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Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY 1. TEN-T is a basic structure which shapes European transport.

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Presentation on theme: "Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY 1. TEN-T is a basic structure which shapes European transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY 1. TEN-T is a basic structure which shapes European transport system; 2. Its design is performed to: increase the efficiency of the single market, ensure the internal cohesion of the EU and enable smooth and sustainable movement of people and goods in the EU, ensure accessibility in all regions of the Union. 3. Thus redefined TEN-T network will determine investment priorities of European Commission in transport infrastructure until 2030 and beyond. 1

2 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY every 5 years European Commission carries out revision of the TEN-T. 2004 -2005 - the previous revision of the EU TEN-T guidelines; from 2009 until now - the current process of the guidelines’ revision, so- called big revision. It comprises:  review of the current implementation by Member States of the TEN-T priority projects and  Establishment of new rules for operation and methodology for determining the network. 12 June 2013 – a compromise was reached between Council and the European Partliment on the shape of the TEN-T Regulation in the first reading. Before it will enter into force it has to be aproved by the EP in the plenary voting which is expected to take place within 3 months. REVISION OF TEN-T 2

3 The main assumptions of future TEN-T development MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY 1.Creating a consistent and interoperable transport network of unified, high- technically parameteres throughout the EU in order to improve efficiency of the system (the current TEN-T Priority Projects do not form a coherent network); 2.Future development of TEN-T is based on a dual layer structure consisting of a comprehensive network and a core network; 3.Creation of core network corridors which are designed to better coordinate activities by Member States on the agreed core network elements in the new financial perspective 2014-2020; 4.Multimodal TEN-T network covers infrastructure of all modes of transport and appropriate traffic and information management systems. COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK The whole TEN-T network - providing equal access to all regions of the EU at the level of NUTS 2 (level of provinces in Poland). Estimated time of completion is 2050. CORE NETWORK Isolated from the comprehensive network. nodes and links of the most strategic and economical importance for the EU. Estimated time of completion is 2030. 3

4 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Trans-European Transport Network in Poland – Rail Legenda Existing TEN-T New TEN-T Other components of TEN-T 4 IWW

5 Legenda Exisiting TEN-T New TEN-T MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Trans-European Transport Network in Poland – ROADS Other components of TEN-T 5 IWW


7 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY CONCLUSIONS FROM THOSE MAPS? Numerous Polish proposals for the extension of the TEN-T demonstrate that the Polish Government attaches great importance to the development of a modern transport infrastructure in order to use fully the potential of Poland’s convenient location in the center of Europe; The density of the new TEN-T on Polish territory is similar to that in the EU-15 Member States; TEN-T network was supplemented by:  16 new sections of rail, including 2 on the core network;  14 new sections of road, including 3 on the core network;  two additional airports in Bydgoszcz (comprehensive network) and Łódź (core network)  additional seaport in Police (comprehensive network)  8 major urban nodes: Warszawa, Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Katowice, Gdańsk, Szczecin (core network),  16 logistic platforms 7

8 Development priorities for TEN-T multimodal infrastructure MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY In promoting the projects of common interest which relate to multi- modal infrastructure the priority will be given to the following: a.Assurance of effective interconnection and integration of comprehensive network infrastructure, including access infrastructure and freight terminals and logistic platforms; b.Removal of the most important technical and administrative barriers for multimodal transport; c.Assurance of smooth information flow between the various modes of transport and multimodal services and services related to one mode of transport across the European transport system. 8

9 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY SUMMARY Inclusion of numerous Polish proposals in the new TEN-T draft Guidelines highlights their European dimension in the context of the international transport; Underdeveloped transport infrastructure will gain the opportunity to continue the dynamic development with the support of EU funds, including the CEF; Provisions contained in the above-mentioned project, after its entry into force, will constitute an obligation for the Member States to invest in certain sections of the TEN-T that meet unified technical standards in time horizons to 2030 - for the core network and till 2050 - for the comprehensive network. 9

10 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY WATER MANAGEMENT - objectives 1)Reform of water management in Poland river basin water management policy sustainable development economic efficiency sustainability of ecosystems social acceptance adaptation to climate change 10

11 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY WATER MANAGEMENT – objectives cont. 11 2) Full transposition of UE directives into Polish law consolidation of authorities of water management into one competent body resposnsible for water issues financing of water management from state budget split of „water investments” from administration and planning issues clear distinction between waters of national and local importance enforcment of the provisions of the Water Framework Directive

12 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Danube Oder Elbe canal - project 12 Working Group establish working group in 2000 - initiative of the Czech Republic reactivation of working group - April 2010 cooperation with Poland and Slovakia preparing the Feasibility Study for Czech part of the canal – end of 2013 May 2013 Warsaw, Poland - meeting of Preisdents of Poland and Czech Republic – support for the project

13 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Odra 2006 project – main goals 13 1) establishing a system of active and passive flood protection, 2) protection of the natural environment and water quality, 3) removal of flood damage 4) preventive planning and restoration of ecosystems, 5) the maintenance and development of inland waterways - to achive 3rd class 6) The energy use of the rivers.

14 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Polish German agreement on cooperation on border Oder 14 Since 2008 the project of agreement has been elaborating. The main objective is to ensure the proper level of water depth for ice breaking.


16 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND MARITIME ECONOMY Szczecin Świnoujście 16 Szczecin Swinoujscie Ports are deeply interested in cooperating with inland navigation In 2012 in Szczecin Swinoujscie Ports the volume of cargo handling achived 800 000 tons.


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