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Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Summary of FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting at SURF, 10 Aug 2015 Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager EFIG 19.

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Presentation on theme: "Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Summary of FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting at SURF, 10 Aug 2015 Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager EFIG 19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Summary of FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting at SURF, 10 Aug 2015 Elaine McCluskey, LBNF Project Manager EFIG 19 Aug 2015

2 LBNF 10 Aug Meeting Purpose and Format 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary2 To work towards the design requirements and parameters that FSCF needs to start final design with Arup and the CMGC Assembled key CF, cryo, and FD team members, taking advantage of tangent Logistics Planning Meeting 11-13 Aug Format: presentation by Josh of design status, followed by discussion of key topics, using Marzio/David spreadsheet to make sure specific items were coveredspreadsheet Spreadsheet had been updated prior to meeting with info about where current requirements/interface understanding is documented Spreadsheet was statused with new notes in real time in 10Aug notes column Meeting site: Design%20Requirements- Parameters%20Meeting/SitePages/Home.aspx Design%20Requirements- Parameters%20Meeting/SitePages/Home.aspx

3 LBNF Notable discussions: space requirement btwn cryostat steel frame & cavern wall 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary3 For air flow to prevent condensation on steel frame For inspection (expected to be accomplished within frame depth itself, needed only annually) For cryostat installation (Marzio believes the ~12” provided is sufficient) For detector commissioning (Russ noted D0 experience), can this be accomplished in the steel frame depth? Plan for VE study to understand more space advantage vs cost

4 LBNF Notable discussions: cryostat size & crane coverage 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary4 Cryostat size  Present interior size is ok per Eric 62mx15.1mx14m  Thus if the membrane and cryostat dimensions are clearly understood, this outside dimensions are ok for CF requirements. Crane coverage  3 monorails are sufficient for installing cryostats and detectors  Works ok with “clean room” for detector installation which doesn’t envision needing cavern monorail to service it

5 LBNF Notable discussions: control room 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary5 Control rooms are identified as being needed both on surface and underground Requirements for control rooms and usage are not clear Presently control room is planned inside central utility cavern Clearly need more discussion on what is required and how any control room interfaces with SURF overall controls strategy Elaine is going to arrange a working meeting for this  Subsequently talked to Gina about this, who noted that SBN needs the same thing  Neutrino Division will be planning coordinated workshop on controls strategy for fall

6 LBNF Notable discussions: lower level cavern access/egress & mezzanine for cryo 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary6 Lower level egress  Everyone agreed this access is not needed for cryostat or detector installation, but will have a door  Could be used for emergency egress, but don’t plan for this to be secondary egress (i.e., requiring life safety utilities) Mezzanine for cryo  Local cavern cryo equipment will be placed at corner of cavern. Height needs to be better understood and could impact height of cavern.

7 LBNF Notable discussions: cavern grounding & shielding for detector 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary7 Strategy for using welded wire fabric for grounding is not clear to everyone, and has time impact for CF DUNE tech bd needs to review Terry Shaw’s grounding/shielding requirements to see if they make sense

8 LBNF Notable discussions: cleanliness 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary8 Clean room will be on top of cryostat and could span to rock pillar CF doesn’t need anything more than is currently planned to support that Separate ventilation system will be installed for clean room

9 LBNF Notable discussions: power requirements 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary9 Terry Shaw’s spreadsheet documents present understanding of detector, cyro, and CF power requirements DUNE to clarify power for racks May need some space for UPS (to be installed by DUNE) not presently planned by CF This is requirement is believed to be fairly well understood

10 LBNF Notable discussions: where do the detector racks go 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary10 Determined that it’s not clear where the detector racks will be placed – directly on top of cryostat steel skin within the steel structural top beams, or on top of platform on top of those beams This impacts placement of clean room for detector installation. If racks are on top of platform, could affect possible height of mezzanine platform above cryostat for cyro equipment

11 LBNF Next steps 08.19.15E McCluskey | FSCF Final Design Parameters Meeting Summary11 Concluded many items have requirements documented already and parameters are reasonable To dos are listed in 10Aug notes column on Marzio/David spreadsheet Jeff and CF are working through the items Followup meeting planned for 2 Sep 3-5 PM at Fermilab prior to next EFIG (time determined by FD parallel sessions) Final design to begin after CMGC is on board and when funding permits - ~ 6 months from now, so parameters need to be finalized as we go into that period Design presented at CD3a will be that of Arup’s 100% preliminary design.  Excavation design in hand – distributed for comment this week  BSI expected in 2 weeks – will distribute for comment then

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