational stiffness and all the ki coefficients (where ever needed) appear in the output forms of the program. Steel Connections

6 Classification by Stiffness
Zone 2: Semi -rigid M Boundary 1 Zone 1: Rigid Zone 3: Nominally pinned Boundary 2 M-Φ Diagram A beam-to-column joint may be classified as rigid, nominally pinned or semi-rigid according to its stiffness, by determining it’s initial rotational stiffness Sj,ini Steel Connections

7 Classification by Strength
A beam-to-column joint may be classified as full-strength, nominally pinned or partial strength by comparing its moment resistance with the moment resistances of the members that it joins. Full Strength: Mj,Rd> Mpl,Rd,b Partial Strength: Mj,Rd< Mpl,Rd,b Nominally Pinned: Mj,Rd < 0.25 Mpl,Rd,b Steel connection computes Mpl,Rd of beam, and informs the user for the connection classification according to strength. Steel Connections

8 Connection Resistance - Basic Components (1)
The strength of the connection is being calculated using the strength of the connections components which are named “Basic Components”. For the beam to column moment connection Strength of welded joints The strength of the connection is being calculated using the following "basic components": The strength of the column web panel in shear (Vwp,Rd) The strength of the column web in compression (Fc,wc,Rd) The strength of the column web in tension (Ft,wc,Rd) The strength of the column flange in bending (Ft,fc,Rd) The strength of the beam flange and web in compression (Fc,fb,Rd) The strength of the beam web in tension (Ft,wb,Rd) The lever arm (z) The strength of the welds. Strength of bolted connections The strength of the connection is being calculated using the previous plus the following "basic components": The strength of the end plate in bending (Ft,ep,Rd) The strength of the bolts in tension, in shear and in bearing The lever arm (z). Steel Connections

9 Connection Resistance - Basic Components (3)
For the Beam to Column connection with angle cleats Bolt's resistance in Shear Cleat's resistance in Bearing Strength of Cleat in Shear Strength of Cleat in Rupture Strength of Beam in Shear Strength of Beam in Moment Column's Web in Bearing For the Foundation Connection Anchor's Resistance in Tension Anchors Resistance in Shear Resist. of Footing Pl. in Bearing Concrete Resistance in Compression Column's Resistance in Compression Footing Plate Resistance in Tension Resistance of The Welds Steel Connections

10 Connection Resistance - Basic Components (4)
For the Beam Splice Connection Bolt's Resistance in Shear Bolt's Resistance in Bearing Strength of Bolts in Shear Strength of flange Plate in Tension Strength of web Plate in Shear Welds Resistance of Flange Plate Strength of plate in rupture Strength of beam in rupture For the Tube Splice Connection Effective Length per Bolt Resistance in Compression Resistance in Tension Resist. of Compressioned Bolt in Shear Resist. of Tensioned Bolt in Shear Resistance of Bolt in Bearing Welds Stresses Steel Connections

11 Connection Resistance - Basic Components (5)
For the Truss joint connection with Plate Bolt's resistance in Shear Member's Resistance in Bearing Member's Resistance in Rupture Member's Resistance in Axial Plate's Resistance in Bearing Plate's Resistance in Moment Plate's Resistance in Axial Plate's Resistance in Shear Weld's Resistance in Moment Weld's Resistance in Axial Weld's Resistance in Shear For the K or N type joint Resistance in Chord Face Failure Resistance in Brace Failure Resistance of Chord in Shear Resistance in Punching Shear Resistance in Chord's Web Stability Resistance of Chord in Shear NoRd Steel Connections

12 Equivalent T-stub – Bolted joints
In bolted joints the flange of an equivalent T-stub may be used to model the resistance of the following basic components: column flange in bending end-plate in bending flange cleat in bending Steel Connections

13 Failure modes of actual components and equivalent T-stub flanges
The “Actual component” the “Equivalent T-stub” the “Force diagram” and the “Moment diagram” are presented for three different failure modes. Steel Connections

14 Note: It is important to state that this program cannot be used to check the strength of the members of a steel frame. The program only checks the member’s components very near to the connection and it assumes that a member’s check is already been done. Steel Connections

15 The Program Steel Connections

16 Main Menu Command Menu Main window Current state messages
Warning Messages Steel Connections

17 Support programs Steel Connections

18 Graphic section’s representation
Ser – Manager Manipulate all program’s section properties (change values or add-create user defined sections) Section Database Sections list Graphic section’s representation Required Data Steel Connections

19 DXF output Simple step generation of dxf files for every connection.
Scales database The program can be used undependably from Steel Connections Steel Connections

20 Pre-solved connections library (DIN 18800)
Is a very useful feature for searching for a connection that satisfies specific criteria Multiple search criteria Results presentation Graphic connection representation Steel Connections

21 Reading Nodes from a SOFiSTiK Database
Select analysis nodes, from a SOFiSTiK database, to import in Steel Connections. The selected nodes will be regarded as connections in the program. The selection is made graphically. Steel Connections

22 Translate Nodes to Connections
The Program tries to automatically define the members that take part in the connection for each node selected. If the user wishes to manually change or declare the members that take part in the connection he must simply right click on the desired member and select it from the popup menu. Steel Connections

23 Reading Loads from a SOFiSTiK Database
Import loads from SOFiSTiK database Steel Connections

24 Optimization Compute maximum or optional strength Input loads from
(Automatic optimum calculation for the “Beam to column moment connection”) Compute maximum or optional strength Input loads from SOFiSTiK databases Results representation. Both list and graphical Manipulation of possible allowed reinforcements Design restrictions regarding bolts (number of rows, type or quality) Steel Connections

25 Connection selection Graphic view Button selection and details
Steel Connections

26 Analysis Steel Connections

27 Supported Connection Types
Beam to column bolted connection. Flush or extended end plate configuration Beam to column welded connection Beam to column connection with angle cleats Beam to beam connection by angle cleats Beam splice connection Truss joint with plate K or N type joints Apex connection by flush or extended end plate Tube splice connection Foundation connection with or without shear elements Steel Connections

28 Graphic representation
Data Input Interactive Preview Window Simplified “Input Data” forms Graphic representation of all geometric data Steel Connections

29 Bolts calculations Independent Fully user customized data manipulation
bolt distances Automatic bolt layout generation Steel Connections

30 Graphic representations where ever needed
Graphic Results Layout Graphic representations where ever needed Representation of most common used results, according to connection’s elements checks Ability to handle multiple analysis results, at the same time, for comparison Steel Connections

31 Connection Classification According to Stiffness
Zone 1 Boundary Design Moment-Rotation Characteristic M-Φ diagram Zone 3 Boundary Initial rotational stiffness of the joint Steel Connections

32 Full Results Printout Ability to produce fully
customizable result files. The files can be stored for use in later time, or either modified with a simple text editor. The user have access to all the program’s strength results. According to the design code used for the analysis (EC3 or DIN18800) the connection’s "basic components“ strength is presented as well as all the calculations needed by the design code. Steel Connections

33 (Beam to column moment connection)
Example (Beam to column moment connection) Dimensioning of the basic components that form the connections on top left corner of the structure. The structure was already solved by SOFiSTiK programs. There is no restriction regarding the analysis type (eg: elastic, elastoplastic, serviceability, ultimate strength) Steel Connections

34 1. Select connection type
2. Add nodes from SOFiSTiK database Steel Connections

35 3. Check selected nodes Steel Connections

36 Every kind of loads can be applied to Steel Connections.
4. Add SOFiSTiK loadcases Presentation of nodes/loadcases Every kind of loads can be applied to Steel Connections. There is no restriction regarding analysis type (e.g. serviceability, ultimate strength, elastic, elastoplastic) Steel Connections

37 5. Bolt layout Steel Connections

38 Errors regarding strength of basic component's strength.
6. Results overview dbl click for more info Errors regarding strength of basic component's strength. The designed connection is not sufficient. Steel Connections

39 7. Results evaluation for every node-loadcase Steel Connections

40 8. Automatic correction of connection - Optimization
Steel Connections

41 1 1 2 1 9. Optimization results overview Optimization results
Transfer selected result to Steel Connections for further processing 1 1 2 1 Steel Connections

42 10. Optimized connection’s results overview
No error ratios. Optimum design –> Ratios close to 1 Steel Connections

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