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Read the Standards! Read the Standards! How do you teach the standards? Accessing and Using the MCA-III Math Data on the AIR Website January 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Read the Standards! Read the Standards! How do you teach the standards? Accessing and Using the MCA-III Math Data on the AIR Website January 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read the Standards! Read the Standards! How do you teach the standards? Accessing and Using the MCA-III Math Data on the AIR Website January 2013 1

2 Agenda: Overview and Connections AIR website Accessing the Data Data Reports Using the Data Feedback 2

3 Today’s Learning Targets I can show how to access and maneuver through the data on the AIR website. I can describe how to use AIR MCA-III strand and benchmark data to inform math instruction and the use of the SPPS math resources. Before After 3

4 Why? What is the impact? 10 weeks between testing windows 4

5 AIR? 1 = AIR is something you breathe! 2 = I’ve heard of AIR and have signed on one time 3 = I know what AIR is and used it several times in this year. 4 = I know all the MCA data reports (strand, benchmark, student….) available to me at AIR. 5 = Not only do I know AIR, my staff is trained on AIR and using the data there as well. 5

6 Connections MCA-III Data Standards/ Benchmarks & Test Specs Achievement Level Descriptors Sequencing Guides Common Assessments Progress Monitoring 6 Unwrapped Documents

7 AIR = American Institutes for Research Minnesota Assessments Portal Use Firefox browser  This is MN’s site for MCA data and information.  Online MCA data is immediate.  OLPA = Optional Local Purpose Assessment 7

8 Online Math Item Samplers & Resources Highly Recommended 8

9 Resources  Student Resources  Calculators, Tutorials, Formula Sheets 9

10 Accessing the Data Use Firefox browser 10

11 Minnesota Assessments Portal Home Page

12 User Roles All users must be assigned a user role in TIDE. Each user has “Look Down” access when viewing score results. Teacher-level users must be associated with their students via Rosters. This can be done in one of two ways: ▫Uploading rosters in TIDE ▫Using the Manage Rosters feature in the ORS 12

13 Logging in to the System 13

14 Username: SPPS email address Password: link emailed from MNHelpDesk, Subject: User Account Information To reset a password 14

15 Score Reports to View Student Data 15

16 Homepage for Principal or SAC 16 First, select the test, administration, and the student reports you want. Choose OLPA

17 Homepage: Global Tools 17 Search for data on a specific student Click “Score Reports” to return to this Homepage at any time Easy access to the User Guide Print or export page for records

18 Exploring the Data 18 Select a particular grade and subject in either table to view more data

19 19 Exploring Subject-Level Data

20 20 Exploring Subject-Level Data

21 21

22 System Design 22 My students seem to be struggling in math Is it a particular class or group? Is it a specific part of math or more generalized? Has this student or group had trouble with this before? Who? What? When?

23 Click the Navigati on Tool to Explore the Data Exploring the Data: Using the Navigation Tool 23

24 Navigating the “Who” Dimension 24 State School District School Personnel Roster Class Roster Student Roster Student The user can move back and forth between less detailed levels of aggregation and more detailed levels of aggregation, all the way down to the student level.

25 25 Navigating the “Who” Dimension

26 26 Navigating the “Who” Dimension

27 27 Navigating the “Who” Dimension

28 28 Navigating the “Who” Dimension

29 29 Navigating the “Who” Dimension

30 Navigating the “What” Dimension 30 SubjectStrandBenchmark The user can navigate down from the subject level to view finer-grain detail on strand and benchmark performance.

31 31 Navigating the “What” Dimension

32 32 Navigating the “What” Dimension Stanines 1-3 below average 4-6 average 7-9 above average

33 33 Navigating the “What” Dimension

34 34 Navigating the “What” Dimension Links to Learning Point Navigator

35 Navigating the “When” Dimension 35 Testing Window Trend Note: For 2012-2013, only GRAD has a Trend report

36 36 Navigating the “When” Dimension Check the box to show information for the student

37 Using the Data and SPPS Math Resources to Impact Instruction 37

38 Connections MCA-III Data Standards/ Benchmarks & Test Specs Achievement Level Descriptors Sequencing Guides Common Assessments Progress Monitoring 38 Unwrapped Documents

39 #1 MCA STRAND data for group Strength Weakness 39 Stanines (1-3 below average, 4-6 average, 7-9 above average)

40 Why are we weak in Data Analysis? 40

41 Have we taught the Data strand! Achievement Level Descriptors How do I teach the standards? 41

42 #2 MCA BENCHMARK data for group 42

43 Build on STRENGTHS! Why did our students perform well on this benchmark? 43

44 What benchmarks have been taught? What benchmarks have students mastered? 44

45 #3 Student Strand Performance Stanines (1-3 below average, 4-6 average, 7-9 above average) 45

46 #4 Student Reports Scale Score and Achievement Levels Have individual student conferences about their MCA data. 46

47 347 Grade Level 66-99: Exceeds 50-65: Meets 40-49: Partially Meets 1-39: Does Not Meet Scale Scores 47

48 Action Items – Next Steps Get access to AIR’s math data and spend some time investigating your students data. ( Work with your site’s Assessment Coordinator to get access to AIR’s website.) Train staff on the data they can find at this site. Think about how you can use this data to inform instruction. Read the grade-level standards and Achievement Level Descriptors found at the math department’s website. Use the common assessments and progress monitoring for each unit and plan instruction that will help students master grade-level learning targets. Convene a Data Team meeting with a focus on math achievement and plan specific action steps. 48

49 Connections MCA-III Data Standards/ Benchmarks & Test Specs Achievement Level Descriptors Sequencing Guides Common Assessments Progress Monitoring 49 Unwrapped Documents

50 Today’s Learning Targets I can show how to access and maneuver through the data on the AIR website. I can describe how to use AIR MCA-III strand and benchmark data to inform math instruction and the use of the SPPS math resources. Before After 50

51 Reminders: Feedback Sheets Housekeeping: ▫Timesheets & Leads Data ▫Poster Pickup (Math, Reading, Writing, Art) in TR2 ▫K-1 Assessment Feedback ▫Watch for info on 2 nd visits for FES Math Review What: Teaching the 5th Grade Math High Priority Benchmarks Who: 5th grade math teachers and others who support 5th graders When: Th 1/17 will focus on Benchmark Tu 2/5 will focus on Benchmark & Th 2/28 will focus on Benchmark Time: 4:30-7:00 p.m. Where: 345 Plato, Training Room 1 PLEASE REGISTER ON PDEXPRESS. 51

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