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Getting the Media Message Project Monroe Middle School Columbus Public Schools Columbus Ohio.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting the Media Message Project Monroe Middle School Columbus Public Schools Columbus Ohio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting the Media Message Project Monroe Middle School Columbus Public Schools Columbus Ohio

2 Checking out the stats!

3 Compiling more information

4 Hypothesis More boys are involved with TV, Gaming, Videos and music using technology and not involved with reading books or magazines More girls are involved with reading books and magazines and only use technology for Chat, email and research

5 Favorite TV Show -Boys 1. The Simpson's 2. SpongeBob and Sports Center (tie) 3. That’s So Raven

6 Favorite Movie- Boys 1. Bad Boys 2 2. Don’t Be a Menace 3. TuPac

7 Favorite Magazines-Boys 1. Sports Illustrated 2. Jet 3. LowRider

8 Favorite Books- Boys 1. Harry Potter (any and all) 2. Holes 3. Captain Underpants

9 Favorite Careers-Boys 1. Pro Athlete 2. Lawyer 3. Gaming designer/computer programmer

10 Favorite Magazines-Girls 1. Ebony 2. Essence 3.Jet

11 Favorite Careers-Girls + 1. Doctor 2. Lawyer 3. Acting

12 Favorite Books-Girls 1. Holes 2. Harry Potter (any or all) 3. Babysitter’s Club series

13 Favorite TV Shows-Girls 1. One On One 2. SpongeBob 3. That’s So Raven

14 Favorite Movie-Girls 1.Finding Nemo 2.Pirates of the Caribbean

15 Conclusions Boys are much more interested in computers than girls Boys want to work with computers as a career Girls and boys watch a lot of TV and videos Girls do read more and with more variety Girls see computers as a kind of tool and boys see them as toys

16 The investigators

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