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Multiple Intelligences Tammy Duvall.  Purpose Purpose  Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner?  Theory of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Multiple.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Intelligences Tammy Duvall.  Purpose Purpose  Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner?  Theory of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Multiple."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Intelligences Tammy Duvall

2  Purpose Purpose  Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner?  Theory of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Multiple Intelligences  The 8 Intelligences (Video Clip) The 8 Intelligences (Video Clip)  Check for Understanding #1, #2, #3, #4#1#2#3#4  Connection to Technology Connection to Technology  Resources Resources Visual-SpatialNaturalisticInterpersonalIntrapersonal Logical- Mathematical Verbal-LinguisticBodily-KinestheticMusical-Rhythmical

3  This presentation will describe the theories and contributions of Howard Gardner, and their applications to classroom technology use.

4 Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner?  John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education (1998- present)  Senior Director of Harvard University 's Project Zero Project Zero  Theorist behind Multiple Intelligences  Picture obtained from:

5 Gardner, H. (2004). A multiplicity of intelligences: In tribute to Professor Luigi Vignolo. Scientific American. Obtained from: -101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf -101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf Image obtained from: piechart.gif&imgrefurl= g=__L35jp516ucInbBNun4- 7pBeEJco=&h=450&w=600&sz=17&hl=en&start=11&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbn id=JFauyjE7muogTM:&tbnh=101&tbnw=  Intelligence is more than IQ  Human beings possess all of these intelligences  All humans, “exhibit different profiles of intelligences.”

6 Howard Gardner speaks briefly about his Multiple Intelligences theory. (Note: Ability to access YouTube is necessary to view this clip.)

7  “The ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems.” (Brualdi, 1996)  Sensitivity to color, line, shape, form, space, and the relationships that exist between these elements. (Armstrong, 1994)

8 I’ll take care of the class pet! I’d love to start a rock collection!  A person "who demonstrates expertise in recognition and classification of the numerous species - the flora and fauna - of her or his environment.” (Gardner, 1998)

9  A person who has a high level of intelligence in visual-spatial reasoning would most likely enjoy working on which of the following projects: ◦ a. Song composing a. Song composing ◦ b. Rock collection b. Rock collection ◦ c. 3-D model of the solar system c. 3-D model of the solar system ◦ d. Scavenger hunt d. Scavenger hunt

10 Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!  Visual-spatial learners enjoy creating visual representations of their knowledge.

11  This project would be best for another type of learner! Click here to try again

12 I’m most comfortable working in a group! I excel in class discussions!  Easily understands the intentions, desires, and motivations of others.  Works effectively with others.

13 I prefer to work alone! I would enjoy writing in a journal!  The ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations.

14  You need to select a leader to organize a class bake sale. Which type of learner should you choose? ◦ a. Intrapersonal a. Intrapersonal ◦ b. Interpersonal b. Interpersonal ◦ c. Naturalistic c. Naturalistic ◦ d. Visual-Spatial d. Visual-Spatial

15 Students with high levels of interpersonal intelligence enjoy working with others! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!

16  This project would be best for another type of learner! Click here to try again

17 Math and Science are my favorite subjects! I like rational explanations!  The ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically.  Usually associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.

18  The ability to effectively use language to express oneself orally or in writing.

19  Which type of career would be most appropriate for a learner with high levels of logical-mathematical intelligence? ◦ a. Guidance Counselor a. Guidance Counselor ◦ b. Poet b. Poet ◦ c. Park Ranger c. Park Ranger ◦ d. Computer Programmer d. Computer Programmer

20  Logical-Mathematical learners possess many of the skills necessary to be a successful computer programmer! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!

21  This career would be more appropriate for another type of learner. Click here to try again

22 I like working with my hands! I think best when I’m doing something physical!  Expertise in using your body to express ideas or feelings.  Skilled in using their hands to produce or transform things.

23 I listen to music a lot! I often make tapping noises or sing while I work.  Skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.  The ability to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms.

24  A great team project for Bodily-Kinesthetic and Musical-Rhythmical learners would be: ◦ a. Choreographing a dance a. Choreographing a dance ◦ b. Writing a play b. Writing a play ◦ c. Completing a Science lab c. Completing a Science lab ◦ d. Current events debate d. Current events debate

25  This project allows both types of learners to use their strengths! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!

26  This project would be better suited for other types of learners. Click here to try again


28  Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Retrieved from  Brualdi, A. (1996). Multiple intelligences: Gardner's theory. ERIC Digest, Retrieved from  Gardner, H. (2004). A multiplicity of intelligences: in tribute to professor luigi vignolo. Scientific American, Retrieved from 101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf 101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf  Gardner, H. (1998). Are there additional intelligences? The case for naturalist, spiritual, and existential intelligences. In J. Kane (Ed.), Education, information, and transformation (pp. 111- 131). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill-Prentice Hall.  Gardner, H. (2000). Can technology exploit our many ways of knowing?. The Digital Classroom, Retrieved from %20of%20Knowing.pdf %20of%20Knowing.pdf  Smith, M. (2008). Howard gardner and multiple intelligences. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education, Retrieved from  Weiss, R. (2000). Howard gardner talks about technology. Training & Development, 54(9), Retrieved from 9c5b26a8a32b%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d# 9c5b26a8a32b%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#

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