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German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Dr. Thomas Sterr Prof. Dr. D. Günter Liesegang Circular Economy a.

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Presentation on theme: "German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Dr. Thomas Sterr Prof. Dr. D. Günter Liesegang Circular Economy a."— Presentation transcript:

1 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Dr. Thomas Sterr Prof. Dr. D. Günter Liesegang Circular Economy a General Introduction to the “Core Cycle Waste” Urumqi: Dryland Mega-City Development - Managing interconnected sensitive cycles - May 8th, 2007, IUWA Heidelberg e.V., Heidelberg, Germany University of Heidelberg, Germany AWI - Institute of Economics, Department of Business Administration Contact address: IUWA, Tiergartenstraße 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49/6221/64940-12, fax: -14;, IUWA Institute for Eco-Industrial Analyses Heidelberg e.V.

2 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Development of prices for demolition scrap

3 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Collection Reduction Reintegration Marketing Procurement Production PRODUCTION SIDE REDUCTION SIDE Material flow LEGEND: Material flow Informational flow Production-Reduction-Wheel Reproduction in industry

4 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Minimization of downcycling processes CONSUMPTION REDUCTION PRODUCTION raw materials incineration energy modules waste product old products repairing cleaning seperating retrotransform. dismantling deposition

5 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 yes Waste? (Waste definition according to §3.1 KrW-AbfG) no Recycling waste The technical process must be a recognized legal method (acc. To Addendum II B Krlw-/AbfG) 2. Recycling (material recycling / energy recovery) 3. Disposal (permanent exclusion from the circular economy) (§10.1 KrW-AbfG) No further mention in the German waste law (KrW-/AbfG) Disposal waste (acc. To Addendum II A Krlw-/AbfG) yes 1. Avoidance (§4.1 KrW-AbfG) No documentation needed Elaborate documentation needed Legend: private economic actors public legal actors Non-hazardous waste Hazardous waste for recycling  Has to be recycled Hazardous waste for disposal  Has to be disposed of Documentation: Hierarchy of waste  the German waste law (KrW-AbfG)

6 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 INPUT space of general potentials ecology markt economy law organi- sation waste problem recycling- object emo- tions innovation carrying capacity prices, EoS laws flexibility OUTPUT technology General dim. of obstacles for technosperic recycling

7 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Total waste quantities340.5 Mio to.100% thereof Building waste188.6 Mio to.55 % Mining waste 50.5 Mio to.15 % Waste from production 53.0 Mio. to.16 % Residential waste 48.4 Mio. to. 14 % (packaging waste / household waste) (10.6 / 37.8 Mio. to.) Recycling rates Building waste162,7 Mio. to.86 % Waste from production30,1 Mio to.58 % Residential waste26 Mio. to.57 % thereof Glass3,1 Mio. to.100% Paper, cardboard, packaging7,7 Mio. to. 99% Biological waste7,7 Mio. to. 99% Sludge1,4 Mio. to. 58% Waste Management in Germany official figure from 2004)

8 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 European Metropolitan Region of Rhein-Neckar Q: / (Internetbesuch vom 25.02.2007)

9 German-Chinese Workshop on Waste Management; HD, 8 th of May 2007 © IUWA / Sterr 2007 Union of the Waste Industry in Rhine-Neckar Heidelberg (HD) Composting of native organic biological waste: up to 35,000 tons per annum Mannheim (MA) non-recyclable household waste (B) and sludge: thermal treatment up to 380,000 tons per annum Rhein-Neckar-Kreis (yellow) Non-recyclable inert materials suitable for landfills (ground excavation, construction waste etc.) source:

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