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MWF 2:00 – 2:50 College Hall 205 WEB DESIGN JMA 318 | 574.

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Presentation on theme: "MWF 2:00 – 2:50 College Hall 205 WEB DESIGN JMA 318 | 574."— Presentation transcript:

1 MWF 2:00 – 2:50 College Hall 205 WEB DESIGN JMA 318 | 574

2 Instructor  Dr. Bill Gibbs  Associate Professor in the JMA Department.  Ph.D. in Instructional Systems from The Pennsylvania State University.  Office – 341 COLH  Office hours – Tues 11:00-2:00, WF 10:30 – 12:00 and by appointment  Phone – 412-396-1310  E-mail –

3 Purpose Introduction to Web designIntroduction to Web design Overview of Web design principlesOverview of Web design principles Work with various software tools to design sites.Work with various software tools to design sites.

4 Web Design –Goals  Demonstrate understanding of key principles underlying effective and innovative web design.  Analyze audience needs to design and develop web sites.  Prototype web designs.

5 Web Design –Goals  Analyze web design characteristics – study other site designs.  Acquire skill in web technologies to create innovative designs.

6 Web Design –Goals  Apply precepts of:  design,  typography, [Web type] and typographyWeb type  color [more color sites]in web designs. colormore color sites  Critically evaluate our own web designs.  Plan, design, develop, and implement Web sites.

7 Web Design - Textbook Learning Web Design by Jennifer Robbins, 2012, 4 th edition. ISBN: 978-1-449-31927-4.

8 Web Design - Textbook Transcending CSS Andy Clarke Not required

9 Assignments 1. Labs/homework - design exercises (7) 2. Quizzes (2) 3. Midterm Exam 4. Final Exam 5. Group design exercise 6. Web Site – Final Course Project 7. Graduate project

10 Assignments Labs/projects are due at the end of the day. Late assignments receive a 10% per class penalty up to a maximum of 30%. Cannot be accepted after 3 class periods.

11 Assignments Points assigned to each project

12 Examine a variety of designs, functional … aesthetic






18 We will look for examples of beautiful web design  Aesthetically pleasing objects appear more effective to the user because of their appeal.  … the user feels an affinity for an object that appeals to him/her, due to the formation of an emotional connection with the object. Don Norman, Emotional Design









27 Examine a variety of designs magazine best uses of CSS we've seen this year Zen Garden: Veerle Pieters : CSS3 features : Responsive: |

28 You’ll need You should have access to e-mail and a Web browser – outside of class. Flash drive (recommended) labeled with your name and contact information on them.

29 Class Web Site

30 E-mailing E-mailing assignments. Use your Duquesne ( account.

31 E-mailing E-mailing assignments/attachments. Must have your name E-mail address Title of assignment Label subject of e-mail

32 Applications MS Office: Word Visio

33 Applications Adobe Illustrator

34 Applications Adobe Photoshop

35 Applications Dreamweaver

36 Applications.CSS Web development

37 Overview: topics  Logging on  Our servers  Using FTP  User folder and class folders  File Extensions

38 User Name and Password  To connect to our servers from within either of our two labs (205 or 345):  Ctrl-Alt-Delete  Username: YourLastName  PW: Given in class  You will be asked to change your password the first time you login

39 User Name and Password  8 characters or more  1 UPPERCASE character  1 number  1 Special character ($, &) – no spaces  (e.g., Duquesne$07)

40 Our Server  Your private folder  It’s a subfolder of users folder   Save files (drag and drop files) while in either lab (CH205, CH345)  You can also FTP to there from home…

41 How do I access the server?  Access from either CH345 and CH205  Start >> Computer (Z: Drive)  \\jma1\users\username

42 How do I access the server? From dorm or home  Example:  You will be prompted for your user name and password  Use the same name and password you used to login to Windows

43 How do I access the server? (from dorm or home) You will be prompted for your username and password – jma/username

44 How do I access the server? (from dorm or home) Folders and files display Transfer (put) files from your computer, Download (get) files to your computer.

45 The PUB folder USER FOLDER

46 Folder File PUB Folder Your Space User folder

47 Folder File PUB Folder Your Space All files for the Web must be in PUB User folder

48 User Folder  Your folder on server has a child folder named pub  Inside that folder you should create a folder for each course that requires a web site  In this course, create a sub folder named JMA318

49 The PUB folder You might create subfolders, for each course. Double-click on pub Right-click on any unused white area

50 The PUB folder  Create new folder  Name it your course name

51 Web URL  The URL to your website(s) depend on how you structured your home folder  Using earlier example  Assuming your file name is default.htm, or index.htm in the jma318 folder the address would be:

52 For next time  Room 205 access  Biographical sheet

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