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MVHS Research Projects Choosing Reputable Sources.

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Presentation on theme: "MVHS Research Projects Choosing Reputable Sources."— Presentation transcript:

1 MVHS Research Projects Choosing Reputable Sources

2 Types of Sources Your research should include a variety of sources. Documents to consider include: Editorials Essays Maps Charts Articles

3 Is the Source Reputable? Is it essential that you screen the information you gather to ensure that it is relevant and reputable—based on the purpose of your research, ask yourself the following: What source or what kind of source would be the most credible for providing information in this particular case? Which sources are likely to be fair, objective, lacking hidden motives, showing quality control?

4 Source Selection Whenever possible, try to select from sources that provide all or most of the following information: Author’s name Author’s title or position Author’s organizational affiliation Publication/creation date Author’s/publisher’s contact information

5 Good Bets Scholarly journals Books/essays/articles by respected experts University/high school sponsored research databases (see link on my website)research databases University and government websites or respected organization’s websites (e.g. nonprofits)—be sure information is from the organization and not from individual within organization whose credentials can’t be verified!

6 Peer Reviewed Sources Always try to find “Peer Reviewed” sources (sometimes called “Refereed”) How do you know a source is Peer Reviewed?How do you know a source is Peer Reviewed? To verify that a publication is peer reviewed, go to the EBSCO Host database, click the “Publications” tab,and search the name of the publication

7 Sources to Avoid Many.coms Anonymous sources Sources without contact information Sources that are also trying to sell something along with the information they provide Sources with bad grammar or spelling Extremely one-sided sources—ones that don’t even acknowledge opposing views

8 CARS Checklist for Credibility C redibility A ccuracy R easonableness S upport

9 Credibility Author’s credentials (education/training) Evidence of quality control (e.g. peer review/respected organization or publication)

10 Accuracy Timeliness Comprehensiveness (e.g. How much and how specific is the evidence presented?) Audience and purpose

11 Reasonableness Fairness (e.g. no ad hominem attacks) Objectivity Moderateness Consistency *Note that sometimes even respected organizations are not naturally neutral if they are promoting a particular agenda

12 Support Source documentation or bibliography Corroboration External consistency

13 Source Evaluation Practice The following slides include web resources identified following a search of the topic “Illegal Immigration.” Explain why the source is or isn’t credible.

14 Source A The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration

15 Source B Estimating the Undocumented Population

16 Source C Out-of-Control Immigration

17 Source D United States Immigration Support

18 Source E Illegal Immigrants Are a Factor in State BudgetIllegal Immigrants Are a Factor in State Budget

19 Source F Illegal Immigration Population Dips

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