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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act New Tools for Transparency and Accountability Office of the Deputy Secretary September 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act New Tools for Transparency and Accountability Office of the Deputy Secretary September 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act New Tools for Transparency and Accountability Office of the Deputy Secretary September 2009

2 Agenda Dept. of Education ARRA Funding Summary New Tracking Tools – Available Now Soon to Come – Quarterly Recipient Reporting Longer-Term Goal – Using Data to Promote Reform

3 Save and Create Jobs Drive Education Reform 3 American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA): $100 billion investment in education

4 ARRA Funding for Existing Formula Grants ~26 Billion



7 New Tracking Tools – Available Now – Includes all agencies receiving ARRA findings – Maintained by OMB/Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board – Builds on learning from Federal Financial Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA),

8 New Tracking Tools – Available Now – Key Features – Financial and Activity Report – updated weekly – Funding Notification Report – updated weekly – Maps allowing some state and recipient tracking – Consistent reporting elements across agencies




12 New Tracking Tools – Available Now Enhanced reporting at the agency level – Department of Education Spending Report by State Spending Report by Program



15 Soon to Come – Quarterly Recipient Reporting All ARRA recipients required to report quarterly via a single federal portal: Includes all ED ARRA programs except Pell “A game changer” – new level of transparency into spending Massive undertaking at the federal level There will be a learning curve and bumps along the way

16 Soon to Come – Quarterly Recipient Reporting Required Reporting Elements (Prime Recipients must report on these elements for each ARRA program for which they received funding) – Identification details – Award amount – Expenditure amount – Vendors and sub-recipients over $25,000 – Project description and completion status – Jobs creation estimate

17 Soon to Come – Quarterly Recipient Reporting Timing – Registration open now on – Reporting begins Oct 1 with reports due Oct 10 – Changes can be made by recipient through Oct 21 – Agency can continue to review through Oct 29 – Reports will be public Oct 30

18 Soon to Come – Quarterly Recipient Reporting Key Issues – Limited by “one size fits all” reporting requirements across agencies – Data quality is responsibility of prime recipients, though agencies will perform quality review – Estimating jobs created/retained is complex Process will begin again in January

19 Longer Term: use data to show how schools perform, help schools improve Specific data metrics have been developed to measure progress against the four reform priorities; recently available for public comment in the Federal Register In application for phase two stabilization funds, states provide plan for collecting and reporting these data Transparency on state progress toward reforms will drive conversations and action

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