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Published byAleesha Howard Modified over 9 years ago
0 eCPIC Admin Training: Establishing Agency Definitions These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM member agencies.
1 Establishing Agency Definitions: Administrators need to know about certain customizable, defining features that allow eCPIC to: Reflect their agency’s organizational structure Reinforce their agency’s CPIC processes and strategic directions Manage their agency’s OMB reporting attributes We will discuss these features throughout this training session. All these features are adjusted within the Admin module.
2 Establishing Agency Definitions: Admin Module Navigation Since we will be working within the Admin module throughout this training session, we will begin with a brief explanation of how to navigate to the features within this module. The menu bar at the top of the screen lists a series of high-level menu categories. Menu category windows open automatically as the user hovers their mouse over each category and section name. The user clicks on a section name to navigate to that page. In the example below, we: 1)Hovered over “Field Management”; 2)Hovered over “Manage Cost and Schedule”; 1 2 3 3)Now we can click on “Manage PBCR Change Type” to open that particular page. Throughout this presentation we’ll use the following syntax to describe navigating to page locations from the menu bar: “Field Management > Manage Cost and Schedule > Manage PBCR Change Type” Admin Module Menu Bar
3 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Agency Navigate to: Access Control > Agency The Manage Agency page defines your Agency’s name, address and other contact information. Especially important is your Agency’s 3-digit OMB code. This is used to populate your investment UPI codes, and also marks your OMB submissions so the IT Dashboard can attribute these submissions to your agency. Your agency name and 3-digit OMB code are usually pre-populated when you install eCPIC at your agency for the first time. Agency 3-digit OMB Code
4 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Agency In the previous slide, we saw that the agency’s 3-digit code was set to “001”. Here in the Investments module, we see that our UPI codes are automatically populated with that same code. Agency 3-digit OMB Code
5 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Organizations Organizations can refer to offices, divisions, or bureaus within your agency. Creating organizations in eCPIC helps categorize investments to assist portfolio management, and also fulfills OMB reporting guidelines by attributing investment UPI codes with their 2-digit Bureau Codes. Navigate to: Access Control > Organizations To create a new organization, click the link shown on the eCPIC screen below. Note: We will discuss the role of Organization Admins in another training session—”Access Control”. Note: You cannot edit or delete an organization if the current revision of any investment is ‘aligned’ to it. Alignment can result from an investment referencing the organization in any of the following data fields: Current Full UPI Code, PY UPI Code, or IT Dashboard Investment Identifier Number. Add New Organization Link Edit Organization Delete Organization Assign Organization Admin Activate/ Deactivate Organization
6 Establishing Agency Definitions: Add New Organization Fill in the required fields and click the button to add the new organization to eCPIC. If the “Activate” box is checked, the organization is considered “Active” in eCPIC. Active organizations will appear in the drop- down list of valid organizations that investments can align themselves to. Through the “Parent Org” dropdown list, administrators can create child organizations, allowing them to collect more detailed information about an investment’s organizational alignment within their agency. Add New Organization Link eCPIC Tip: If a legacy organization is no longer operational in your agency, you may consider deactivating it in eCPIC instead of deleting it. This way, you retain investments’ historical alignment (in previous investment revisions), but investment owners won’t be able to align to the legacy organization any longer.
7 Establishing Agency Definitions: Organizations In the previous slides, we saw the list of active organizations in eCPIC. We also saw that the organization “Bureau of Security” was set as inactive. Notice how the same list appears in the Investments module, without including our inactive organization. Organization Select Box
8 Establishing Agency Definitions: Password Configuration System administrators can customize many password requirement settings including password length, special characters, password lifetime, password uniqueness, failed attempt lockouts, and more. Navigate to: Access Control > Password Configuration Update the desired password requirements and click the button. eCPIC Tip: Check with your IT Security office to ensure that the password requirements you select conform to agency policies and best practices.
9 Establishing Agency Definitions: Exhibit 53 Mission Areas System administrators must establish the agency Mission Areas that will appear on their Exhibit 53 submission. Navigate to: Field Management > Mission Areas To Edit, Delete, Activate, or Deactivate a Mission Area: 1)Check the box to the left of the Mission Area Name(s); 2)Click the desired action button. eCPIC Tip: You cannot Edit or Delete a Mission Area if any revision of any Investment is ‘aligned’ to it. Alignment can result from an investment referencing the Mission Area in any of the following data fields: Current Full UPI Code, PY UPI Code, and IT Dashboard Investment Identifier Number. 1 2
10 Establishing Agency Definitions: Create Exhibit 53 Mission Areas To Create a new Mission Area, click the button. Complete the Mission Area Description and Mission Number fields, then click the button.
11 Establishing Agency Definitions: Exhibit 53 Mission Areas In the previous slides, we saw the list of Mission Areas in eCPIC. We also saw that the Mission Area “Business Line Bravo” was set as inactive. Notice how the same list appears in the Investments module, without including our inactive Mission Area. Mission Area Select Box
12 Establishing Agency Definitions: Strategic Goals System administrators also maintain a list of the agency’s strategic goals. eCPIC uses the list of active strategic goals set by the administrator to populate a select box in the PRM table. This is how investment owners link each of their performance measures to one of the agency’s strategic goals. Navigate to Field Management > Manage PRM > Manage Strategic Goals If the “Is Active” field says “True”, the goal is considered “Active” in eCPIC. Active goals will appear in the select box in the PRM table. To deactivate a goal, click the link on the row of the goal. Deactivated goals will not appear in the PRM table. To edit a goal, click the link on the row of the goal. eCPIC Tip: If you delete a strategic goal that currently appears in an investment’s PRM table, then the effected performance measure will show a blank entry for Strategic Goal until the investment owner selects a new goal from the list.
13 Establishing Agency Definitions: Strategic Goals To add a new Strategic Goal, click the link. Enter the Strategic Goal name into the field that appears, and click the button.
14 Establishing Agency Definitions: Strategic Goals Now when a user updates their PRM table, they see the list of Strategic Goals made available by the system administrator: Strategic Goal Select List in the “Update Row” window of the PRM Table
15 Establishing Agency Definitions: PRM Table Configuration Administrators can manage certain PRM table configuration options, including the range of years displayed in the table, and the inclusion of additional agency-specified results columns. Navigate to: Field Management > Manage PRM > PRM Configuration Year Range Selector Add Results Column Manage Results Columns
16 Establishing Agency Definitions: PRM Table Configuration—Setting PRM Year Ranges Within the PRM Configuration page, administrators can change the Fiscal Year span that appears in the “Management View” of the PRM table. The default year range is “BY-4” to “BY”. To change the year range: 1)Click the Year Range Selector Box and select the range you wish to be displayed in the PRM table “Management View”. 2)Click the button. 1 2 eCPIC Tip: Adjusting the Year Range only effects the “Management View” of the PRM table, not the “OMB View” or the “Data Entry View”.
17 Establishing Agency Definitions: PRM Table Configuration—Adding Results Columns By default, each Fiscal Year in the PRM table contains a result column for the “Entire Year”. Administrators can include additional results columns within Fiscal Years of the PRM table so that users can track and monitor the progress of a performance measure throughout the year. A maximum of 4 additional results columns can be added to each Fiscal Year. Each Fiscal Year can have different result columns defined to adjust to changing reporting requirements between fiscal years. To add a results column: 1)Click the button. 2)In the popup window that appears, select the Fiscal Year for the new Results Column, and designate a Column Name. 3)Click the button. 1 2 3
18 Establishing Agency Definitions: PRM Table Configuration—Adding Results Columns Use the ( / ) buttons by the Fiscal Year rows on the right side of the page to view results columns that you have added. In the example below, we added 4 results columns to FY2012. Remember, each Fiscal Year must include the “Entire Year” results column. Use the button to Copy agency-specified results columns across Fiscal Years. To change the column order within a Fiscal Year, click the “Sort Order” number, and type in the new number of the order you desire (“1” will appear first, “2” will appear second, etc.). Then click the button to save. eCPIC Tip: Only results in the “Entire Year” column of the PRM table will be sent to OMB during submissions.
19 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Budget & Financing To comply with OMB A-11 reporting requirements, investment owners must indicate the funding sources (and each funding source’s funding type) that they rely on to fund their investment. System administrators maintain this list of available funding sources, and assign each funding source to a funding type. Navigate to: Field Management > Manage Budget and Financing > Funding Source Type The functional buttons work in the same way as other pages we have explored in this training session. To create a new Funding Source Type, click the button and enter the Funding Source Type in the data field that appears.
20 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Budget & Financing Once you have established your agency’s Funding Source Types, you can then establish individual Funding Sources themselves. Navigate to: Field Management > Manage Budget and Financing > Funding Source Name To create a new Funding Source, click the button. In the window that appears, enter the Funding Source Name, MAX Account Code, and select the Funding Source Type (which, in the example below, is populated with the list of Funding Source Types that we saw in the previous slide). Click the button to Save.
21 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Budget & Financing Now when a user updates their Funding Sources table (as we saw in the “A-11 Funding Tables” training session), they can choose a Funding Source from the list established by the system administrator. Funding Source Select Box Funding Sources already added to the table, and their Funding Types
22 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Application Configuration System administrators can adjust a number of application settings in the Application Configuration page. Navigate to: App Config > Update Configuration Be sure to click the button if you adjust any settings on this page. Sets the entire application to “Read Only” for users Locks users out of the Investments Module Adjusts the Budget Year in Funding Tables (see next slide) Allows users who forget their passwords to reset them via a system-generated email (requires SMTP server configuration) Sets Previous Year columns in Summary of Spending table to “Read Only” Sets warning messages to appear as popup windows or as separate redirect pages Sets the lockout time for system inactivity (this feature may be overridden by agency security policies) Locks users out of the application Displays Outlay Rows in the Summary of Spending table Adjusts the default start page when viewing Portfolios Allows users to request an eCPIC account from the main login page Deactivates users who have not logged into the application recently
23 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Application Configuration—BY Reporting On the previous slide, we saw that with the “Budget Year Reporting” toggle, system administrators can adjust the Budget Year in the A-11 funding tables between “Pre-Submission” and “Post-Submission” mode. To elaborate: When the BY2012 eCPIC template was first released, it included Processes for the BY2012 OMB Exhibit 300 and Exhibit 53. At that time, agencies and investment owners began preparing their BY2012 submissions. They were said to be in “Pre-Submission” mode. The A-11 funding tables reflected the Budget Year (“BY”) as 2012, the Current Year (“CY”) as 2011, etc.: Soon after BY2012 OMB Passback submissions were completed, agencies began preparing their BY2013 Select activities. These agencies did not have OMB’s BY2013 Exhibit 300 or Exhibit 53 schemas yet, but they could toggle “Post-Submission” mode and shift the Budget Year in their funding tables. Now, “BY” showed as 2013, “CY” as 2012, etc. This feature greatly assisted their data collection and Select Phase activities.
24 Establishing Agency Definitions: Importing Investments Navigate to: Investments > Import Investments Administrators may wish to import XML files as new eCPIC investments, or as new revisions of current investments. To import a single XML file as a new investment or as the new revision of an existing investment: 1)Select the Budget Year template for the new investment (or the new revision). Usually, administrators will choose the most recent template. 2)If this will be a new investment, leave the Investment field blank. If you wish to use the XML file as a new revision of an existing investment, then choose the investment name from the investment field. 2a)By checking the box, the file you add will become a new revision of the investment selected. By not checking this box, the file you add will overwrite the current revision of the investment selected. 3)Click the button to find the desired XML file. 4)Click the button. 1 2 3 4 2a
25 Establishing Agency Definitions: Importing Investments The Multi-File import feature allows an administrator to import a number of XML files at once. XML files that reside on the eCPIC server are shown in the “Multi-File” window (see below). To import these files as new investments, click the button. Import Multi- File Window These files will be added as new eCPIC investments, in the current Budget Year template.
26 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Business Logic In the “Investments Module & OMB Processes” and “OMB Submission Packages” training sessions, we saw that eCPIC helps users and administrators validate their Exhibit 300 and Exhibit 53 drafts against OMB submission criteria and business logic rules. This greatly helps agencies prepare for important submission deadlines. To adjust Exhibit 300 business logic settings, navigate to: Investments > Manage Business Logic > Ex 300 Validation Rules There are nearly 70 validation rules that agencies can apply to their Exhibit 300s. If a rule is activated, then the exported XML will be tested against that rule. If a rule is deactivated, the exported XML will not be tested against that rule. To activate or deactivate a particular rule, click the or the link on the same row. eCPIC Tip: Agencies should be aware that OMB may change their submission criteria at any time, and that this list, while helpful, may not always represent the latest OMB developments.
27 Establishing Agency Definitions: Manage Business Logic To adjust Exhibit 53 business logic settings, navigate to: Investments > Manage Business Logic > Ex 53 Validation Rules There are nearly 30 validation rules that agencies can apply to their Exhibit 53. Each template year may have different applicable rule settings. To show a different year’s settings on the page, use the Template Year selector box in the upper left corner of the screen. The page will refresh with the business rules of the year selected. To adjust any rule setting, click the “Rule Type” next to the desired business rule. Administrators can change the severity of the rule from “Off” (meaning the rule will be ignored), to “Warning”, or to “Error”. This helps administrators in their own validation reviews, and also helps them in their communications to investment owners when business logic rules are violated.
28 Establishing Agency Definitions: Further Reading Further Reading– Refer to the following sections of the eCPIC Admin Guide for additional details on the material covered in this training session: Section 1.4:Agency Codes Section 2.2:Organizations Section 4.8.1:Import Investments Section 5.3:Mission Areas Section 5.6:Manage PRM Section 5.9:Manage Budget & Financing Training Session:Access Control Training Session:OMB Submission Packages Training Session:Investment Module & OMB Processes
29 Establishing Agency Definitions: Exercises Exercise Steps Step Description Reference Slides Add a new Organization Add a new agency organization in eCPIC, then navigate to the Exhibit 300 process in the Investments module to confirm that the organization becomes a valid selection option in the “Bureau” data field. Go back to the Admin module and delete the organization you just added. 5-7 Add a new Mission Area Add a new agency Mission Area in eCPIC, then navigate to the Exhibit 300 process in the Investments module to confirm that the Mission Area becomes a valid selection option in the “Mission Area” data field. Go back to the Admin module and delete the Mission Area you just added. 9-11 Add a new Strategic Goal Add a new agency strategic goal in eCPIC, then navigate to the Exhibit 300 process in the Investments module to confirm that the strategic goal becomes a valid selection option in the PRM table. Go back to the Admin module and delete the strategic goal you just added. 12-14 Add a new Funding Source Add a new agency Funding Source in eCPIC, then navigate to the Exhibit 300 process in the Investments module to confirm that the Funding Source becomes a valid selection option in the Funding Sources table. Go back to the Admin module and delete the Funding Source you just added. 20-21 Manage Business Rules Explore the various Ex. 300 and Ex. 53 business rules that system administrators can adjust.26-27 Exercise Objectives – During this exercise you will have an opportunity to practice updating your agency’s eCPIC definitions. This exercise includes:
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