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Enhancing Learning and Teaching through the use of Technology : Evidence-based Practice Syntheses Wednesday 10 November University of Southampton Steve.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Learning and Teaching through the use of Technology : Evidence-based Practice Syntheses Wednesday 10 November University of Southampton Steve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Learning and Teaching through the use of Technology : Evidence-based Practice Syntheses Wednesday 10 November University of Southampton Steve Outram Senior Adviser Higher Education Academy

2 Funding and drivers Higher Education in a Web 2.0 world: report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Changing Learner Experience (2008) Higher Education in a Web 2.0 world: Higher Education Framework (Denham Review, 2008) Higher Education Framework The Future of Higher Education - Teaching and the Student Experience (Ramsden, P)The Future of Higher Education - Teaching and the Student Experience On-line Innovation in Higher Education (Cooke, R. )On-line Innovation in Higher Education Online learning innovation fund and task force (OLTF, 2009) Online learning innovation fund and task force Higher Ambitions framework (2009) Higher Ambitions framework Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of technology: a revised approach to HEFCE's strategy for e-learning (2009) Enhancing learning and teaching through the use of technology Supporting Flexible Learning strategies and flexible delivery 2

3 Rationale for the synthesis initiative 3 Key Academy programme areas support the appropriate use of technology to enhance learning and teaching. Assessment and feedback, Employability and employee learning, Professional development of staff to support learning & teaching Wealth of resources -produced for a variety of purposes, hosted in numerous locations. Need for easily accessible information on effective use of appropriate technology for different L&T contexts. Recognition of expertise within the sector. 3

4 Initiative aims and objectives To support the sector in its use of technology to enhance learning and teaching through the provision of a comprehensive and useful synthesis of evidence- based practice in each of 3 areas: Assessment and feedback Employability and employee learning Professional learning and teaching practice To raise awareness of expertise in ELTT within the sector with the appointment of learning technology specialists to lead the synthesis work. To engage the sector with the syntheses both during and after completion of the synthesis process. 4

5 3 Syntheses Assessment and Feedback: Southampton Employability and Employee Learning: Leeds Met Professional Learning and Teaching Practice: OU 5

6 Associated Seminar Series (1) Aims : Provide a forum for the dissemination and discussion of research, evaluation and other evidence of the effective use of technology to enhance learning and teaching practice within the sector. Raise awareness of good practice within the sector. Contribute to the ELTT evidence base. 6

7 Seminar Series (2) Funding for up to 30 seminars - hosted by HEFCE funded HEIs 29 proposals accepted: 12 assessment and feedback 11 Professional learning and teaching practice 6 Employability and employee learning Each seminar to produce a briefing paper summarising the key issues/findings, including implications for practice to be disseminated via EvidenceNet. Briefing papers to feed into relevant synthesis. Synthesis team member to attend 2 seminars in related series. 7

8 Seminar Series (3) 25 seminars held in 2009-2010 700+ participants, positive feedback 84% Briefing papers available via EvidenceNet service External evaluation to assess value to and impact on participants (practice) host institution (policy and practice) Model adopted across Academy for 2010-2011 as a means of engaging with and highlighting good practice in the sector. Eg WebPA Loughborough and Hull 8

9 Dissemination and ‘engagement’ Synthesis seminars at host institutions: 29 Sept – Open University 10 Nov – University of Southampton 9 December – Leeds Metropolitan University Project outcomes via EvidenceNet service: Synthesis reports Case studies Podcasts/Vodcasts Websites Nascent evidence-informed practice ‘communities’ 9

10 Programme Synthesis Project Overviews: Professional Learning and Teaching with Technology (PLaTP) Assessment and Feedback Employability and Employee Learning Debate: Where now for evidence? Workshop: SRAFTE findings and recommendations Discussion of the findings, implications for practice 10

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