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Using Systems Engineering Data Standards with DoDAF

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1 Using Systems Engineering Data Standards with DoDAF
Ian Bailey (Eurostep) Fatma Dandashi (Mitre Corp) Dwayne Hardy (American Systems Corp) David Price (Eurostep)

2 Disclaimers Most of the following is from the co-authors of a white paper on this subject Ian Bailey, Eurostep Dwayne Hardy, American Systems Corp Fatma Dandashi and Huei-Wan Ang, Mitre and, based on a Dwayne Hardy quote, “Hundreds of like minded individuals who are contributing to the vision of model-driven SE championed by the INCOSE MDSD WG” including your own Sandy Friedenthal and others

3 Standards and SE data DoDAF - DoD Architecture Framework
Defines standardized views of systems information International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and Model-Driven System Design Model-Driven SE Semantic Dictionary and Concept Model Group work results in SysML/AP233 and alignment activity SysML - from Object Management Group Provide a standard modelling language and notation for systems engineers AP233 Systems Engineering - ISO Defines a neutral information model for complex systems engineering structures

4 Military Capabilities SoS and System Components
Why DoDAF? Military Capabilities expressed as Concepts Means Behavior Outcomes SoS and System Components expressed as Components Functions Interfaces Interactions From a mission capability analysis perspective: An aid in defining just what is a joint warfighting integrated architecture. In addition to the benefits that we just discussed that are related to MOSA, modeling can also aid in the understanding of the behavior or interaction of systems collaborating on a mission capability. Also applicable to S-of-S architectures, modeling also: Permits different tools to be used by the various participants collaborating in the development of a mission capability Permits alternate view of an architecture to be generated from the model data based on corresponding templates Permits the usage of similar semantics to express architectures and related interfaces that exist at multiple (hierarchical) levels of details (i.e., joint, Service, platform, major system, subsystem, etc.) DoD’s framework for defining mission capabilities and related system-of-systems architectures

5 systems interoperability
The DoDAF Views Organizations, activities, information flow requirements Operational View (OV) functional, organizational & interface requirements operational requirements capability & supportability information system designs to support process Technical Standards View (TV) Systems View (SV) verification of capability against standards Prescribes technical standards System structure, interfacing, data models, etc. standards governing systems interoperability

6 Systems Functionality Sequence and Timing Description (SV-10 a/b/c)
Summary of DoDAF Views NODES TIME A B C X Y Z Systems Interface Description (SV-1) T1 System Functionality Description (SV-4) T2 T3 Systems Functionality Sequence and Timing Description (SV-10 a/b/c) Activity to System Function (SV-5) Technical Architecture Profile (TV-1) Physical Schema SV-11 Operational Systems Technical Standards Technology Forecast (TV-2) Systems Evolution Description (SV-8) System - System Matrix (SV-3) Systems Communications Description (SV-2) Systems Data Exchange Matrix (SV-6) Systems Performance Parameters Matrix (SV-7) Operational Concept Description (OV-1) Systems Technology Forecast (SV-9) Activity Model (OV-5) Node Connectivity Description (OV-2) NODES TIME A B C Organizational Relationships Chart (OV-4) T1 T2 • ..... T3 Operational Activity Sequence and Timing Description (OV-6 a/b/c) Information Exchange Matrix (OV-3) Logical Data Model (OV-7) © Mitre Corp

7 Operational Activity Models (OV-5)
Node C Node A Node B Activity 2 External Activity 1 Activity 1 Flow1 Flow 2 External Activity 2 Node D Activity 3 Flow 3 Flow 4 Conducts © Mitre Corp

8 Systems Interface Description (SV-1)
Node A System 1 System 5 Node B System 3 Node C System 4 Node1 External Connection Sys Func L Sys Func M Interface 1 Interface 4 Sys Func N Sys Func H Sys Func I Sys Func J Interface 5 Key Interface 3 © Mitre Corp

9 SysML System Modeling Language being standardized in OMG
“a general-purpose systems modeling language” “supports the specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of a broad range of complex systems” “systems may include hardware, software, data, personnel, procedures, and facilities” Based on UML 2.0 with extensions (i.e. a UML Profile): To define engineering semantics for existing UML concepts To add requirements and parametric capabilities AP233 and SysML based on the common Concept Model from INCOSE which defines their scope

10 SysML Diagram Types © SysML Partners (Submission to OMG)

11 SysML – System Structure
Example © SysML Partners (Submission to OMG)

12 SysML – Requirements Example © SysML Partners (Submission to OMG)

13 SysML – Continuous Behaviour
Example © SysML Partners (Submission to OMG)

14 SysML – State Machines Example © SysML Partners (Submission to OMG)

15 AP233 Systems Engineering
AP233 is the Systems Engineering part of the new suite of ISO STEP Application Protocols built from modules Shared constructs guarantee interoperability between disciplines such as Systems Engineering, Product Life Cycle Support and Configuration Controlled Design Defines a formal, strict information model intended to prevent ambiguity when used for exchange between engineering systems As part of STEP, AP233 links to standards with a vast scope

16 AP233 Scope requirements breakdowns PDM behaviour config control
static structure system sub-system product structure config control text-based functional breakdown WBS person & org property-based security behaviour analysis rules state-based verification & validation model presentation function-based risk measurement Legend future work completed

17 How Does AP233 Help? Defines a reliable, automated way to move data between SE software tools Eliminates the need for data re-entry Provides a system-independent format for archiving data Can be specified in a contract Unlocks data stored in uncompetitive systems Allows movement of data along the design process e.g. requirements->systems->budgeting->design Introduces functionality never before possible All systems engineering data can be integrated together Allows whole-system, whole-lifecycle design and analysis

18 Using Them Together One obvious scenario AP233
Use DoDAF to specify requirements for the different views of a system Use SysML to model the system Use AP233 to exchange data between SysML, legacy SE tools and other DoDAF views SysML DoDAF OV2 SV4 • ..... AP233 OV7 TV2 • .....

19 How Well do They Fit ? AP233 and SysML are being aligned by the development teams Initial analysis indicates good coverage of the relevant DoDAF views with SysML AP233 aligned with SysML scope but can also exchange the DoDAF Technical Views AP233 is independent of modelling technique or representation and so can exchange data between non-SysML tools also

20 Proof-of-concept AP233 Demonstrator SysML Assembly/AP233 project
DoDAF CADM/AP233 project

21 1. AP233 Demonstrator Initial work sponsored by NASA JPL Intended to:
further development sponsored by UK MOD and Eurostep Intended to: showcase AP233 functionality enable creation of test data and to test AP233 functionality provide target/source for vendor i/f implementations Uses High Level API native format is AP233 STEP ASCII File High Level API has also been used for DOORS, Cradle and Requisite Pro interfaces

22 AP233 Demonstrator

23 AP233 Demonstrator Interfaces
DOORS (Telelogic) Core (Vitech) Slate (EDS) SysML (Poseidon UML) Cradle (3SL) Also: Requisite Pro MS Word MS Excel MS Visio MS Project

24 2. SysML Assembly/AP233 project
For John Deere research SysML team member Define a mapping from SysML Assembly to STEP AP233/SysEng Structures Implement mapping using an early UML 2/SysML tool Import resulting data into “AP233 Demonstrator” to show what’s possible

25 The SysML Assembly Test Case Input
The Part Definitions A Second Level Assembly A Part in an Assembly A Port in an Assembly A Connector

26 SysML Meta-model example
Data structures like this support the diagram notation of SysML, SE’s never see this Port concept defined

27 AP233 Structure/Interfaces example
Portions of AP233 EXPRESS model translated to UML, SE’s never see this either Assembly/Port Link concept defined

28 Exchanged Part/Port in Assembly Output
Low-pass filter Assembly Output Port in Assembly Capacitor Part in Assembly

29 3. DoDAF CADM/AP233 project For DoD/American Systems Corporation
SysML team member Project currently underway First demonstration planned for joint INCOSE/OMG conference early November 2004 Define mapping from several DoDAF Views to AP233 Implement two-way mapping between DoDAF CADM XML format and AP233 XML format

30 Example AP233 & DODAF Scenario
CASE/ RAD Tools Systems Engineering Tools e.g. System Architect e.g. DOORS CADM XML Data Converter e.g. Rational Rose AP233 XML e.g. Slate etc. etc. DARS PDM/ PLCS

31 Conclusions DoDAF, SysML and AP233
Improve the systems engineering of Systems of Systems Support related analyses and project management decisions Have different roles in the systems engineering process DoDAF provides larger context/framework for SE SysML is tool for SEs enabling consistency across DoDAF and other architectures/processes AP233 for SE system integrators supporting a broad scope enables SysML/other SE modeling paradigm exchange and legacy data extraction opens up possibility of standardized shared data environments based on SysML and DoDAF Proof-of-concepts show that they do work together

32 More Information AP233 DoDAF SysML
NASA AP233 Page at Eurostep AP233 Page at DoDAF DoD NII Archive at SysML SysML Partners Page at OMG SysEng SIG at The International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE at

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