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1 Hamblen County P-16 Council The link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy STUDENTS EDUCATORS SOCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS & INDUSTRY GOVERNMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hamblen County P-16 Council The link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy STUDENTS EDUCATORS SOCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS & INDUSTRY GOVERNMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hamblen County P-16 Council The link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy STUDENTS EDUCATORS SOCIAL SERVICES BUSINESS & INDUSTRY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES COMMUNITY WIDE CITIZENRY Social Services Public Library Faith Based Org Arts Higher Education K-12 Schools Pre School Education # 1 COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP Smooth Transitions Health Services Government Business & Industry C Healthy Economy HC*EXCELL Qualified Educators Media Chamber of Commerce Community

2 2 P-16 Council Who and What is the P-16 Council DEFINITION P-16 P-16 is the shorthand term for a student-focused, comprehensive and integrated system that links all education levels from preschool (P) through the senior year of college (16). It is a powerful framework for citizens and policymakers to use to improve teaching and learning and thus better prepare students for living, learning, and working in a changing world.

3 3 P-16 Council Who and What is the P-16 Council STATE P-16 is a public / private partnership, evolved from the Tennessee Commission on education Quality, which focuses on key education improvement initiatives including promotion of the link between public awareness and an educated citizenry and a healthy economy. The work of the Tennessee P-16 Council will improve student achievement by getting children off to a good start raising academic standards, conducting appropriate assessments, improving teacher quality, and smoothing student transitions. REGIONAL P-16 Community Colleges were asked by the State P-16 to coordinate and develop a regional council for their surrounding communities. WSCC developed the Mid East TN Regional P-16 for service area counties: Claiborne, Cocke, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Sevier, and Union. LOCAL P-16 (Spear-headed by HC Excell) Bringing together community organizations to partner in the process with Pre-School, K-12, and Higher Education for the benefit of the entire community. While improving education, HC Excell will use this effort to pursue a Rural Grant Initiative as well.

4 4 GOALS of State P-16 The Goals of the State P-16 Council: Improve student learning at all levels and strengthen the connections between Pre K-12 and higher education. Increase public awareness of the link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy Ensure that all students have access to competent, caring, and qualified teachers, and

5 5 Regional P-16 Council The Goals of the Regional P-16 Council: Increase public awareness of the link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy. Promote access to competent, caring, and qualified teachers in grades P-16. Strengthen connections and smooth transitions between Pre K- 12 and higher education to improve student learning at all levels.

6 6 Hamblen County P-16 Council Hamblen County developed Tennessee’s first local P-16 Council. Definition: The State P-16 Council encouraged local educational and community leaders to join together to form local P-16 Councils. Each local council will have the responsibility of looking at tough issues facing education in their Communities. Collaboration, commitment, and trust must be present at all levels. Local citizens have the opportunity to unite as advocates for change.

7 7 Hamblen County P-16 Participants Educators - Will help identify and impact key issues affecting the quality of education in Hamblen County. Will have an opportunity to promote smooth transitions and eliminate barriers between different grade levels and institutions. Students - Will have input into what constitutes quality education in Hamblen County. Community - Leaders and citizens will have an opportunity to identify and impact key areas affecting the quality of education and the workforce of Hamblen County. Social Services - Will have the opportunity to identify educational issues impacting at-risk populations in Hamblen County. Government - Can use input from above groups to positively impact public policy and funding decisions. Business/Industry - Identify and influence educational needs and skill development for future work force.

8 8 Hamblen County: P-16 P16 Steering Committee Purpose – convene the P-16 Council and develop the initial MISSION, VISION, ORGANIZATION and GOALS, OBJECTIVES, and STRATEGIES DR. Margaret O’DonnellFacilitator Business Andy SmithPresident and CEO Jefferson FederalJeff Fed / HC EXCELLCommunity / Business Tish JonesHC Excell Rural Grant Initiative HC EXCELLCommunity Laura Dickerson HC Excell Rural Grant Initiative HC EXCELL Community Carol Manning HC Excell Rural Grant Initiative HC EXCELL Community Janice WilderParental InvolvementDouglas CherokeeEducation Mary Sue DavisEducation CoordinatorDouglas CherokeeEducation David PurkeyCounty MayorHamblen County Government Ricky BruceProduction Control MGR / CommissionerTANA / Hamblen CountyGovernment / Business Gary ChesneyChairman – Board of EducationHamblen CountyEducation / Government Carolyn HoltBoard of EducationHamblen CountyEducation / Government Dr. Dale LynchSuperintendent of SchoolsHamblen CountyEducation Dr. Brenda DeanAssistant Director for CurriculumHamblen CountyEducation Dr. Lori CampbellDean / Regional P-16 InitiativeWalters StateEducation Dr. Mary Lou AppleDean of Academic AffairsWalters StateEducation Lynn ElkinsDirector TN TechnologyTennessee TechnologyEducation Michelle DavenportStudent Services CoordinatorTennessee TechnologyEducation Debra WilliamsGeneral ManagerChamber of CommerceCommunity / Business

9 9 Vision of Hamblen County P-16 Council The Hamblen County P-16 Council will create a strong and sustainable school and community partnership to coordinate and/or provide a comprehensive set of programs and supports for preschool through grade 16 students. VISION

10 10 Mission Statement of Hamblen County P-16 The HC P-16 Council will bring together stakeholders from the private and public sector to promote and develop competent, caring, and qualified educators in grades P-16; strengthen connections, communication and smooth transitions to improve student learning, parent knowledge and community commitment/involvement at all levels; and increase public involvement and awareness of the link between an educated citizenry and a healthy economy. MISSION

11 11 Organization of the Hamblen County P-16 The Steering Committee divided the P-16 mission into three areas of work to define and target activities to promote interaction and involvement of Community, Education and Government. The following 2004 co-leadership team was appointed by the Steering Committee: Andy Smith - Strategic Sustainment Ricky Bruce - Community/Collaboration Gary Chesney - Educators Lynn Elkins - Students

12 12 P-16 Areas of Work Strategic Sustainment: Leader: Andy Smith Develop plan for community wide support to enhance quality education. ort Community/Collaboration: Leader: Ricky Bruce Make Education the number one priority in Hamblen County. Educators: Leader: Gary Chesney Recruit, retain and develop qualified educators. Students: Leader: Lynn Elkins Ensure continuity and consistency of quality education throughout P-16.

13 13 Goals / Objectives Community / Collaboration GOAL 1: Make Education the number one priority in Hamblen County. Objective 1-1: P-16 members will form a collaborative effort beginning 1st quarter 2004 to develop strategies for achieving educational excellence in Hamblen County. Objective 1-2: P-16 Council members will develop a more informed citizenry for Hamblen County regarding Education beginning with a comprehensive marketing campaign in support of public education beginning 2nd quarter 2004.

14 14 Goals / Objectives Educators GOAL 2: Recruit, retain, and develop qualified educators. Objective 2-1: Improve quality of education in Hamblen County by developing a long-range plan for Recruitment, Retention and Professional development of qualified educators by the end of 2004. Objective 2-2: Focus on “growing our own educators” by encouraging Hamblen County students to become teachers/administrators.

15 15 Goals / Objectives Students Goal 3: Ensure continuity and consistency of quality education throughout P-16. Objective 3-1: P-16 Council members will develop strategies that encourage consistency, equity, and communication throughout the Hamblen County Education System beginning 2003. Objective 3-2: Develop strategies for ensuring consistency in educating and involving parents in the P-16 educational process(i.e., newsletters, on-line information, PTSO’s, marketing campaign, etc.) beginning 3rd quarter 2004.

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