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Unit 4: Who’s Smarter… ……… or ………….? Warming up: - Students watch a funny video to complete the unit title. - Students watch a funny video to complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4: Who’s Smarter… ……… or ………….? Warming up: - Students watch a funny video to complete the unit title. - Students watch a funny video to complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4: Who’s Smarter… ……… or ………….? Warming up: - Students watch a funny video to complete the unit title. - Students watch a funny video to complete the unit title.

2 Unit 4: Who’s Smarter… ……… or ………….? CatsDogs

3 Lesson Objectives 1- To describe a picture. 2- To compare. 3- To listen for information. 4 – To identify reasons.

4 Before You Begin: St. Book, page 69 1. Students look at the picture on the page. 1. Students look at the picture on the page. 2. Each student speaks with a partner describing the two animals. Then students complete a table.

5 Complete the table: 2 minutes Traits C..………….. Q…..………….. F..………….. CatsDogs haracteristics ualities eatures adjectives

6 - Look at the following adjectives to tell their meanings. friendlyloyalhonest cute beautifulaggressive social lonely intelligent Add some of these adjectives to your table.

7 -Let’s read the second question on page 69 : Q. “Which animal do you think is smarter – the dog or the cat? Why? - Before answering, let’s watch a commercial to help you decide.

8 Before You Begin: St. Book, page 69 1. Students change their seats according to their opinion in order to list their reasons on the card found on the desk. 1. Students change their seats according to their opinion in order to list their reasons on the card found on the desk. I think cats are smarter because …………………………………………… …………………………………………... I think cats are smarter because …………………………………………… …………………………………………... I believe that dogs are smarter because ……………………………………………… ……………………………………...

9 Q3. “Do you have pets? Are they smart? How do you know? - Write the answer to this question in your book (alone). - Now let’s discuss the answers.

10 A. Connecting to Your Life: St. Book, page 70 Now you are going to Abdul Rahman and Jamal talking about two school subjects. They have a difference of opinion. Now you are going to Abdul Rahman and Jamal talking about two school subjects. They have a difference of opinion. Abdul Rahman Jamal

11 -You’ll listen to the CD Twice: In the first listening you are going to complete a sentence: - Abdul Rahman and Jamal are talking about …………………………..

12 -In the second listening you are going to complete the Venn diagram. Abdul Rahma: …….. is harder ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… Jamal: …….. is harder

13 - Now check your answers in groups: 2 minutes: - Volunteers complete the Venn diagram that is on the board. Q. Who do you agree with, Abdul Rahman or Jamal?

14 Q. Choose the right answer: cookingsewing The girl is …………….

15 Q. Choose the right answer: embroidery The blouse has a nice ………… design.

16 Q. Match each word with the suitable picture: skateboardingrollerblading

17 2. Talking It Over: St. Book, page 70 A volunteer reads the survey on the page and students complete it individually. A volunteer reads the survey on the page and students complete it individually.

18 2. Talking It Over: St. Book, page 70 2. All the students move in the class to take a survey. They should ask 2 students for each question: Time: 2 minutes 2. All the students move in the class to take a survey. They should ask 2 students for each question: Time: 2 minutes

19 2. Talking It Over: Survey Question Football Students’ Names Basketball Students’ Names 1. Which is more exciting to watch on TV – football or basketball? ……………. …………… 2. Which takes more skill – cooking or sewing? Cooking ……………. Sewing ……………. 3. Which tastes better – chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate ……………. Vanilla …………….

20 2. Talking It Over: St. Book, page 70 - Students stand near the corner that shows their opinion in order to list and write reasons : - Students stand near the corner that shows their opinion in order to list and write reasons : Cooking takes more skill Sewing takes more skill

21 2. Talking It Over: St. Book, page 70 Now let’s answer the last question on the page. Now let’s answer the last question on the page.

22 2. Homework Q. Write two simple and three compound sentences describing the picture on page 69. Q. Write two simple and three compound sentences describing the picture on page 69.

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