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Benjamin Welle Stanford University Grant Soremekun Phoenix Integration

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1 Benjamin Welle Stanford University Grant Soremekun Phoenix Integration
Improving Multi-Disciplinary Building Design Geometry, Structural, Thermal, and Cost Trade-Off Studies using Process Integration and Design Optimization Benjamin Welle Stanford University Grant Soremekun Phoenix Integration Good morning everyone. My name is Benjamin Welle (intro), and this is Grant Soremekun (intro), and today we are going to discuss some joint research we are conducting in multi-disciplinary building design. This research considers the application of Process Integration and Design Optimization of building geometry, structural performance, energy and daylighting performance, and cost in support of providing design teams with better information earlier in the design process.

2 Overview Introduction to CIFE Research Objectives
Case Study: Classroom MDO Future Work / Q&A Phoenix Integration/ModelCenter

3 Introduction to the Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE)
An academic research center within the Civil and Environmental Engineering department at Stanford University: Research focus is on the Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) of Architecture – Engineering – Construction (AEC) projects in collaboration with our industry partners 3

4 Overview of CIFE Research Projects
Conceptual Phase Model-Based Design Integrated Concurrent Engineering Collective Decision Assistance 4D Construction Planning Design-Fabrication-Integration Building Performance Monitoring 4

5 Problem Statement and Project Objectives
Overview The time required for model-based structural and energy performance analysis feedback means few (if any) alternatives are evaluated before a decision is made. Objective Develop/utilize a platform to integrate CAD and analysis tools for design exploration and optimization that: Can interface with commonly used design tools in AEC industry Can support the following: Software automation Software integration Data visualization Simplification of running of trade studies Provides a robust, flexible and extensible environment Intuition Providing designers with this platform will allow them to systematically explore larger design space more efficiently and better understand those design spaces, resulting in higher performance and cost-effective design solutions. In a recent survey conducted by CIFE of some leading architectural and MEP firms, it was confirmed that on average, fewer than 3 design alternatives are considered for a building project. Software automation (automating execution of simulation, including variable input) Software Integration (data exchange between tools) Simplification of running of trade studies Data Visualization So, we wanted to find a methodology and develop the functionality to allow designers to better understand performance trade-offs between different disciplines in support of an Integrated Design Process. 5 5

6 Multidisciplinary Optimization Process
The MDO process we wanted to support is shown in this diagram. We wanted to be able to be able to extract a parametric model from Digital Project, by Gehry Technologies, and feed that geometric model downstream to a performance analysis tool for energy and structure. In this case we chose GSA and EnergyPlus. The results of these simulation were to then be considered in unison in determining how one should navigate through the design space. 6 6

7 Structural Steel Section Optimization Process
In the structural process, the structural design including beams columns and girders was to be extracted from DP, assigned section types from a separate database, run through the FEA, the design checked for code compliance, then finally processed by the optimizer. 7 7

8 Energy and Daylighting Optimization Process

9 Proof of Concept Case Study: Classroom
Design Variables Building orientation (0) Building length (L) Window to wall ratio (W) Structural steel sections Constraints Fixed floor area Structural safety Daylighting performance Objectives Minimize first cost for structural steel Minimize lifecycle operating costs for energy beam steel frame girder To run a constraint-based optimization, you need to define your……Explain Design Variables vs. Constraints vs. Objectives Explain length/width parametric reasoning Daylighting explanation-DetailedDaylighting, not Delight Orientation Length O column Window to Wall Ratio 9 9

10 Structural Model After investigating various development strategies and software platforms, we decided upon a software program called Phoenix Integration, which is a platform that supports MDO through process integration and design optimization, or what many simply refer to as PIDO. We’ll go into more detail later on this particular interface and process of setting up this model, but for now I’ll just describe what the model does.

11 Impact of Steel Section Sizes on Structure Cost
Values for section types / building length that yield best designs Each line represents a single design Each point represents a single design For the structural steel optimization, 4 variables that were considered: Length, and Steel section types for Beam, Column, Girder What are the best combinations of length and steel section type to minimize cost while meeting structural code requirements The two swaths on the left represent different beam depths, and the design points within each swath represent different weights within each beam depth category. Max DC Ratio- Steel Utilization Factor Thickness of columns irrelevant to the steel weight as do Beams and Girders. Top two building lengths are where all the best designs reside. As the length gets longer, the span gets shorter, making the beams more efficient. Total Cost Beam Sections Column Sections Girder Sections Building Length DC Ratio Max Cost Beam Section Type

12 Impact of Building Geometry on Structure Cost
Steel Cost vs. Building Length and Number of Columns total cost of steel structure building length (L) number of columns along length

13 Thermal Model

14 Impact of Design Variables on Energy Performance
Total Lifecycle Operating Costs vs. Orientation and Length Less Efficient Design of Experiments (DoE) allow for the visualization of the design space and an understanding of variable sensitivity and performance trends. The design space can be explored from a wide range of perspectives, including general trends using surface plots, actual data points using glyphs, and sensitivity data using bar charts Total Lifecycle Operating Costs ($/ 30 years) Surface plots are giving you a general idea of the performance trends and sweet spots in the design space. Length (mm) Most Efficient Orientation (deg)

15 Impact of Design Variables on Energy Performance (cont’d)
Total Lifecycle Operating Costs vs. Total Wall Area and Total Window Area Total Operating Cost Total Window Area Total Wall Area

16 Optimization vs. DoE Results for Energy and Daylighting Performance
The correlation between the optimum designs using DOE and the optimizer was extremely high. Simulation time to achieve optimum designs was reduced by 95%. Total Life-cycle Operating Costs vs. Orientation and Length Optimum areas of design space Total Life-cycle Costs ($/ 30 years) Surface plots show general trends, then use GA to find the exact designs that are best. Can use both the DoE and GA in parallel to check your results. Length (mm) Orientation (deg) DoE simulations Optimization-93 simulations

17 Optimization vs. DOE Results for Energy and Daylighting Performance
Comment on 3 design issue.

18 Multi-Disciplinary Model
Design Variables Building orientation 0-180 deg, 10 deg inc Building length 4-14m, 1m inc Window to wall ratio 0.1 to 0.9, 0.1 inc Structural steel sections Girders (65 types) Columns (7 types) Beams (65 Types Size of Design Space: 55,000,000 MDO Run: 5600 (0.01%) Time: 34 hours

19 Pareto Optimal Designs for Classroom MDO
Structural First Cost vs. Energy Lifecycle Cost Structural Cost vs. Energy Cost with Pareto Front Lifecycle Energy Cost ($/ 30 years) This is example of the type of information that this type of analysis can provided. This graph shows the design space from the perspective of structural first cost vs. energy lifecycle cost. Blue designs are the best. Down at the bottom you can see these little black x’s. These are pareto optimal designs and this curve here is the Pareto front. A pareto optimal design is one where you cannot improve in one performance objective without becoming worse in another. If one of these designs had a better structural cost and energy cost than another one, that other design would not be pareto optimal. Information like this provides the design with the ability to consider the design space from a myriad of perspectives. Obviously, preferences are a major variable on building projects. Preference for structure vs. energy. vs first cost. More time needs to be spend on analyzing absolute interpretations of the design space Structural Cost ($)

20 Pareto Optimal Designs for Classroom MDO
Building Length vs. Energy Lifecycle Cost

21 Pareto Optimal Designs for Classroom MDO
Building Length vs. Structural Cost Comment contrast between energy and structural objectives. One favors longer lengths, one favors shorter lengths. This type of objective conflict is representative of what design team encounter in practice.

22 Pareto Optimal Designs for Classroom MDO
Window to Wall Ratio vs. Energy Lifecycle Cost

23 Structural vs. Energy Performance
MDO Optimization of Structural vs. Energy Performance Optimal Designs with Varying Objectives Let me re-emphasize that an MDO of this nature isn’t meant to tell what per se what the best design is, rather it’s meant to provide you a set of useful information to make a more informed decision on what the best design is to meet your particular project goals. Importance: Objective functions weighted equally. If the weighting changes, the color coding will change. If energy performance is weighted higher, there will be more blue designs, though the Pareto Front will still remain the same. Genetic algorithms are one of the few optimization strategies suited to multi-objective optimizations.

24 Next Steps / Future Work
General: Make software wrappers more robust / flexible More complex building types Topology changes Parallel computing to reduce trade study run times Structural: Consider life cycle costs (embodied energy) Consider alternative structural materials Mechanical / Energy: Consider different constructions, HVAC equipment, internal loads, etc. Integrate the lighting simulation engine Radiance for daylighting performance Integrate the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation program FLUENT for space temperature stratification, air speed, and mean radiant temperature

25 Industry Collaborators:
Project Team Members Research Team: Forest Flager, Structural Engineer Benjamin Welle, Mechanical Engineer Prasun Bansal, Aerospace Engineer Kranthi Kode, Structural Engineer Victor Gane, Architect Industry Collaborators: Grant Soremekun, Phoenix Integration Gehry Technologies Supervised By: Professor John Haymaker 25 25

26 Questions and Answers Benjamin Welle
Grant Soremekun

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