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Tools for IA. Conceptual - DENIM - SILK - Post-Its - OmniGraffle - ConceptDraw - MindMap - Pen and Paper - Visio (and templates) - Storyspace - RFFlow.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for IA. Conceptual - DENIM - SILK - Post-Its - OmniGraffle - ConceptDraw - MindMap - Pen and Paper - Visio (and templates) - Storyspace - RFFlow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for IA

2 Conceptual - DENIM - SILK - Post-Its - OmniGraffle - ConceptDraw - MindMap - Pen and Paper - Visio (and templates) - Storyspace - RFFlow - Graphviz CardSorting - EZCalc - EZSort - WebCAT Design - InDesign - Photoshop - Dreamweaver - Illustrator - IsaViz - NorpathElements Usability Testing - UsableTools - UzillaLLC - ErgoLight Content/Document Management - Interwoven - Blogger - MovableType - Vignette - Documentum - Zope - LIDOS Information Visualization - ThinkMap - Knowledge Map - PiCoMap Thesaurus/Taxonomy Design - MultiTes - TermTree - MIDOS - a.k.a. - ThesMain - WebChoir - IC INDEX - CONCEPTO - TheW/THeW32 Web Statistics -WebTrends -Livestats -Analog XML Schema -XML Spy -Notepad So Many Tools!!!!!!

3 What do we really need??

4 Contextual Research with Users in their Environments Discovery Modeling User Behaviors, Structures, Systems & Needs Sales (impatient) Blueprinting Concrete Solutions that Map to Real Experience Cust. Svc. Subsite Sales Subsite Customer Extranet Shared Applications Issues Tracker FAQ D-base Architecture Consolidation of Models Cust. Svc.Sales Customers (confused) barrier Modeling Abstract Solutions Cust. Svc.Sales Customers Collaboration Consistent Information Analysis Organic Design Cust. Svc. (misinformed) Customers (overwhelmed) (lacking latest info) !! ??



7 Search Engine: Vendor List Search Tools XML Search dors.html Industry Reports from Forrester or Jupiter can provide you more information about the industry and market leaders.

8 Search Engine: Factors for Consideration How soon do you need it? (time) What resources are available? (financial, hardware, & technical skills) Will this be for an intranet, file system, or internet sites? Identify requirements(business, technical, user interface) More information on factors for consideration:

9 Classification: Vendor List IA Wiki Montague Institute Search Tools Thesaurus Design Tools Willpower Information – Thesaurus Management Software

10 Classification/Taxonomy: Factors for Consideration How soon do you need it? (time) How will it be used at your organization? (indexing, controlled vocabulary, search/browse) How many terms and how deep or wide? (scope) How will this be implemented? (search engine, content management system, database system) There will be different types of tools at what part of the process? (term mining, structuring, implementation)


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