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Name of School Name of Teacher * Grade Audio Greeting (follow the How to insert a Recording )

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Presentation on theme: "Name of School Name of Teacher * Grade Audio Greeting (follow the How to insert a Recording )"— Presentation transcript:


2 Name of School Name of Teacher * Grade Audio Greeting (follow the How to insert a Recording )

3 MAIN MENU Student’s Name Name of School Name of Teacher * Grade ABOUT ME COMMENTS MY PROJECTS

4 Cover Letter from ***. Write a short biography (a few paragraphs you write that tells us about you). Be sure to Pre-write on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper in your OCR Writing Progress folder (the purple OCR folder). Brainstorm, Ask the 5W’s and an H about things you like to do and why you like to do them. What are looking forward to learning about in fourth grade? What sports do you like? What do you like to do after school? What do you want to do when you get older? Why? Do you want to go to college? What is your favorite subject? Why? What is your favorite book? Why? What is your favorite movie? Why? Use a Graphic Organizer Write Your First Draft. Proofread your draft and find a friend to proof read it for you. Did you use the proof readers marks in your OCR Work in Progress folder. Did you use the 3 Stars and a Wish to Revise and Reflect? Type your final draft here. Personalize your portfolio by choosing your favorite font, font size, font color and alignment.

5 About Me: Student’s Name Name of Teacher * Grade Name: Age: What grade student are you? Favorite Book& Magazine: Favorite Movie: Favorite Subject: What do you want to do when you get older? Where do you want to go to college? What do you want to study? Insert a picture yourself by following the How to insert a picture in your PowerPoint Presentation directions on the wall. (Choose Insert / Movies and Sounds / Record Sound and record your information)

6 My Projects #2 #3 #1 #5 #4 Change subject buttons as desired or add more subject buttons via the Autoshapes tool in the Drawing toolbar. Add links or edit via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. Delete this text box.

7 Project #1 Date Assignment Description Student Comments Assessment Insert scan or other exhibition of the student’s project here. Resize white box as needed. Edit or delete red buttons for other project elements. Delete this text box.

8 Project #2 Date This button is linked to another PowerPoint file containing the teacher’s evaluation and administrative data on the student. Relink via the Slide Show>Action Settings>Link To command. Create another file or use a copy of the blank Assessment template. OR simply delete the button or link to another Assessment screen in this same file.

9 Project #3 Date Insert scan or other exhibition of the student’s project here. Resize white box as needed. Copy red buttons from Project #1 for other project elements, then reset links. Delete this text box.

10 Project #4 Date:

11 Project #5 Date Example= “Books I’ve read this year…” Consider listing names of books read and scans of pages from the books or drawings made by student. You can always copy one of the other project screens instead of using this one. Delete this text.

12 Project #** Date Make copies of this slide to add additional projects (Insert>Duplicate Slide). Insert scan or other exhibition of the student’s project here. Resize white box as needed. Copy red buttons from Project #1 for other project elements, then reset links. Delete this text box.

13 Student Comments~ Name of Project Type in student’s comments about a project in this space. Make copies of this screen as needed via Insert>Duplicate Slide. Re-order in Slide Sorter View and reset links via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. Erase this text.

14 Description of Project #*- ( provided by the teacher) Make other copies of Project Description pages as needed by copying this slide via the Insert>Duplicate Slide command. Re-order in Slide Sorter View and reset links via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. Type in the text, copy from a word processing program or link to a word processing file. Delete this text box.

15 Parents’ Comments~ Project Name Type in comments from parents, peers, other teachers, or other viewers here. Duplicate this screen as needed or delete. Resize box if needed by dragging a corner handle. Erase this text.

16 Assessment of Project #** Teacher types in assessment here. Include score if desired or type in rubric. Overall assessment score = **%, Grade =** To hide viewing of this slide in a slide show choose Slide Show>Hide Slide and type “H” when viewing previous slide. Make copies of this screen as needed via Insert>Duplicate Slide. Re-order in Slide Sorter View and reset links via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. Erase this text.

17 Index of Projects * 132 54 Change buttons as desired or copy more buttons. Add links or edit via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. Delete slide if not wanted. Delete this text box.

18 Showcase 1- Best Work or other Theme 3333 1 2 #* Change buttons as desired or add more buttons via the Autoshapes tool in the Drawing toolbar. Add links or edit via the Slide Show>Action Settings command. You could also duplicate the buttons from the Index of Projects or Subject Menu screens. Delete slide if not wanted. Delete this text box.

19 References Retype to enter references or bibliography for work in the portfolio or delete this screen.

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