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New Initiatives Subcommittee Tuesday, May 8th, 2012.

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1 New Initiatives Subcommittee Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

2 Introductions Name Home Organization AIAA role What would you like to do within TAC? 2

3 Agenda Near Term & Old Business 1.2013 TAC Workshop (All, need volunteer) 2.Program Committee Information (Mark Melanson) 3.Moderating Sessions/Session Chair Guidelines (KC for Nancy?) 4.“How to be a Conference Chair” (Nancy) 5.Professional Interest Codes (Carlos Cesnik, Steve Rizzi, Peter Hartwich, George Lesieutre) 6.Web Advisory Team (Tom Beutner) 7.TAC Newsletter (Satish Mohleji, Peter Hartwich) New Business  Need to remind Group leaders that their deputies are part of NIS. Place on TAC agenda or cover in NIS report to TAC 3

4 2013 TAC Workshop (All) Overview: Examine possibilities for the January 2013 ASM TAC Workshop. The current plan is to focus on AIAA & Social Media Sites.  A volunteers are needed to lead the effort  A working title is needed. Possible examples –eAIAA –eConferencing (with Riley’s AIAA Forum concept, purely online sessions) –eMobility  Goal is to insert social technology into AIAA models –Conferences –TC/PC meetings –Workshops –Education (Continuing & STEM) –Public Policy  What tools exist? (e.g. Skype, WebEx, Facebook, YouTube, other)  What are the limitations? (e.g. Cost, access, number of participants, international vs. US)  Who to engage? (e.g. YPs, Education, Publications, AIAA IT staff) 4

5 2013 TAC Workshop Possible workshop approach  Hour 1 –Pick a topic (e.g. Workshop or Continuing Education) –How will the various Social Media tools be used for AIAA?  Hour 2 –Pick a tool (e.g. WebEx) –How will the tool be used for various AIAA endeavours  Find a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to discuss how online & apps are used in business. Ultimately, discussion up to workshop organizers  Steve Rizzi has volunteered to help  Still need lead(s) 5

6 Program Committee Information (Mark Melanson) PC review cycle for the 14 PCs Typically review a PC every 3 years Current cycle is “broken” Path forward  Temporarily alter review process  Peter, Satoshi, & Mark do a separate review  Report overall assessment to NIS  Reset baseline and restart annual review Skip to Mark’s charts 6

7 Program Committee Information (Mark Melanson) Elimination of the three year PC review process by NIS in favor of essentially the same responsibilities becoming embedded in the PC Coordinator and Deputies (like the TCs). Formation of the Aerospace Systems Integration Working Group as a step toward a new PC. – This is the group that Satoshi has been working to tackle the integration of complex systems which is a bigger thing than Systems Engineering. It also lines up well with the NEM concept focusing on integration aspects of our business. 7

8 Moderating Sessions (Nancy Andersen) Overview: Briefing to aid session chairs on roles and responsibilities Status/Action Plan:  Nancy Andersen completed and submitted to NIS/TAC for approval.  Video taping by Nancy and KC. KC is editing. Video runs approximately 20 minutes.  Goal to place on AIAA web site, TAC Share Point, or yet TBD elibrary location to disseminate information. (AIAA YouTube site?)  Status? 8

9 “How to be a Conference Chair” (Nancy Andersen) Overview: Briefing to aid conference chairs on roles and responsibilities. Nancy has volunteered to lead an effort to collect information from different sources on being a conference chair. This will be based on similar effort conducted for “Moderating a Session”.  A small collection of documents has been assembled  Gathering best practices and lessons learned.  This will be a generic guide  AIAA staff is looking through their documentation to help.  Status? 9

10 Professional Interest Codes (Carlos, Steve, Peter, and George) Overview: The interest codes were reviewed. Coupled to AIAA Fellow selection and Marketing Status/Action Plan  Add an “Other” option to the new AIAA web site. (KC results)  Need volunteer to examine results with AIAA staff (Patrick Liu?)  Date was 6 months after “Other” option was added 10

11 Web Advisory Team (Tom Beutner, Tom McLaughlin) Overview: The state of the AIAA web site is not user-friendly. A Web Advisory Team that would look for weaknesses and improvements in the AIAA web site. Status/Action Plan:  Tom Buetner will contact Tom McLaughlin to form a team to examine the new AIAA slated to be released in January 2012.  Waiting for AIAA’s new web page to stabilize from roll-out.  Contacted Tom & Tom to begin coordination of this effort. –Will need a plan –Will need to coordinate with AIAA IT (Tammy Marko or similar) 11

12 TAC Newsletter status (Satish, Peter) The Newsletter has fallen on hard times. My fault. Need further ideas for articles and volunteers to write them  TAC funds – what they are and how to use them (written and available now)  What drives conference registration fees  Membership upgrades  Moderating Session Guidelines  ScholarOne Evolution (KC)  New PC leadership roles  Results of TAC workshop 12

13 New Business Welcome and Good Luck Peter! Other? 13

14 14

15 PC Review – NIS Meeting Alexandria, Va. May 2012 Mark Melanson - PC Coordinator Peter Hartwich - Deputy Satoshi Nagano - Deputy

16 PC Group Items PC Reviews Working Group Formation Proposal 16

17 Three Year Review Plan (Review from last NIS Meeting) 3 year PC review process Plan  PC Group Team will assess each PC –Internal review and questionnaire/discussions  New “Baseline” created –Actions as required based upon review – Report out in May of 2012 at NIS and TAC  After baseline review, schedule will be created for future reviews – Alternate and possible proposal to change charter to allow PC Coordinator team to manage health similar to TC group directors 17

18 Questions for our PC Review discussions Is the chartered purpose of the PC still viable?  If not, what are you working on? What TC interaction does your PC have?  Active members (what TC?)  Liaisons (what TCs)?  Other connections (what)? If none or little interaction currently with TCs, what technical areas do you think should be represented to cover the domain of your PC? 18

19 Questions for our PC Review discussions What products or outputs has your PC done in the last two years  Contributed to conferences (if yes, what and where)  White Papers/Public Policy papers  Aerospace America Articles  Aerospace America Yearly Highlight Article  Panel sessions  Invited papers  CVD participation  TAC or other AIAA briefings on the program (or area) your PC represents  Other contributions? 19

20 Questions for our PC Review discussions How is your committee organized (examples of areas of interest/activity below) ?  Membership?  Awards?  Public policy  Conferences?  Other subcommittees? To your knowledge, when was the last TAC review of the PC (remember, supposed to be once every three years)? Does your PC have a website?  If yes, is it a AIAA sharepoint site?  If yes, who is responsible for the content and upkeep? 20

21 Questions for our PC Review discussions What would you rate as the biggest contribution this PC makes to the community as a whole? What would you rate as the biggest contribution this PC makes to AIAA as a whole? What is your biggest challenge? Is there anything specifically you think TAC leadership and your PC Coordinator team can do to help your PC? Any other questions or comments? 21

22 General Review Comments Each PC reviewed individually  Participants were PC and Group leadership Excellent conversations based upon content of questions  Great learning opportunity for leadership  Great opportunity to develop/discuss expectations for PC leadership Generally lasted about one hour each Well worth the time investment 22

23 Results Summary Process Assessment were done based upon a subjective scale  Green - Meets or Exceeds desired behavior  Yellow - Acceptable, but stronger effort could be done  Red - This is a concern item; needs work Group leaders ratings were averaged per question Questions were grouped into categories using QFD approach  Challenges  Interaction  Membership  Products  Purpose Subjective “trend” direction added 23

24 Summary Results 24 Max value = 9 (3 reviewers x 3 points max) Three PC Reviews are incomplete

25 Results Summary Like TC Groups, range of performance varies significantly  Many performing at a very high level (+)  Several undergoing rejuvenation, reinvigoration (+)  At least one ready to be disbanded (-) –Netcentric Operations Proposal: Eliminate 3 year review (NIS) for PC’s; Allow PC Coordinator team to manage health similar to TC group directors and report status per group routine with TAC (TAC Charter change required) 25

26 Proposal for formation of Aerospace Systems Integration Working Group Hernando Jimenez (ASI-WG Co-Chair) Mat French (ASI-WG Co-Chair) Satoshi Nagano (ASI-WG Chair) May 4, 2012

27 ASI-WG ( Background) Systems Engineering Committee on Standard (SECoS) identified the needs for an independent Aerospace Systems Integration-WG (ASI-WG)  Reason: The development of AIAA - G135, Guide for Aerospace Systems Integration, requires “ extensive “ collaboration among TCs/PCs, such as SETC, Software TC, Economic TC, Value Driven Design PC, and other TCs/PCs and external communities Stand alone ASI-WG concept accepted by SETC Chair (Sophia Bright), PC Coordinator (Mark Melanson), et al at ASM 2012  Also agreed that ASI-WG be best operated under PC as it requires very wide interactions/collaborations among PCs and TCs 1 st Face-to-Face ASI-WG meeting was held in conjunction with SECoS for G135 meeting in ASM 2012 Since then, the stand-alone ASI-WG has been conducting monthly telecom  Present membership: 25 ( Approx 54% from SETC; the rest from software TC, Value Driven design PC, International, etc), See next page

28 ASI-WG Mission and Objectives Mission  To provide an forum for AIAA and Aerospace community to promote and engage in the discussion, exchange, dissemination, and development associated with the increasingly “Complex“ Aerospace Systems Integration fields Objectives  To actively contribute to the aerospace systems integration body of work, both in the advancement of the state of the art as well as with contributions to established theories and practices  To serve the community by pursuing the development of aerospace systems integration resources with inherent value and archival merit  To disseminate, share, and expose AIAA members and the community at large to the aerospace systems integration body of work  To collaboratively engage with relevant AIAA committees whose membership holds subject matter expertise pertinent to aerospace systems integration, and foster synergistic efforts in support of AIAA’s mission  To support and participate in AIAA technical activities relating to aerospace systems integration

29 ASI-WG Membership as of May 4, 2012 LastFirstOrganizationAffiliation (*)PC/TC BaileyMichelleDAUGSETC, VDDPC BelleEricINCOSEA BollerScottPratt & Whitney RocketdyneI ConrowEdmundManagement and Technology AssociatesGSETC DahlgrenJohn W.MitreG Incoming SETC Chair, VDDPC DelicadoBernardoAIRBUS MILITARY HQI DressDavidNASA Langley Research CenterGSETC HancockTomSAICI HiremathMahanteshLoralISETC HsuJohn C.CSULBASETC JonesHeatherCessna Aircraft CompanyI KirschbaumAlanCol, USAF, RetG KohlRonaldR. J. Kohl & AssocG LumsdenReeceThe Boeing Company)ISETC McCreadyKellyResponsive Geospatial SystemsI MuehlbauerJohn C.Lockheed MartinISETC RafalowskiJosephGulfstream Aerospace Corp.I SeguraPaulBoeing Military AircraftISETC SelvyBrianParagon Space Development Corp.ISETC VaughhanWilliam W.UAHA WilliamsTonyJacobsG FrenchMatRolls RoyceI (Co-Chair)SETC JimenezHernandoGeorgia TechA (Co-chair)SETC NaganoSatoshiAerospaceG (Chair) PC Deputy Coordinator /SETC (*)Affiliation: A: Academy, G: Government, I: Industry; (**) Approx. 54% from SETC

30 ASI-WG Activities and Plans – Continue to strengthen its organizational structure and activities – Chair/Co-Chairs (Presently exists) – Succession Plan – Subcommittees – Liaison: Continue to strengthen collaborative works with other PCs/TCs – Conference – Work with New Event Model particularly in “ Integration “ and “Discipline” Tiers – Work with CASE – Standard : Continue to develop AIAA G135, Guide for Aerospace Systems Integration – Publication/Communication – Web Site/secretary – Aerospace America, etc – Membership: Increase membership – Other Activities  White Papers/Public Policy

31 ASI-WG Proposal – Proposal approval of the “Aerospace Systems Integration Working Group”.

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