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Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development Oradea, 13-14 November 2013 JASPERS Teo Falato, Transport Sector Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development Oradea, 13-14 November 2013 JASPERS Teo Falato, Transport Sector Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forum for Sustainable Mobility and Metropolitan Development Oradea, 13-14 November 2013 JASPERS Teo Falato, Transport Sector Specialist

2 Contents JASPERS overview Involvement of JASPERS in Urban Transport 2

3 JASPERS overview Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions Joint technical assistance facility (European Commission, EIB, EBRD, KfW) Beneficiary countries: –Twelve which joined EU in 2004 and 2007 (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) –Croatia, FYROM, Montenegro and Serbia –In 2013 assistance extended to Greece 3

4 Evolution of JASPERS Start-up Focus on concept/ feasibility studies Horizontal work 2007 JASPERS introduces “capacity building” Increased focus on strategic support Start of support to projects for next programming period Improved information sharing with IFI partners Start operations in Croatia 2011-2013 Increased focus on applications and EC review process Pilot phase: implementation support 2007-2009 Maintain project focus Increase capacity building, implementation support, strategic support Geographic expansion to IPA countries Networking platform Consolidate Sofia office Post 2013 Project Preparation Support is the focus 4

5 JASPERS rationale Stable long-term structure IFIs’ in-house technical capacity and experience Based in and managed by EIB but separate from EIB lending operations Close to beneficiaries: 70% of staff in regional offices 5 5

6 JASPERS objectives Improving the quality of major projects to be submitted for grant financing Accelerate the absorption of the available funds Building capacity within national administrations:  learning-by-doing/replicating successful methods  training seminars (e.g. cost-benefit analysis)  horizontal studies: background advice (e.g. state aid), spreading best practice 6

7 JASPERS Structure Focus on Sectors Staffing: 89 staff as of 25 June 2013, including 14 support staff Experts: engineers, economists and EIA specialists 70% of experts in regional offices Additional consultancy (JASPERS TA framework contracts) 7

8 JASPERS Sectors Roads  Road infrastructure  ITS  Road safety Air - Maritime - Public Transport  Ports  Airports  Rail  Urban Transport Water & Waste  Water supply  Flood management  Waste water treatment  Waste management Knowledge Economy, Energy  R&D  ICT  Energy, energy efficiency, renewable energy 8

9 JASPERS offices LUXEMBURG provides overall coordination and JASPERS services to Cyprus, Malta, Greece, FYROM, Montenegro and Serbia WARSAW office since November 2006: provides JASPERS services to Poland and the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania VIENNA office since March 2007: provides JASPERS services to Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia BUCHAREST office since April 2007 : provides JASPERS services to Bulgaria and Romania Sofia facility opened in March 2009 9

10 JASPERS Action Plan Assistance is provided on the basis of annual Action Plans agreed between JASPERS and each beneficiary country Action Plans are discussed/decided in co-operation between - the beneficiary country (Ministry of EU funds and Managing Authorities) - JASPERS - EC DG REGIO country desks 2007-2010 JASPERS Action Plans covered many projects but only under SOPs, ROP not included 2011 – first Action Plan including ROP – Urban Transport 10

11 Action Plan Cycle 11

12 JASPERS assistance -Mainly project preparation –Assistance from early stages of project through to the decision to grant assistance e.g. −Advice on conceptual development and project structuring −Advice on project preparation e.g. feasibility study, options analysis, cost-benefit analysis, financial analysis, environmental issues, procurement planning. −Advice on compliance with EU law (environmental, competition and others) and conformity with EU policies. - Implementation support and capacity development −PMUs −Procurement Plans, Tender Documents 12

13 JASPERS Action Plan 2013 Urban Transport Guidelines report on urban transport infrastructures Preparation of Urban Mobility Plans for the 7 growth poles & Bucharest/Ilfov Preparation of a pipeline of “no regret” public transport projects (e.g. rolling stock) for the next financing period 13

14 JASPERS Web Site Contact details JASPERS Bucharest Office Strada Vasile Lascar 31 020492 Bucharest, Sector 2 Romania

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