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EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 Measures, tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 Measures, tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 Measures, tools, methods for supporting cross-border cooperation prepared used for adoption and implementation of joint development decisions and planning/guiding of joint development in the CBC area Proposals from the European Commission October 2011

2 Structure of the presentation: 1.What is the impact of EU cohesion policy? 2.Why is the Commission proposing changes for 2014-2020? 3.What are the main changes? 4.How will the funding be allocated? 5.When will the changes come into effect? 6.Where can I find further information?

3 What is the impact of EU cohesion policy?  8400 km of rail built or improved  5100 km of road built or improved  Access to clean drinking water for 20 million more people  Training for 10 million people each year  Over 1 million jobs created  GDP/capita up 5 % in newer Member States

4 Why is the Commission proposing changes for 2014-2020?

5 What are the main changes - objectives: 1.Deliver the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth 2.Focus on results 3.Maximise the impact of EU funding

6 What are the main changes - reinforcing effectiveness and performance:  Focus on results: Common & programme-specific indicators, reporting, monitoring & evaluation  Performance framework for all programmes: Clear and measurable milestones and targets  Performance reserve: 5 % of national allocations (by Member State, fund and category of region)  Ex-ante conditionality: Ensuring conditions for effective investment are in place  Macro-economic conditionality: Alignment with new economic governance

7 What are the main changes - more coherent use of available EU funds:  Comprehensive investment strategy: aligned with Europe 2020 objectives  Coherence with National Reform Programmes  Coordination: cohesion policy, rural development, maritime & fisheries funds  Objectives and indicators to measure progress towards Europe 2020 targets  Effectiveness: introduction of a performance framework  Efficiency: reinforcement of administrative capacity, cutting red tape Operational Programmes Partnership contract Common Strategic Framework

8 A menu of thematic objectives - thematic objectives to deliver Europe 2020: 1.Research & innovation 2.Information and communication technologies (ICT) 3.Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) 4.Shift towards a low-carbon economy 5.Climate change adaptation & risk prevention and management 6.Environmental protection & resource efficiency 7.Sustainable transport & removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8.Employment & supporting labour mobility 9.Social inclusion & combating poverty 10.Education, skills & lifelong learning 11.Institutional capacity building & efficient public administrations


10 European Social Fund (ESF): Fully in line with the Europe 2020 strategy  Promoting employment & supporting labour mobility  Investing in education, skills & life-long learning  Promoting social inclusion & combating poverty  Enhancing institutional capacity & efficient public administration Reinforced social dimension  20 % of ESF allocations for social inclusion  Greater emphasis on fighting youth unemployment  Mainstreaming & specific support for gender equality & non-discrimination

11 European Social Fund (ESF):

12 Cohesion Fund: supports Member States with GNI/capita < 90 % of EU27 average Investing in environment  Climate change adaptation and risk prevention  Water and waste sectors  Biodiversity including through green infrastructures  Urban environment  Low carbon economy Investing in transport  Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T)  Low-carbon transport systems and urban transport

13 An investment-oriented policy: Promoting the use of innovative financing instruments  Extending scope to all areas of investment  Clearer regulatory framework  10 % bonus for innovative financing instruments & community-led development  A range of options offering flexibility to programme managers Maximum co-financing rates  75-85 % in less developed and outermost regions  60 % in transition regions  50 % in more developed regions

14 Territorial Cooperation:  Separate regulation  Increase of financial resources (+30 %):  3 categories: 73% for cross-border cooperation (EUR 8.6 bn); 21% for transnational (EUR 2.4 bn); 6% for interregional (EUR 0,7 bn)  Population: criterion for breakdown by Member State  75% co-financing rate  Concentration of programmes on up to 4 thematic objectives  Simplified programme management (merger of managing and certifying authorities)  Easier creation of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)

15 Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020:  COM to adopt list of cross-border areas to receive support by programme (at NUTS 3 level)  Addition of adjacent NUTS 3 regions may be proposed when submitting programmes  4 thematic objectives for CBC and transnational  Interregional can cover all thematic objectives  Definition of investment priorities in ERDF regulation apply  Additional element in ETC regulation: ESF-type actions, legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, macro-regional strategies

16 How will funding be allocated:


18 Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020:  COM to adopt list of cross-border areas to receive support by programme (at NUTS 3 level)  Addition of adjacent NUTS 3 regions may be proposed when submitting programmes  4 thematic objectives for CBC and transnational  Interregional can cover all thematic objectives  Definition of investment priorities in ERDF regulation apply  Additional element in ETC regulation: ESF-type actions, legal and administrative cooperation and cooperation between citizens and institutions, macro-regional strategies

19 When will the changes come into effect - timeline:  6 Oct 11: Publication of draft regulations  End 2011 – early 2012: Draft Common Strategic Framework & public consultation  End 2012: Agreement on MFF(2014-2020)?  Spring 2013: Agreement of Regulations?  Summer 2013: Agreement of Common Strategic Framework covering Structural Funds?  During 2014: Entry into force and adoption of programmes

20 Further information: Thank you for your kind attention!

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