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McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Survey 2009.

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1 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Survey 2009

2 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Executive Summary Did you know that... 68.4% of alumni feel somewhat or very connected to the college and 40% have a positive impression of our alma mater? 51% of alumni surveyed reside in Maryland? Alumni who feel connected to the McDaniel College community and their classmates are likely to make gifts to the college? In open-ended comments to the survey, most alumni (68.9%) have an overall positive impression of McDaniel College? Almost one-third of alumni surveyed reported they had not used any of the alumni programs or services in the last five years but 25.9% have used three or more alumni programs or services in the last 5 years? The alumni website was used by the largest number of alumni, but received some of the lowest quality ratings? 67% of alumni prefer electronic communication from McDaniel? Read on to learn more about how we feel about our Alma Mater!

3 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Timing, Demographics, Results Distributed in Spring 2009 to alumni graduates in the classes of 1960-2006. 6,949 alumni were surveyed (based on delivery to valid email addresses). 2,043 participated in the survey for a response rate of 29.4%. Overall Purpose To determine what encourages alumni to remain active in alumni relations, to assess alumni image and impressions of the College and its outreach programs and to understand why alumni may or may not financially support the College. Research Objectives Assess image and impressions of the College and its academic programs. Measure likelihood of attending specific types of alumni events and/or volunteering. Assess understanding and level of importance philanthropy provides in advancing College initiatives and success. Identify factors that influence the decision to contribute to the College, reasons for not contributing to the College and the likelihood of making future contributions to the College. Raise awareness among alumni of Carpe Diem Campaign. Increase and update email addresses of alumni. Raise awareness of key communication outlets like the Alumni Online Community, Hill magazine, News@McDaniel. Survey Details

4 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Geographic Distribution of Study Participants

5 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Connection with McDaniel College Most participants feel “somewhat” or “very” connected to the McDaniel College community and their classmates; almost one-third, however, feel “not at all” connected. Count% Very connected1839.0 Somewhat connected1,21159.4 Not at all connected64531.6

6 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Connection with McDaniel College Alumni who indicated they feel connected to the McDaniel College community and their classmates are more likely to be donors. DonorsLapsed DonorsNon-Donors Count% % % Very connected10516.6468.6323.7 Somewhat connected40163.536568.144551.0 Not at all connected12519.812523.339545.3

7 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Connection with McDaniel College Alumni indicate a relatively low level of engagement with the college’s alumni programs and services. DonorsLapsed DonorsNon-Donors Count% % % I always (and almost instinctively) think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 243.8122.280.9 I sometimes think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 26526.111621.69811.3 I rarely think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 32050.627651.542749.0 I never think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 12319.513224.633838.8

8 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Connection with McDaniel College There is a strong and positive relationship between alumni “connectedness” and thinking about McDaniel as an alumni resource. Very connected Somewhat connected Not at all connected Count% % % I always (and almost instinctively) think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 3318.090.720.3 I sometimes think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 9350.824420.2426.5 I rarely think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 5127.970958.626240.6 I never think about the alumni programs and services available at the College 63.324720.433952.6

9 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Positive Impressions of McDaniel Categories Developed from Content Analysis of Verbatim Comments Count% Positive impression of McDaniel; it's a good/great school57939.5 McDaniel has improved its academics, facilities, reputation over the years 17011.6 McDaniel provided an excellent education714.8 McDaniel is an excellent liberal arts college634.3 McDaniel is growing (in a positive way)604.1 The campus is beautiful; very positive changes483.3

10 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Negative Impressions of McDaniel Categories Developed from Content Analysis of Verbatim Comments Count% Upset about the name change; don't feel connected to McDaniel, only to Western Maryland College 25417.3 Disconnect between the school and the alumni (unrelated to name change) 896.1 McDaniel is not the same as when the alumnus went to school (in a negative sense) 604.1 McDaniel is expensive543.7

11 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Participation Almost one-third (32.3%) of participants reported they had not used any of the alumni programs or services in the last five years. One-quarter (25.9%) have used three or more alumni programs or services in the last 5 years.

12 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Participation Many participants used the alumni website, participated in class reunions, and attended sporting events and/or other homecoming events. Most Frequently Used Alumni Programs and ServicesCount% Alumni website66633.0 Class reunions on reunion weekend53726.6 Sporting events47923.7 Other homecoming events40820.2 Alumni Association1969.7 Regional programs and events1839.1 On-campus public lectures and performing arts events1718.5 Affinity reunions at homecoming1678.3

13 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Participation Significantly fewer alumni reported using the College’s career counseling, summer camps, and travel program. Least Frequently Used Alumni Programs and ServicesCount% College library 1497.4 On-campus facilities for receptions, weddings, meetings 1396.9 Email forwarding 1246.1 On-campus recreational facilities 874.3 Career education and counseling 562.8 Summer camps, including Common Ground on the Hill 542.7 Alumni travel program 241.2

14 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Program Ratings The alumni website was used by the largest number of alumni, but received some of the lowest quality ratings. Mean*Count Alumni Association3.96194 Sporting events3.86476 Affinity reunions at homecoming3.82165 Class reunions on reunion weekend3.80534 Other homecoming events3.77407 Email forwarding3.71124 Alumni website3.53653 Career education and counseling3.4656 *Mean scores are based on a 5-point scale, where 1 = poor, 2 = adequate, 3 = Good, 4 = very good, and 5 = excellent.

15 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Preferred Communications Channels for Alumni News and Events Number of Alumni Survey Responders Percentage of Survey Responders Number of Alumni Receiving Communication The Hill magazine 1,58179.712,566 News@McDaniel 89245.02,400 Email messages 89044.97,117 Newsletter, printed 44822.65,838 Alumni Online Community 20710.43,101 Annual Report of Gifts 633.25,423 Letters from the President 613.1355 Phone calls home 180.9 6,090 Phone calls to office 10.1

16 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Preferred Communications Channels for Alumni News and Events 67.1% of alumni selected an electronic channel (email or e-newsletter) as a preferred form of communication. More younger alumni than older alumni indicated they want to receive electronic communications. 2000-20061980-19991960-1979 Count% % % Prefer electronic communication34274.855366.947562.5

17 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Desired Frequency of Communications Most alumni surveyed indicated they are receiving sufficient communication from McDaniel. Donors Lapsed Donors Non- Donors Count% % % Yes, I am getting sufficient communications 57393.246690.569082.8 I am getting too much communication from McDaniel 172.8193.7799.5 No, I would like more frequent or additional updates 254.1305.8647.7

18 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Philanthropic Relationship with the College Participants indicated their level of agreement with several statements about their philanthropic relationship with McDaniel. More alumni disagreed than agreed that … –Making a gift to the College is a priority for me. –I make a gift to the College because I can designate my gift to a special need. *Mean scores are based on a 5-point scale, where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree.

19 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Philanthropic Relationship with the College More alumni agreed than disagreed that … –Alumni giving is an integral part of advancing the College’s initiatives and future success. –Alumni giving is an integral part of covering the College’s annual operating expenses. –I recognize that other alumni in the past made gifts to the College that helped me afford my education. –I make a gift to McDaniel because I wish to support current students. –I only make a gift to the College if I have a surplus of disposable income. *Mean scores are based on a 5-point scale, where 1 = strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree.

20 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Reasons for Not Making a Gift A total of 440 participants (22.5%) indicated they had not made a gift to the College to date. –More than 80% indicated they were financially unable to contribute to the college. –34% indicated they are upset about the college’s name change.

21 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Reasons for Not Making a Gift Count% Don't have the financial means to contribute/donate 28781.3 Upset about the name change 12034.0 Prefer to donate to other charities/organizations 6117.3 Feel the tuition they paid was enough 3911.0 Feel a disconnect with the College 349.6 Don't know how, or don’t agree with how, donations are spent 226.2 Currently a graduate student 154.2 Upset about changes in Greek system 102.8 Don't see how donations will benefit them 61.7 Not a priority 51.4 Have not been asked to contribute/donate 20.6

22 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Carpe Diem Campaign – Awareness 59.3% of all alumni surveyed indicated they are aware of the Carpe Diem Campaign. Among those reporting they are unaware (40.7%), a significant percentage are non-donors (54.7%). DonorsLapsed DonorsNon-Donors Count% % % No17828.918035.043253.2 Yes43871.133565.138046.8

23 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Carpe Diem Campaign – Giving Almost half of the participants indicated they are unsure if they will make a gift to the Carpe Diem Campaign. One-third indicated they are not likely to contribute. How likely are you to make a gift to the Carpe Diem Campaign?Count% I don’t know at this time88946.2 Not likely64133.3 I already have!20010.4 Very likely19410.1

24 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Carpe Diem Campaign – Giving Plans to contribute to the campaign vary significantly by donor status. Not surprisingly, more donors than any other group reported they have already given or are very likely to give. More than half of the previous donors reported they were unsure at this time whether they would give to the campaign or not.

25 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Volunteer Participation The Annual Giving campaign and class reunions have the highest level of current participation. Currently participateCount% Annual Giving campaign29617.0 Class reunions23012.7 Alumni Association915.3 Affinity reunions915.3 Regional programs and events704.1 Mentoring current McDaniel College students533.0 Networking activities512.9 Career Services programs472.7 Seminars/symposia251.5

26 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Volunteer Participation Class reunions, regional programs, networking activities, and mentoring students have the highest level of interest and likelihood of future participation. Interested and may participate in the futureCount% Class reunions86147.7 Regional programs and events73842.7 Networking activities68039.1 Mentoring current McDaniel College students62435.9 Seminars/symposia56933.5 Alumni Association55932.4 Career Services programs50729.5 Affinity reunions43925.7 Annual Giving campaign32018.3

27 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Volunteer Participation Affinity reunions, Career Services, seminars/symposia, and the Annual Giving campaign are lowest in terms of alumni interest. Not InterestedCount% Affinity reunions1,15067.4 Career Services programs1,11164.6 Seminars/symposia1,07563.2 Annual Giving campaign1,05660.6 Mentoring current McDaniel College students1,03159.3 Alumni Association1,02359.3 Networking activities96855.7 Regional programs and events88851.4 Class reunions66136.6

28 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Volunteer Participation The Annual Giving campaign, Career Services, and the Alumni Association have the highest levels of attrition. The table below includes 242 unique alumni. Involved in past but no longer interestedCount% Annual Giving campaign724.1 Career Services programs553.2 Alumni Association513.0 Class reunions522.9 Networking activities382.2 Regional programs and events321.9 Seminars/symposia311.8 Mentoring current McDaniel College students321.8 Affinity reunions261.5

29 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Volunteer Participation Not surprisingly, more donors than non-donors and lapsed donors are interested in participating in alumni events in the future. Alumni from 1960-1979 are more likely to participate in class reunions, Annual Giving campaigns, regional programs and events, and the Alumni Association than alumni from more recent class years. Younger alumni (from 2000-2006) are more likely to participate in alumni events in the future than others. Maryland residents are more interested in participating in alumni events in the future than alumni living outside Maryland.

30 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Off-Campus Event Participation Two-thirds of all alumni surveyed indicated they have not attended any off-campus alumni events in past 5 years. Count% Social event 48525.8 College information session led by a senior administrator or faculty member 1377.3 Special event offering a discount rate for alumni 874.6 Current students presenting information about their academic major and research 552.9 None of the above 1,28168.0

31 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Reasons for Attending an Off-Campus Event The most important reason why alumni attend off-campus events is to meet and socialize with fellow alumni. “Networking” opportunities account for 80% of the reasons given for attending an off-campus event. Count% Getting together with fellow alumni and friends83649.3 Meeting other alumni who live in your area43725.8 Visiting with former professors1589.3 Learning what is new on campus1156.8 Meeting and networking with current students603.5

32 McDaniel College Alumni Survey 2009 Alumni Survey Strategic Initiatives Develop executive summary and version of powerpoint with major findings and share with campus community, volunteer leaders and all alumni. Connect with alumni who indicated they were interested in working with class reunions, regional events. Communicate how critical financial gifts are and how they are used. Utilize Alumni Council and alumni leaders as focus group participants to identify hallmark programs and develop planning to strengthen these outreach activities. Provide detailed information on the Carpe Diem Campaign to alumni who specifically requested it and expand more general information to a larger pool of alumni. Share alumni survey findings on the college website and increase visibility of Alumni Association volunteer opportunities as well as hallmark alumni programs. Review profile of pool who “rarely think about alumni programs and services” then look for ways to communicate with alumni that are not solicitations – and to market benefits “beyond the diploma.”

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