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Chapters 16 and 17 Nonspecific and Specific Defenses of the Host.

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1 Chapters 16 and 17 Nonspecific and Specific Defenses of the Host

2 The Concept of Immunity
Susceptibility: lack of resistance to a disease Immunity: ability to fight off disease Innate immunity (nonspecific): built in defenses against any pathogen Adaptive immunity (specific): resistance to a specific pathogen

3 An Overview of the Body’s Defenses
Nonspecific Specific Figure 16.1

4 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
A. Skin and mucous membranes Epithelial tissue Waterproof yet elastic Mucous membranes produce mucus

5 Epidermis consists of tightly packed cells with
Skin Epidermis consists of tightly packed cells with Keratin, a protective protein Figure 16.2

6 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
Mucous membranes Mucus: Traps microbes Ciliary escalator: Microbes trapped in mucus are transported away from the lungs

7 Ciliary Escalator Figure 24.7

8 Ciliary Escalator Figure 16.4

9 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
B. Physical Barriers Lacrimal apparatus: tears wash eye Saliva: Washes microbes off Urine Vaginal secretions Hairs Ciliated cells + mucus

10 Lacrimal Apparatus Figure 16.3

11 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
C. Chemical Defenses Lysozyme Gastric juices Digestive enzymes pH – stomach (pH 1-3), skin and vagina (pH 3-5) Sebum/wax Perspiration Transferrins – bind iron in blood Complement – bind to pathogens or increase immune response Interferons

12 Interferons (IFNs) IFN- and IFN-: Cause cells to produce antiviral proteins that inhibit viral replication Gamma IFN: Causes neutrophils and macrophages to phagocytize bacteria

13 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
D. Normal flora – outcompete pathogens/ produce bacteriocins, etc. Where are they found? Skin Eyes Nose/throat Mouth Large intestine Vagina Lower urethra


15 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
E. Phagocytic cells 1. Neutrophils 2. Monocytes/macrophages

16 Phagocytosis Phago: From Greek, meaning eat
Cyte: From Greek, meaning cell Ingestion of microbes or particles by a cell, performed by phagocytes Figure 16.6

17 Phagocytosis Figure 16.7

18 Microbial Evasion of Phagocytosis
Inhibit adherence: M protein, capsules Streptococcus pyogenes, S. pneumoniae Kill phagocytes: Leukocidins Staphylococcus aureus Lyse phagocytes: Membrane attack complex Listeria monocytogenes Escape phagosome Shigella, Rickettsia Prevent phagosome-lysosome fusion HIV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Survive in phagolysosome Coxiella burnettii

19 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
F. Inflammation Heat Swelling (edema) Pain Redness Loss of function (sometimes) Purpose: 1. destroy pathogen 2. if not, then wall off pathogen 3. repair tissues

20 The Process of Inflammation
Figure 16.8a, b

21 Phagocyte Migration and Phagocytosis
[Insert Animation Inflammation: Overview, Steps.] Figure 16.8c

22 Tissue Repair Figure 16.8d

23 Nonspecific Defenses of the Host
G. Fever Normal body temp. = 37oC (set by hypothalamus) Increase in temp. = destruction of pathogens; enhancement of immune response

24 Specific Defenses Humoral Immunity B cells – produce antibodies (Ab)
Ab bind to antigens Antigens (Ag) are any type of molecule which elicits an immune response




28 Specific Defenses Cellular Immunity T cells- CD8 Cytotoxic T cells – killers CD4 Helper T cells – communicators



31 Specific Defenses Memory cells are produced after challenge to immune system by pathogen or vaccination 2nd response is greater, faster

32 HIV/AIDS Review the websites
Most common cause of exposure to HIV of healthcare workers – accidental needle stick Health professional with greatest number of cases of HIV acquired on the job – Nurse

33 Adults reported with AIDS and a history of employment in healthcare, where job is known, by occupation, as of December 2002. Occupation Number Nurses 5,378 Health aides 5,638 Technicians 3,182 Physicians 1,792 Therapists 1,082 Dental workers 492 Paramedics 476 Surgeons 122 Other 5,050 Total 23,212 “Surveillance of Healthcare Personnel with HIV/AIDS, as of December 2002”,

34 Healthcare personnel with documented and possible occupationally acquired AIDS/HIV infection, by occupation, as of December 2002. Occupation Documented Possible Nurse 24 35 Laboratory worker, clinical 16 17 Physician, nonsurgical 6 12 Laboratory technician, nonclinical 3 - Housekeeper/maintenance worker 2 13 Technician, surgical Embalmer/morgue technician 1 Health aide/attendant 15 Respiratory therapist Technician, dialysis Dental worker, including dentist Emergency medical technician/paramedic Physician, surgical Other technician/therapist 9 Other healthcare occupation 5 Total 57 139 “Surveillance of Healthcare Personnel with HIV/AIDS, as of December 2002”,

35 HIV/AIDS Type of pathogen – human immunodeficiency virus Disease – Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Transmission – bodily fluids, in utero; behaviors – unprotected, non-monogamous sex, sharing of needles, pregnancy Prevention – change behaviors, prophylactic treatment of a pregnant woman Treatment


37 Classes of HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral Drugs
Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Inhibitors interfere with the critical step during the HIV life cycle known as reverse transcription. Nucleoside/nucleotide analogs are faulty DNA building blocks. When these faulty pieces are incorporated into the HIV DNA (during the process when HIV RNA is converted to HIV DNA), the DNA chain cannot be completed, thereby blocking HIV from replicating in a cell. Protease Inhibitors interfere with the protease enzyme that HIV uses to produce infectious viral particles. Fusion/Entry Inhibitors interfere with the virus' ability to fuse with the cellular membrane, thereby blocking entry into the host cell. Integrase Inhibitors block integrase, the enzyme HIV uses to integrate genetic material of the virus into its target host cell. Multidrug Combination Products combine drugs from more than one class into a single product. To combat virus strains from becoming resistant to specific antiretroviral drugs, healthcare providers recommend that people infected with HIV take a combination of antiretroviral drugs known as highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Developed by NIAID-supported researchers, the HAART strategy combines drugs from at least two different antiretroviral drug classes.

38 HIV/AIDS Replication of virus Attachment Penetration Uncoating
Reverse transcription Integration of viral DNA into host chromosome Transcription of viral DNA to RNA Translation of RNA to viral proteins Assembly of new viruses Budding through host membrane


40 The End

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