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Miss Martinez. I graduated from Kutztown University in 2011 with my Elementary Education Degree and a reading concentration. I received my Masters of.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Martinez. I graduated from Kutztown University in 2011 with my Elementary Education Degree and a reading concentration. I received my Masters of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Martinez

2 I graduated from Kutztown University in 2011 with my Elementary Education Degree and a reading concentration. I received my Masters of Education degree with a Reading Specialist Certification from Cabrini College in June 2014. This is my 4 th year teaching 3 years in 6 th grade This is my 1 st year in 1 st grade

3 How to contact me: Phone 215-368-0400 ext. 5602 Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at anytime.

4 **We have a late lunch this year. It is very important that your child eats breakfast before they arrive at school. If your child receives free and reduced lunch they are able to get breakfast at school as well. If you have not filled out the paperwork please do so ASAP. We will have a working snack each morning. Please send in a healthy snack daily for your child. o 9:05-9:15 – Morning Routine o 9:15 – 9:45 Star Time o 9:45 – 11:45 Language Arts o 11:45 – 12:30 Special o 12:30 – 1:00 Lunch o 1:00 – 2:00 Math o 2:00 – 2:15 - Recess o 2:15 – 2:50 Language Arts o 2:50 – 3:25 Social Studies/Science o 3:25 Pack Up o 3:35 Dismissal

5 Day 1 – Art Day 2 – Gym (sneakers) Day 3 – Music Day 4 - Library

6 There will be a homework sheet and newsletter sent home every Monday. There is also a behavior sheet for you to look at and sign every night. Check your child`s binder each night. Homework can be found in the green folder on the side with the blue label. Return homework, notes, or anything that needs to be returned in this folder since this is checked every day. Clean out the side of the green folder with the yellow label daily and keep the old papers at home. Make a library of the old decodable and take home books. They are always good review of the vocabulary that is taught in first grade.

7 Spelling -Review and practice weekly spelling pattern. -Students will be asked to brainstorm words that fit our spelling pattern for the week and write sentences for words that fit our spelling pattern. -Students will also be asked to put their weekly snap words in ABC order and write sentences for them as well. Math Practice pages that correlate directly to what was taught in class that day – 2 sided Reading 15-20 minutes of reading nightly *During the week I will send reading passages that are to be read for two nights during the week, a decodable book that should be read another night and one night students may pick a book from home to read.

8 Whole class behavior: Fill up the bus windows to reach the goal Individual Clip Chart System: -Each student has a clip, which starts at green every day -It can be moved up and down all throughout the day ** Your child will fill in their color for the day every day on the behavior calendar.** Outstanding (Pink) Great Choices (Purple) Good Choices (Blue) Ready to Learn (Green) Warning (Yellow) Consequence (Orange) Parent Contact (Red)

9 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Program (Journeys)- Readers are empowered by skill mastery; inspired by authentic, award-winning text. Backed by proven results, Journeys is the most widely-used reading program in the country. Journeys is a research-based, comprehensive English Language Arts program designed to provide solid instruction that is clear and focused with realistic pacing and manageable resources.

10 Anchor Texts Decodable Readers Leveled Readers for Guided Reading Phonics / Grammar / Spelling Writing Workshop Handwriting – Zaner Bloser Program

11 We are using the Go Math program to instruct our students with the PA Common Core Standards. We focus on fewer concepts but with greater depth of understanding. We are building a strong foundation to prepare students for the next grade. Some of the skills that we will work on are: ~Learning addition and subtraction facts through 20 ~Solving word problems ~Understanding of place value ~Comparing numbers ~Telling time to the hour and half hour ~Identifying and describing shapes ~Comparing lengths

12 Unit 1: Addition Concepts Unit 2: Subtraction Concepts Unit 3: Addition Strategies Unit 4: Subtraction Strategies Unit 5: Addition and Subtraction Strategies Unit 6: Count and Model Numbers Unit 7: Compare Numbers Unit 8: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction Unit 9: Measurement Unit 10: Represent Data Unit 11: Three-Dimensional Geometry Unit 12: Two-Dimensional Geometry

13 In our social studies curriculum we look at different types of groups and learn about relationships in our community and classroom. We will learn about national holidays and symbols as well as some important famous Americans. We will also learn about different holiday traditions. All Together By Scott Foresman Time for School This is Our Country Map Skills In My Community

14 We have a hands-on science curriculum. ~We will study the weather all year. We will learn about the different clouds and discuss how the weather affects what we do and how we dress. We will be observing the changes from day to day and season to season. ~We will be studying solids and liquids. We will learn that all solids and liquids have different properties. We will compare the solids and liquids by their similarities and differences. ~In the winter we will visit the planetarium to discuss cardinal directions and learn a few constellations. ~In the spring we will learn about the life cycle of the butterfly. We will get caterpillars to watch and observe as they grow and change and eventually turn into Painted Lady Butterflies.

15 RIF Days: *** 3 special reading days for first graders throughout the year. Classroom Parties: ***2 per year: Holiday Party in December, Valentine’s Day Party in February Birthdays: ***We know first graders love to celebrate their birthday. We are highly encouraging parents to send in nonedible birthday treats instead of food treats because of allergies. If a birthday treat is sent in it will be eaten during lunch in the cafeteria. There will be no birthday food treats allowed in the classroom.

16 Report Cards are now called Progress Reports. This progress report will provide detailed information on how well a student is progressing toward the mastery of standards. Standards need to be mastered by the END of the school year. Standards are what students should know and be able to do. NPSD curriculum, instruction, and assessments are aligned to the PA Core Standards. This progress report will differ from a traditional report card in two ways: what it measures and how it reports progress. The progress report lists the standards for each subject area and shows the student’s progress over the course of three trimesters. At the end of each trimester, teachers will indicate a student’s performance level in meeting the benchmarks for that trimester.

17 Please make sure to call the school to report an absence! Please sign in at the office if your child is arriving late. (If you know in advance that your child will be late because of an appointment, please let me know!) Please remember to send in an excuse note when your child returns to school. Please make sure you label all of your child’s belongings (jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes). I also have a website on the North Penn website under Oak Park, Teachers, Danielle Martinez.

18 Questions, Comments or Concerns

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