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Jan 20, 2006NESCent GMOD Administrivia Scott Cain, GMOD Cooridinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Jan 20, 2006NESCent GMOD Administrivia Scott Cain, GMOD Cooridinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan 20, 2006NESCent GMOD Administrivia Scott Cain, GMOD Cooridinator

2 Jan 20, 2006NESCent What I do I wear many hats: Project coordinator Software developer Documentation writer Web monkey Email list admin Help desk (ie, answering support requests)

3 Jan 20, 2006NESCent What I “should” be doing Project coordinator Software developer Documentation writer

4 Jan 20, 2006NESCent How things work now Most software is stand alone –GMOD core apps interact directly with Chado New software –“Would this be good?” –No real formal vetting process –Ideally, require interoperability with Chado New schema modules –Discuss on gmod-schema mailing list –Again, no vetting

5 Jan 20, 2006NESCent Current applications Primary focus--genome feature vis & editing Comparative genomics/mapping General web browsing Literature curation Gene expression

6 Jan 20, 2006NESCent Who uses GMOD tools Over 150 orgs (using core apps) Using Chado: –FlyBase –BDGP –DictyBase –ParameciumDB –SGD-Princeton

7 Jan 20, 2006NESCent Future developments Improved installation procedures EST clustering tools (including anything that needs to go into Chado). Phenotype and phylogeny schema modules

8 Jan 20, 2006NESCent Outreach (How to attract users) Presenting at meetings Buy-in from funding agencies Mailing list announcements From the GMOD side, having good documentation and support

9 Jan 20, 2006NESCent Attracting Evolutionary Biologists Have a GMOD meeting here? Presenting at what meetings? What schema modules and apps do we need?

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