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Scholarly Communication in a Digital World: the Role of the Digital Repository at the Raman Research Institute Girija Srinivasan, Y.M. Patil and Jacob.

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Presentation on theme: "Scholarly Communication in a Digital World: the Role of the Digital Repository at the Raman Research Institute Girija Srinivasan, Y.M. Patil and Jacob."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scholarly Communication in a Digital World: the Role of the Digital Repository at the Raman Research Institute Girija Srinivasan, Y.M. Patil and Jacob Rajan Raman Research Institute, Bangalore. International Conference on Semantic Web & Digital Libraries (ICSD-2007), February 21-23, 2007, Bangalore.

2 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe Birth of the RRI Digital Repository  We have a large collection of newspaper clippings about Raman dating back to the 1930s.  We have a complete set of all RRI papers in the pdf format from 1971.  We were keen to make all these documents accessible not only on our Intranet but also on the Internet. This way we could also support the Open-Access movement

3 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe RRI Digital Repository – some milestones April 2005 – Test installation of DSpace July 2005 – Dedicated server March 2006 – The repository was launched on the internet Registered with OAISTER and ROAR soon after.

4 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe

5 Current Configuration of the RRI Digital Repository As on 20 th February 2007 Home URL: IR Software: Dspace Version 1.3.2 Software: CentOS 4.0 Linux, Apache Tomcat 5.5.9, Apache Ant 1.6.5, PostgreSQL 8.0.0, Sun Java JDK 1.5.0_01 Server: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00GHz, 1GB RAM, 160GB SATA Mirrored Hard disks

6 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe

7 Policies & Guidelines  Ours will be an Omnibus Repository containing different types of documents.  Any faculty member or student of RRI may submit/post documents.  But to start with, the project team (which comprises all the library staff) will add the documents to the repository after checking copyright clearance, correct format & metadata.

8 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe

9 Policies & Guidelines (contd)  We will provide open access to the full-text of papers (in the permitted format) wherever possible.  Where this is not possible, we will restrict access to the full-text and make only the bibliographic details available. If possible, we will also provide a link to an alternative location, e.g. on a publisher ’ s site.  In case an open-access version is available at or at any other website, we will give a link to it in the alternative location.

10 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe

11 Content Development: the Biggest Challenge At RRI, we have used the following strategies to develop content. 1.General promotional activities 2.Mediated depositing services 3.Content harvesting 4.Usage information 5.Self-archiving policies

12 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe 1. General promotional activities  Personal interaction with several faculty and members of library committee.  Announcement through email and notice boards in RRI.  Online information is made available on the repository homepage.  Periodic emails about the progress made.

13 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe 2. Mediated Deposit  At RRI, almost the entire content has been added by the project team on behalf of the authors  First to be added were the newspaper clippings  Next, papers whose publishers gave permission to host the published pdfs (Indian Academy of Sciences, American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, IEEE)

14 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe 3. Content Harvesting Searching for articles which are already open-access in the web and adding them to the repository e.g.  Authors ’ personal web pages  Publisher ’ s websites  NASA ADS  Even if we don ’ t have permission to host these articles on our repository, we have linked to the above alternative locations.

15 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe 4. Usage/citation Information  Statistics are available on our repository page  We have future plans to implement the University of Minho statistics add-on for more user-friendly statistics

16 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe


18 5. Self-archiving policies  Many RRI authors have been following the self-archiving tradition established in the fields of physics and astronomy by depositing their papers in The earliest open-access RRI paper in is dated 1995!

19 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe Conclusions  It supports the open access movement and plays a vital role in the scholarly communication process;  It collects and preserves all the publications of the institute in a central place;  It adds one more dimension to the information services provided by the library.

20 ICSD-2007, Feb 21-23, Bangalroe Thank you!

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