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Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Chung-Min Hsu Adviser : Dr. Pei-Jarn Chen Date : 2014/3/19 Kevin C. Tseng, Member, IEEE, Alice May-Kuen Wong,

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Presentation on theme: "Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Chung-Min Hsu Adviser : Dr. Pei-Jarn Chen Date : 2014/3/19 Kevin C. Tseng, Member, IEEE, Alice May-Kuen Wong,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chairman : Dr. Hung-Chi Yang Presenter : Chung-Min Hsu Adviser : Dr. Pei-Jarn Chen Date : 2014/3/19 Kevin C. Tseng, Member, IEEE, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Chien-Lung Hsu ∗, Member, IEEE, Tsai-Hsuan Tsai, Chang-Mu Han, and Ming-Ren Lee IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 60, NO. 1, JANUARY 2013

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