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Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridSite and G-HTTPS update Andrew McNab, University of Manchester

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridSite and G-HTTPS update Andrew McNab, University of Manchester"— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridSite and G-HTTPS update Andrew McNab, University of Manchester

2 Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridPP / EDG / WP6 GridSite 0.3/fileGridSite => GridSite 0.9 u GridSite manages access to websites and HTTP(S) fileservers n Users and admins load GSI cert + key into unmodified web browsers u GridSite used by EDG Testbed website, GridPP and e-Science ETF + Level 2 Grid support websites in the UK. u ACLs control read and write access to files and directories n Write access either by HTML forms (interactive) or HTTP PUT / DELETE (programmatic) u GridSite 0.9 merges interactive GridSite 0.3 functionality with programmatic functionality of fileGridSite. n Basic access control, page formatting and PUT/DELETE now done by Apache module: mod_gridsite. n Standalone grst-admin.cgi and grst-proxy.cgi provide site admin and G-HTTPS (delegation and 3rd party transfer) support. n Can host websites, fileserving and Grid/Web Services on same server.

3 Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridPP / EDG / WP6 GridSite 0.9 architecture mod_ssl: plain HTTPS > env vars mod_gridsite: GACL access control + GACL > env vars mod_gridsite:.html headers and footers.shtml, mod_perl CGI, PHP mod_jk: JSP with Tomcat HTTP grst-admin.cgi: page editing, file upload, ACL editing etc. grst-proxy.cgi: G-HTTPS, 3rd party COPY, proxy GET + PUT mod_gridsite: PUT, DELETE, MOVE mod_ssl-GSI: HTTPS with GSI+VOMS+CAS > env vars (Red = As of 17/Feb/03, not yet implemented.)

4 Andrew McNab - GridSite/G-HTTPS - 17 Feb 2003 GridPP / EDG / WP6 G-HTTPS u grst-proxy.cgi now has example G-HTTPS implementation n (previously in fileGridSite) n GET-PROXY-REQ and PUT-PROXY-CERT for delegation n COPY between remote HTTPS host and webserver using delegated proxy n grst-proxy-put command line tool n real work for the above done by functions in libgridsite, built directly on OpenSSL: C/C++ API to appear. u G-HTTPS spec exists in draft form n see post to wp7-security list u Negotiated a 15 minutes slot about HTTPS extensions in GGF Data Transport RG meeting => some kind of document; more people.

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