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Published byKory Cody Little Modified over 9 years ago
Promoting smartness among local areas: the SMART Basilicata project National announcement “Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation” of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) n.84/Ric 2012, National Operational Plan (PON) 2007 – 2013 of 2 March 2012 Monica Salvia (CNR-IMAA)
European cities initiatives Public- Private-Partnership in “Energy Efficiency in Buildings” (E2B)SET-Plan European Industrial Initiative (EII) “SMART CITIES & COMMUNITIES”Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union” - European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) “SMART CITIES”European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) - Joint Programme (JP) on SMART CITIESJoint Programming Initiative “Urban Europe”European Strategic Transport Technology PlanFuture Internet Public-Private Partnership (partenariato pubblico-privato per l’internet del futuro)Green Digital Charter (Carta Verde Digitale)CONCERTOCovenant of MayorsCIVITAS Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum
The evolution of Earth Observation (EO) systems will make available new scenarios for the development of innovative methodologies aimed to the study of environmental phenomena. Scientific framework Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum The main challenge is to develop new methodologies for the analysis and integration of data coming from multiplatform sensors with a different spatial, temporal and spectral resolution (Sensor Synergy) in order to analyze complex environmental processes in compliance with the guidelines of international programmes such as GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security). Integrating multiresolution observing systems with innovative technological platforms and ICT architectures in compliance with the contents of the Digital Earth and Citizen Science programs will pave the way for new applicative scenarios for the study of a wider range of environmental phenomena and the release to public authorities of innovative services and products.
Smart Cities in Italy and the Basilicata case study Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum Up till now in Italy independent initiatives have been carried out by local governments without a common national strategy. A recent study on the Smart Cities in Italy (ABB, 2012) pointed out that: “ high fragmentation and dispersion of initiatives, tendency to organize initiatives in isolation and extremely disparate nature of solutions under the generic heading of “smart””. Basilicata is a small region of the Southern Italy representing only 3.3% of the Italian surface and with a population density of about 60.8 inhabitants per square kilometres, definitely under the Italian national average (about 200 inh./ Basilicata is divided into 2 provinces, Potenza and Matera, and includes 131 municipalities of which 100 falling under the Potenza Province’s administration. The regional territory is interested by two National Parks as well as the most large oil reservoir of continental Europe.
Peculiarities of SMART Basilicata Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum Based on a careful analysis of the local economic, social and technological framework it intends to contribute to the main European initiatives on energy and climate issues at local/urban level. SMART Basilicata proposes a systemic approach to the Basilicata region as an “ urban sprawl " in order to move towards a “smart community" through the identification and development of innovative technology solutions for sustainable energy and environmental management, mobility, social participation and the use of smart services by Public Administrations and citizens. The aim is to provide a boost and a comprehensive framework to the transition towards a smart configuration of the local territorial system, by: developing experimental methods based on the integration of advanced technologies of Earth Observation and ICT. carrying out studies on the territory for Public Administrations, considering technical and economic feasibility of such projects implementing small-scale demonstrators, replicable in other contexts
Industrial component.. Scientific knowledge component.. Local governance Basilicata Regional Authority Provinces of Potenza and Matera Municipalities of Potenza, Matera and Viggiano The partnership Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum In “ SMART Basilicata ” multi-layer public authorities, private enterprises, research organizations and universities has been working together to draft the basis for a regional strategy for smart-related issues.
Partnership involvement in smart-related projects Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum EU FP7ProjectPartner FP7 Environment CP- SICA LEDDRA - Land and Ecosystem Degradation and Desertification: Assessing the Fit of Responses UNIBAS FP7 Environment CASCADE- CAtastrophic Shifts in drylands: how CAN we prevent ecosystem DEgradation? FP7 Security G-MOSAIC GMES -Services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises UNIBAS, e- GEOS FP7-ICT-SEC ISTIMES Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing TERN, CNR- IMAA FP7-SPACE DORIS - Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service CNR-IMAA; TERN FP7-SPACE DORIS_NET Downstream Observatory organized by Regions active in Space network TERN, CNR- IMAA, UNIBAS, e- GEOS FP7 - CapacitiesS Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network CNR-IMAA FP7 - Capacities BRISK-Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge ENEA FP7 - Cooperation SAHYOG- Strengthening Networking on Biomass Research and Biowaste Conversion Biotechnology for Europe-India integration ENEA FP7-SPACE- 2007-1.1-01 SAFER - Services and applications for emergency response e-GEOS FP7- REGIONS- 2011-1 THE ISSUE - Traffic- Health- Environment. Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies e-GEOS FP7- SPACE.2011.1.1- 01 BRIDGES - Building Relationships and Interactions to Develop GMES for European Security e-GEOS International Cooperation Research activities Partner COST Action TU1104 SMART ENERGY REGIONSCNR-IMAA COST Action TU0902 Integrated assessment technologies to support the sustainable development of urban area COST Action C21 TOWNTOLOGY, Urban Ontologies for an improved communication in Urban and Civil Engineering projects UNIBAS COST Action TU0803 Cities Regrowing Smaller (CIRES), Fostering Knowledge on Regeneration Strategies in Shrinking Cities across Europe Energy European Research alliance (EERA). JP SMART CITIES Smart Sub- Coordinator European Joint Programme ENEA Energy European Research alliance (EERA). Joint Programme SMART CITIES, Sub-programme “Energy in cities” CNR-IMAA International Energy Agency The Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (IEA- ETSAP) International Energy Agency BioenergyENEA
Struttura generale del progetto Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum This 30-month project (starting in early 2013) is structured around five main operating objectives which are smartly integrated in a systematic approach towards a more sustainable configuration of the regional “widespread town” WP1 SMART NATURAL RESOURCES WP2 SMART ENERGY WP3 SMART MOBILITY WP4 SMART CULTURE AND TOURISM WP5 SMART PARTICIPA TION Smart Environment represents the central core of this approach and is strictly interrelated with the other spheres of action. These operating objectives are split into several activities involving: - industrial research (IR), and - experimental development (ED) which will be carried out in strict synergy among the partners, taking out the most from the public and private competences available on the regional territory.
Project’s structure DEMONSTRATOR 3: SMART_STREET (Potenza) DEMONSTRATOR 4: sMArTERA (Matera) DEMONSTRATOR 2: SMART_BIOFUEL (Val d’Agri) DEMONSTRATOR 1: SMART_ENV (Val d’Agri/Basilicata) WP1: SMART ENVIRONME NT WP2: SMART ENERGY WP3: SMART MOBILITY WP4: SMART CULTURE AND TOURISM WP5 SMART PARTICIPATION Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum All the research activities converge into four “demonstrators” located in different areas of Basilicata which aims to constitute reference models for territorial development fostering the participation of multiple stakeholders from the public sector, civil society, and the private sector.
Agry Valley / Basilicata Overview of demonstrators Agry Valley Potenza Matera
Localization of the demonstrators Vulture Potenza Matera Maratea Metapontino Pollino Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum Different dimensions, cultural identities, vocation and peculiarities characterizes the local areas involved in this study The replicability of the proposed solutions makes SMART Basilicata a “smart” attempt to draw a common innovation strategy on the medium/long term with a regional perspective. Val d’Agri
Overview of project’s activities Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum
Project management Dr Monica Salvia, SIEE 2012 – China-Italy Innovation Forum
Promoting smartness among local areas: the SMART Basilicata project Monica Salvia (CNR-IMAA)
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