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7 June 2012 Animal Transport in the European Union UECBV 7 June 2012 Agneta Norgren Animal Welfare Unit – DG SANCO.

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Presentation on theme: "7 June 2012 Animal Transport in the European Union UECBV 7 June 2012 Agneta Norgren Animal Welfare Unit – DG SANCO."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 June 2012 Animal Transport in the European Union UECBV 7 June 2012 Agneta Norgren Animal Welfare Unit – DG SANCO

2 7 June 2012 Report on animal welfare Impacts on: Welfare of animals taking into account scientific evidence Trade flows of live animals and in particular socio-economic implications, including regional aspects the implementation of the navigation system + Enforcement

3 7 June 2012 Impacts on Economics No effects on trade flows No regional effects No direct socio-economic effects, but possibly negative due to lack of harmonised implementation on: Administrative costs Costs for updating vehicles

4 7 June 2012 Impacts on Animal Welfare 1 Areas of improvements + Better vehicles + Increased awareness of transporters But areas of enforcement to be improved Scientific base outdated in certain areas

5 7 June 2012 Impacts on Animal Welfare 2 Enforcement to be improved by transporters on: Fitness for transport Space allowances (and heights) Journey times, resting, watering and feeding intervals

6 7 June 2012 Impacts on Animal Welfare 3 Official checks to be improved or increased: Before journeys: unrealistic journey logs During journeys After journeys: Penalties, navigation systems Unequal implementation of the EU legislation does not ensure a level playing field for operators

7 7 June 2012 Total (million) 4.4 30 4.2 0.12 1215 Slaughter 0.54/16 % 41 % 61 % 32 % Slght > 8h 0.21/29 % 17 % 46 % 79 %

8 7 June 2012 Animal Transport regional distribution in 2005-2009 Cattle (55 % of all trade) From France, Poland, Germany and Belgium To Spain, Italy and the Netherlands Pigs From Denmark and the Netherlands (67 %) To Germany (50 %) Sheep and goats From Spain, France, UK, Hungary, The Netherlands and Romania To Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, France, Ireland and Greece Poultry (60 % of all trade between the following countries) From Czech Republic, Germany,France and the Netherlands To Belgium. Germany and the Netherlands Horses From Romania, Poland, Spain and France (60-70 % of the trade) To Italy (55 %) and France (30 % in 2007)

9 7 June 2012 Impacts on Animal Welfare 4 Navigation systems: Not sufficiently used to improve official checks Not sufficiently used to reduce administrative burden

10 7 June 2012 Impacts on Animal Welfare 5 Scientific opinion from EFSA Journey times are not in line with scientific evidence in particular for horses Space allowances would need to be revised

11 7 June 2012 SUMMARY Poor enforcement by operators in certain areas Insufficient checks by officials Full potential of navigation systems to be developed Journey times and space not fully in line with scientific opinion

12 7 June 2012 Considered solutions Actions to improve enforcement Implementing measures Navigation systems – Article 6.9 Member States’ checks – Article 27.1 Communication – Article 24 Guidance and guidelines – Article 29 PRIORITY TO PRACTICAL ENFORCEMENT RATHER THAN PROPOSING NEW RULES

13 7 June 2012 European Parliament - Written declaration - COMM TRANS - COMM ENVI - COMM AGRI – after the summer

14 7 June 2012 Council - No support for 8 hours limit - Focus on enforcement

15 7 June 2012 This is the end of our short journey – Thank you for your attention

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