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 Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada. It’s a very versatile recipe that has many local and thematic variations – the ultimate greasy.

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2  Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada. It’s a very versatile recipe that has many local and thematic variations – the ultimate greasy spoon specialty.  The origin of poutine is from the 1768-1769 in Moncton and Hillsboro townships, New Brunswick.  The contemporary version was created in Quebec in 1950s..

3 Ingredients:  4 large potatoes, peeled  1 teaspoon salt  Oil for frying  1 cup cheese curds  1 1/3 cups beef gravy, heated

4  Cut the potatoes lengthwise into thin strips, about 1/3-inch in width. Soak the potatoes in ice-cold water for 1 hour, drain, and pat completely dry. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or deep skillet to 325F and fry the potatoes, in batches, for 3 minutes, until they turn dark white-yellow, but not brown. Drain the fries on fresh paper towels and allow them to rest for a few minutes.

5  Bring the oil back to 325F and fry the potatoes again, in batches, for 4 to 5 minutes, until they turn crisp and medium golden brown. Drain the fries on fresh paper towels, salt them, and divide them onto 4 serving plates or bowls.  Add 1/4 cup of the cheese curds and 1/3 cup of the hot beef gravy on each serving of fries. Serve hot.  This poutine recipe makes 4 servings.


7  Greek – Fries,Greek salad without the lettuce  Irish - British fish & chip shop curry, Irish cheddar  Italian – Marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese  Japanese/Vancouver- sweet/savoury sauce and mayo drizzled over were excellent compliments to the cheese  Korean - MashhTa BBQ sauce and cheese  Montreal – Poutine with World Famous Montreal smoked meat on top  Newfie - chips, dressing and gravy & no cheese

8  Christian Treitz, the youngest child of a German family that immigrated to the Monckton Township, discovers the wounds inflicted by the Deportation (of First nations people to reserves) is still fresh in everyone’s mind.  Supplies are running low, and the Treitz family is suffering miserably from the hunger and the cold. Luckily, Christian meets someone who will change his life and his family.

9  The story tells of how an Acadian (part French and part Mi’kmaq) comes to the Treitz family’s rescue by introducing them to local foods such as potatoes and Maple sugar among others.  At one point, Christian asks the Acadian, Mr. Belliveau: “Why are you so charitable to us?” to which Mr. Belliveau answers: “I never want to see someone die of hunger. When we were hiding in the Miramichi region, hundreds of Acadians died.”

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