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College of Europe Library & EDC

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1 College of Europe Library & EDC

2 Welcome The library has four collections: - Book collection - Periodicals collection - EDC collection: European Documentation Centre - European Union documents - International organisations documents - ECLC collection: European Career and Languages Centre


4 Book collection Reading room – 0 level 01. International relations. 02. Economic policy. Social policy. 03. Economics and economic research. Economic conditions. Economic doctrines and systems 04. Law. Public administration. Filip Coens Information about this collection Ground floor

5 Book collection Reading room – level 1 Take the first spiral staircase in the Reading Room on the ground floor 05 Social sciences – Culture – Society 06 Education – Training 07 Agriculture 08 Industry 09 Trade 10 Transport 11 Public finance – Banking – International monetary relations 12 Management – Productivity 13 Labour 14 Demography – Population 15 Biology. Food. Health 16 Environment 17 Earth science. Space science 18 Science – Research – Methodology 19 Information – Documentation - Terminology First floor

6 How to find a book in the Reading Room 01.01.00 05 MICO 05.01.01 21(4.15) WAND White labels The first row of numbers (subject) From 01.01.00 until 04.20.05 (  ground floor) The letter combination  first 4 letters of author From 05.01.01 until 19.03.03 (  1 st floor  via spiral stairs) If you have a number combination between ( )  this is the country code. It could be that this book is a few shelves further than the code without one.

7 Periodicals The periodicals are situated on - Ground floor (on the display unit): Most recent issue of the most popular periodicals - 2nd floor : the collection Katrien Gunst Information about this collection 2nd floor Level 0 Level 2

8 How to find a periodical 2nd floor - ground floor White labels with a P on top All periodicals are kept on the 2nd floor the first letter on the label is P (=Periodicals) Look at the information desk (map with directions) The most recent issues on the ground floor in alphabetical order on the display shelf situated in the middle of the reading room Can only be consulted at the library Check the intranet library web pages to research the electronic information resources P 03.01.01 04 ECON

9 Ground floor Student Study Room European Documentation Centre International Organisations green label Council of Europe green label United Nations, GATT/WTO, World Bank, red label IMF etc. red label blue label Other international organisations : blue label –EFTA –Benelux –Nordic Council –American Development Bank –Asian Development Bank –Bank of International Settlements –EBRD Mieke Lievens Information about this collection

10 European Documentation Centre (EDC) yellow label -European Union yellow label grey label -OECD grey label 1 2 First floor 1 2

11 How to find an EDC document you’ll find these on the Ground floor You’ll find these on the First floor 04.19.00 01 ZJOL Doc centre Doc centre - Communautés européennes 04.19.00 001 ZJOL 09.01.03 014 PROD Doc centre OCDE 09.01.03 014 PROD CODE IS MENTIONED IN THE ONLINE CATALOGUE 09.01.03 014 ACCE Doc centre United Nations and related organisations 09.01.03 014 ACCE 15.05.0 019 TRAI Doc centre CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE 15.05.00 019 TRAT Doc centre Other organisations 01.03.02 006 SOCI

12 European Careers and Languages Centre (ECLC) - Careers information : - books on CV's - practical job hunting skills - tests - Languages information : - Language courses - films, novels - Appliances : Cd-ROMs, DVD's, headphones, dictaphones may be borrowed at the library counter Ground floor Language Room Next to faculty room  level 1 ECLC  level 0

13 Reserve book collection Reader Information Desk What? books marked RESERVE on your reading list Where? They are kept behind the Reader Information Desk Procedure? They can only be consulted at the library (before you take them into the Reading Room, you need to fill in the registration form at the Reader information desk) Ground floor Marijn Vandenberghe Information about this service

14 Level 0 Newspapers Clicking on the newspaper, links you directly to the internet version of the newspaper. The paper version is available at the Reader information desk. Daily - Le Monde- The Financial Times - Libération- The Herald Tribune - La libre Belgique- De Standaard - Corriere della serra- El Pais - Frankfurter AllgemeineLe MondeThe Financial TimesLibérationThe Herald TribuneLa libre BelgiqueDe StandaardCorriere della serraEl PaisFrankfurter Allgemeine Weekly - The Economist- The Bulletin - L’Express- The European Voice - Der Spiegel- WablieftThe EconomistThe BulletinL’ExpressThe European VoiceDer SpiegelWablieft

15 Level 0 Computer room On the first floor, you’ll find the computer room. If you encounter any problems, there is a direct phone line to the IT-service or you can contact them by mail In 2008 the college installed a wireless connection network, so students have access to the intranet etc. all over the library. 1st floor

16 The online catalogue Click on the title, for more information Enter a keyword subject keyword in French Or browse …

17 The online catalogue 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. In which collection the item is 2. On which shelf you’ll find it 4. If the item is not available you can request it 6. Related subjects 5. If you want to create a booklist 3. If the item is available

18 The online catalogue 4. 1.booklist 2. Book request Login : Borrower barcode = pin number :  C-card number 2. 1.

19 Library Rules

20 Library rules No big bags No smoking No food or drinks Be silent at the library Do not use your mobile phone inside the library

21 Borrowing rules You may borrow * – 10 books/1 week – 2 language courses/2 weeks – 2 dvd’s/3 days – 1 headphone (to be used at the library)/ 1day – 1 dictaphone / 1 day To extend the loan period (books only) –Come to the Reader Information Desk –Online (see instructions, a few slides further) * Only staff members and students can borrow library items

22 Late items : € 0,25/day Fines are to be paid immediately with your C-card at the library counter In case of stolen, lost or damaged items: the full amount of the item has to be paid immediately Fines are used to finance library acquistitions To avoid fines, check your online account Fines

23 Useful information

24 for books only go to the library catalogue click on my account (1) the system asks you for your borrower barcode and pin number = this is the code on your C-card (barcode and pin number are identical) you are logged in, –you’ll see your name next to welcome (2) –click on checked out (3) –checkmark the box left to the title (4) –click on the renew button (5) –If a certain item cannot be renewed the system will inform you. To extend the loan period yourself 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

25 The Library makes available a range of electronic information resources - these include e-journals, online databases and listings of useful weblinks. For more information go to our webpages or click on this link. link Electronic information resources

26 If you cannot find a book or article in the library or our databases, you can ask us to obtain the article or book from another university library. For more information go to our webpages or click on this Interlibrary Loans and Document delivery (ILL)

27 You can store your books, in a locker at the library. The key can be obtained at the library counter € 0 (1 day) key has to be returned the same day before 21.00 € 25 (1 year) = € 19 rent + € 6 deposit* * Deposit will be refunded in July together with the deposit of your room Library lockers

28 Opening hours During the academic year Monday – Friday : 9.00 – 21.45 Saturday : 9.00 – 18.15 Sunday : 13.30 – 18.15 Closed Between Christmas and the New Year On national holidays Summer break Visitors are kindly requested to get in touch with us, before they visit our library. You can contact us by email :

29 Library DirectorEric De Souza Book collectionFilip Coens Office on the ground floor, in the Reading Room Periodical collection and Inter Library Loans Katrien Gunst Office on the 2nd Floor, Periodial floor European Documentation Centre (EDC) Mieke Lievens Office on the 1st Floor in the EDC European Careers and Language Centre (ECLC) N,N, Office on the 1st Floor (mezzanine) Whom to contact ? Books – Periodicals - EDC

30 Anne Heber Elisabeth Lagrain Marijn Vandenberghe Whom to contact ? Reader services

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