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Parent/Player Code of Conduct September, 2015
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
On behalf of the President and BOD’s, Welcome and Welcome back Chicago Bruins… Please review the following organizational slides and critical R&E Policies to prepare you and your player for the season. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Club Overview We continue to grow in our 7th season, with almost 30 teams competing in Multiple Leagues Northwest Hockey League - “Travel B” or House Northern Illinois Hockey League (NIHL) “A” Girls and Boys Teams Central States Developmental Hockey League (CSDHL) “AA” Addison Grizzlies – AAU Mite Program Midget Majors CS advancing to USA Hockey Nationals last season and placing 3rd in the US We are a private club, not for profit – no government subsidies We are a club of volunteers, this includes the BOD’s We need your help with many functions throughout the season, starting today! Please contact Christine Zito to sign up for volunteer opportunities, get involved! The Chicago Bruins is your Hockey Club. You’re input is critical to our growth. If you see any area that can be improved upon, please let your BOD know so we can do something about it. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club 3
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Club Officials A complete list of the BOD and contacts with can be found on the website. Please reach out to us at any time. Or if there is a need for an anonymous comment, please just drop a note in the Bruins lockbox at the front desk. Board of Directors Ryan Spencer- President Brian Kelly – Vice President/R&E Chair Christine Zito– Director of Volunteers Matt Woods– Accounting / Finance Wanda Turano– Membership Relations/Secretary/Registrar Brad Hanewall – Board Member at large/R&E Dino Digrazia - Board Member at large/R&E Matt Goff – Association Liaison Mike Skwarek– Manager of Managers/IT Mike Determann – Hockey Administration (Former President) Bob Mondo– Rink Relations (Former President)/R&E Scott Maeder – Ice Scheduler/Pre-Hockey Mike Rohdenberg – Midget Hockey Director Jeff Jestadt – Bantam Hockey Director Mark Luka – Peewee/Squirt Director Nick Fina – Power Skate Director Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Bruins Uniform The Chicago Bruins uniform most be worn for ALL game play – NO EXCEPTIONS Home/Away Jersey Socks (No holes) Pant Breezers Black Helmet w/ Bruins Stickers – Will be issued by Team Manager Practice jerseys may be required by the coach. If not, no competing organization jerseys may be worn for any Bruins on ice activity Can anyone tell me the importance of a mouth piece? Not the teeth, concussions ! Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Proper Equipment Proper equipment must be worn at all times – this includes mouth guards USA Hockey - Peewee/U12 through Midget (including Goalies) are required to wear a colored internal mouthpiece Chicago Bruin’s strongly encourage all levels wear a mouthpiece for all practices and games Delay of game penalty can be assessed Out of State/Country tournaments may require all levels to have mouth guards\ Neck Guards are for your child’s safety and are MANDATORY Players must wear neck guards for all on ice activities. If a player is observed on the ice without a neck guard , the official will remove that player from the ice until he or she is in compliance. Can anyone tell me the importance of a mouth piece? Not the teeth, concussions ! Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Concussion Return to Play Policy
Any player, who in the opinion of a coach, athletic trainer, or physician exhibits any signs, symptoms, or behavior consistent with a concussion (such as loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, confusion, or balance problems) shall be immediately removed from play and practice until they are cleared to return to by a health care professional who is a board certified Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician. Complete policy and RTP form can be found on the website under Club Information> By-Laws and Policies AHAI Concussion Guidelines Click Logo for Concussion Baseline Testing via Athletico Our goal at the Bruins is, to create a positive hockey experience for the player and families. Our primary purpose is to teach your children to learn to “love to play the game of Hockey.” Acts that go against Zero Tolerance take away from this positive learning experience, and therefore violations against these policies will be strictly enforced. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club 7
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Fighting Fighting A fighting major + 1 game misconduct/suspension (not including current game) will be assessed for any fighting penalty. A Second fighting major penalty (same player/same season) for fighting will result in 3 game misconduct/suspension. A Third fighting major (same player/same season) player is suspended indefinitely, until a hearing has been conducted by governing authorities Any player who is assessed a penalty for fisticuffs under Rule 613 (at a face-off) shall be suspended for the next three (3) games of that team not including the game in which the penalty was assessed. Match penalty results in a Automatic 30 days suspension and hearing for deliberate removal of own or offender helmet for purpose of fighting Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Player Code of Conduct Locker Room Policy Supervision in all locker rooms is mandatory. Supervisor can be Coach, Asst., Mgr (gender appropriate), or designated room supervisor. Slush fund can account for the cost of screening for designated room supervisor. Males and females cannot change in the same room Locker Boxing Hazing/Teasing/Bullying Will not be tolerated and will result in automatic R&E hearing and potential immediate removal from the club Locker Room/Facility Damage Teams are singularly responsible for their locker room upkeep and all costs relating to damage. Any damage will result in automatic R&E hearing and potential immediate removal from the club and loss of locker room for the remainder of the season Our goal at the Bruins is, to create a positive hockey experience for the player and families. Our primary purpose is to teach your children to learn to “love to play the game of Hockey.” Acts that go against Zero Tolerance take away from this positive learning experience, and therefore violations against these policies will be strictly enforced. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Player/Parent Code of Conduct
Social Media As a member of The Chicago Bruins, the emphasis of a Social Media post should always be one leaving a positive reflection upon yourself and the Club. Remember that social media posts can live forever. Even if an athlete deletes a post, it was visible at a moment in time, and in that moment, anyone could have taken a screen capture. Unsavory as it is, these seemingly deleted posts can resurface to haunt, taunt or otherwise damage the athlete’s and Clubs image, and the repercussions of questionable posts can be severe. Do not create “PUBLIC” web pages, or “PUBLIC” Social Media accounts using the Chicago Bruins logo without approval from the board. No one member is authorized to represent the Chicago Bruins on a Social Media account without approval from the board. Private team accounts can be created for the use of team communication Online taunting, foul language, ridiculing, threatening of other teams, players, Refs, is Prohibited and will result in player or parent suspension. Arguably the most important rule of social media is do not post something that you wouldn't’t want your parents to see, or for that matter, you wouldn't’t want your Children to see. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Parent and Player Code of Conduct Zero Tolerance & Rules Enforcement
Zero Tolerance means exactly that, Zero Tolerance Violations against these policies will not be tolerated and will be punished in accordance to USA Hockey, AHAI, and Chicago Bruins Policies STRICTLY ENFORCED! Our goal at the Bruins is, to create a positive hockey experience for the player and families. Our primary purpose is to teach your children to learn to “love to play the game of Hockey.” Acts that go against Zero Tolerance take away from this positive learning experience, and therefore violations against these policies will be strictly enforced. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club 11
Zero Tolerance – Spectators New for 2015!!!!
In an effort to help control inappropriate spectator behavior, the following AHAI rule is effective immediately. A game will be stopped by on-ice officials when the parents/spectators displaying inappropriate or disruptive behavior interfere with other parents/spectators or the game. The on-ice officials will identify violators to the coaches for the purpose of removing parents/spectators from the parents'/spectators' viewing and game area. Once removed, play will resume. Lost time will not be replaced. Violators will incur a minimum mandatory 3-game suspension from that team's games and may be subject to further disciplinary action by the local governing body. The reasons for this necessary minimum 3-game suspension rule are simple; last season there was a marked increase in parents'/spectators' behavior being out of control. These behaviors included verbal and physical altercations with officials, players and other spectators. Additionally clubs/teams that have a responsibility to help control and penalize these behaviors were asking for guidance from AHAI. No matter why a spectator is asked to leave, the minimum suspension is 3 games. NO APPEAL AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED! Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Zero Tolerance – Spectators
Inappropriate & Disruptive Behavior Shall Include: Using obscene, racial or vulgar language in a boisterous manner to ANYONE at ANY time. Taunting Players, Coaches, Officials or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, threatening physical violence, or physical violence. Throwing ANY object in the spectators viewing area, players’ bench, penalty box, or on-ice surface, that in ANY manner creates a safety hazard. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Respecting Our Officials
Please click and watch the below link Play positive and Respect our Officials Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Questionable Call At no time can a call be questioned to an official. Any contact with an official deemed argumentative, will result in an automatic 3 game suspension The “24 Hour Rule” The “24 hour rule” applies to discussing game play with a Coach, Asst. Coach, or Manager. Even if your Coach states, ”come talk to me anytime, 24 hrs doesn’t apply”. Yes it does apply… After 24 hours…. Go to your Head Coach FIRST with issues Bruins R&E or Board Member Are there any referee’s in the meeting? Please understand how difficult it is to ref a game. You need to know and remember the 164 pages of rules governing the game and you have to get out of their way! And many of these ref’s are our kid’s out there. Let’s keep it in perspective. At no time can a call be questioned to an official. This is the Head coaches and team captain’s role and responsibility. Any contact with an official deemed argumentative, will result in an automatic 3 game suspension Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Mandatory Code of Conduct Forms
Please review the Code of Conduct forms and the rules with your player and make sure they are fully aware as there is no such excuse as, “I didn’t know”: Upon review, you are required to print the Parent and Player Code of conduct forms which are found at:> click Club information> click By-Laws and Policies. These must be signed and turned into your Manager prior to your 1st game or the player will not be allowed on the ice. Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
Contact Brian Kelly if there are any questions or concerns Chicago Bruins Rules and Ethics Committee Bob Mondo Dino Digrazia Brad Hannewall Have a great Season! Chicago Bruins Hockey Club
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