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Chilliwack. ▹ Strengthen communities by connecting people with the help they need ▹ Provide information and referrals for community, government and social.

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Presentation on theme: "Chilliwack. ▹ Strengthen communities by connecting people with the help they need ▹ Provide information and referrals for community, government and social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chilliwack

2 ▹ Strengthen communities by connecting people with the help they need ▹ Provide information and referrals for community, government and social services ▹ Provide data to inform programming and public policy What we do Chilliwack

3  Non-profit agency in operation since 1953  Accredited by the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) since 2008  Operating 211 service since June 2010  Funded by United Way of the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley, City of Vancouver History Chilliwack

4 ▹ Calls answered 24/7, 365 days a year ▹ Free & Confidential ▹ Multilingual ▹ Available in Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Squamish-Lillooet, Sunshine Coast ▹ Accessible to 2.7 million British Columbians 211 Service Chilliwack

5 Access to over 8,000 community resources

6 211 Quarterly Growth 2011-2014 Chilliwack

7 General call data: Top Reasons for call Chilliwack

8 Client Satisfaction Chilliwack SQM Client Satisfaction (Target 75%)

9 ▹ VictimLink BC ▹ Youth Against Violence Line ▹ Problem Gambling Helpline ▹ Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service Specialty Lines Contracted I&R Services Chilliwack

10 CHILLIWACK ▹ 3,097 calls in 3 years ▹ Average of 1,000 calls per year Chilliwack ▹ HOW many calls between 2012-2014 in Chilliwack? ▹ WHO made the calls? ▹ WHY did they call? ▹ WHERE were the services referred to located

11 211 Alcohol & Drug Information & Referral Service Victim Link BC Problem Gambling Help line WHAT line received most of the calls? Call Line (2012-2014) Chilliwack

12 ▹ Women accounted for 60% of the callers WHO made the calls? (2012-2014) ▹ 89% of the calls were made by people between 19 and 54 years old Chilliwack

13 Why did they call? Top 3 Reasons (2012-2014) Chilliwack

14 HOW did reasons for call change during these years? Chilliwack *22% of the calls in 2014 concerned substance use

15 “Property crime is rising and people generally steal because they need to fuel a drug addiction.” Sharon Gaetz, Mayor of Chilliwack Chilliwack Times, November 7 th, 2014 SUBSTANCE USE has been a problem in Chilliwack ▹ Calls from correctional facilities do not explain the high call volume ▹ 75% of the calls in 2014 related to substance use were from the individuals in the community ▹ Only 25% of the calls came from correctional facilities Chilliwack

16 Outside Chilliwack WHERE were the services referred to located? Referrals made in 2014 Chilliwack

17 Substance Use — Top 5 referrals (2014) Chilliwack

18 Abuse — Top 5 referrals (2014) Chilliwack

19 Housing & Homelessness — Top 5 referrals (2014) Chilliwack

20 Dial 211 — 24/7/365 Text 211 from any mobile device (coming soon) The Red Book Online Email Follow us on Social media! @bc211Help Contact Chilliwack

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