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A look at the world today Fatimah .R., Inthuja .J. & Gowshia .V.

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Presentation on theme: "A look at the world today Fatimah .R., Inthuja .J. & Gowshia .V."— Presentation transcript:

1 A look at the world today Fatimah .R., Inthuja .J. & Gowshia .V.
Genetic Engineering A look at the world today Fatimah .R., Inthuja .J. & Gowshia .V.

2 Overview Introduction to Genetic Engineering Applications
Safety and Ethical Issues Branches of Science Uses of this technology by professions Universities/ Courses/ Requirements

3 What is Genetic Engineering?
Directly manipulating/altering the structure and characteristics of genes using molecular cloning & transformation Different from “normal” breeding – genes manipulated indirectly

4 Agricultural Applications
Goes back 100 years Today, scientist use recombinant DNA technology First food made by recombinant DNA technology – Flavr Savr Tomatoes (1994) 60% of foods are genetically modified Solution to world hunger

5 Human & Medical Applications
Production of Insulin Genetic Screening/Testing Gene Therapy Production of experimental mice, oncomouse (cancer mouse) Vaccine


7 Cloning and Stem Cells Clone created from one cell – not sex cell
Cloning – process of creating an identical copy of an original (Example: Identical Twins) Stem cells (master cells) can develop into any tissue Cure their own disease or build new organs – NO REJECTION

8 Ethics Involving Genetic Engineering
Ethical issues concerning human beings and animals - Are we playing God? - Religions beliefs - Creates new viruses - Designer Babies

9 Ethics Involving Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering and Plants - Effects on our Environment - Long run effects on environment

10 Branches of sciences needed to study the technology
Genetics Medicine Biology/Chemistry Biochemistry Microbiology Chemical Engineering

11 What professions use this technology?
Microbiologist Laboratory technician Research assistant Lecturer or professor Chief Executive Officer of a biotech company Postdoctoral research associate Genetic Engineer Research Scientist Biotechnologist

12 Courses offered at Universities
University of Toronto Human Biology Program Genes, genetic and biotechnology specialities program York University Biotechnology Program Requirements Grade 12 Chemistry, Calculus and Advanced Functions Grade 12 Physics is highly recommended Other Requirements team worker, honest, creative, has problem solving skills

13 Summary Genetic engineering is direct manipulation of an organism’s genes Most common uses of genetic engineering are in medicine A very controversial topic considering the ethical issues Variety of sciences are incorporated into this engineering Many professions use this technology

14 Reference List Career Details for Biotechnologist. (n.d.). December 14, 2008, < Engdahl, Sylvia, ed. Genetic Engineering. Bonnie Szumski, "Genetic Engineering" Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica Online Library Edition. 13 Dec “Genetic Engineering." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 12 Dec. 2008, < Genetic Engineering Research Scientist Job Description, Career as a Genetic Engineering Research Scientist, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job. December 14, 2008, < Heaf, D. (2004, January 25). Becoming a Genetic Engineer. December 14, 2008, < Playground: Genetic Engineering." Think quest. 11 Dec < MacDonald Glenn, Linda. "Bio Med Law." 13 Dec. 2008, < MacDonald Glenn, Linda. "Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering and Transgenic." American Institute of Biological Sciences. 13 Dec < McLeish, Ewan. Genetic Revolution. New York: Stargazer Books, Wilson, R. (2006, July 19). Human Biology at the University of Toronto. December 14, 2008, < York University - Biology Undergraduate - Biotechnology. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2008, <

15 Your Thoughts on... GENETIC ENGINEERING and its uses in our everyday lives considering everything that was discussed in the presentation!

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