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Mark Tillack, Lane Carlson, Jon Spalding Laboratory Demonstration of In-chamber Target Engagement HAPL Project Meeting Rochester, NY 8-9 November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Tillack, Lane Carlson, Jon Spalding Laboratory Demonstration of In-chamber Target Engagement HAPL Project Meeting Rochester, NY 8-9 November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Tillack, Lane Carlson, Jon Spalding Laboratory Demonstration of In-chamber Target Engagement HAPL Project Meeting Rochester, NY 8-9 November 2005 Dan Goodin, Graham Flint, Ron Petzoldt, Neil Alexander

2 We are attempting to demonstrate the “pessimistic” version in-situ target engagement system proposed by Flint 3/05 (Gen II) Key Requirements: 20  m accuracy in (x,y,z) 1 ms response time Goals:  Full integration of all key elements of target engagement  Benchtop demo first: identify and solve problems before investment in full-scale, high-performance demonstration

3 Glint system: beamlet fine adjustment to compensate drift The system consists of Poisson spot detection, Doppler fringe counting, a simulated driver with steering, and a glint-based alignment The driver beam is simulated with a HeNe laser Doppler fringe counting provides z and timing (v) Poisson spot system measures (x,y)

4 Initial Poisson spot results were reported at the previous HAPL meeting* We demonstrated Poisson spot detection with 5 µm accuracy in <1 ms using a translation stage and an ex-situ centroiding algorithm * L. Carlson, M. Tillack, D. Goodin, G. Flint, “R&D Plan for Demonstrating Elements of a Target Engagement System”

5 To perform real-time target engagement on the benchtop, we needed a target transport method CMOS camera illumination laser PSD 4-mm SS sphere We are using various translation stages and rail systems We’re still working on a more prototypical surrogate transport method

6 Our in-line benchtop centroiding system now runs continuously at <20 ms per measurement – this allows us to begin real-time feedback to beam steering – higher speed will require real-time OS and a faster camera – 1 cm/s target speed over 1 m travel – 100 fps Basler camera – Labview running on Windows XP Breakdown of times

7 Integration of Poisson spot detection with a “fast” steering mirror was implemented We passed a pseudo driver beam through a 10x beam expander to magnify the range of motion of FSM (±1.5 mm) Determining the location of the driver on the target is difficult – the accuracy of engagement is confirmed with an offset PSD as a surrogate target

8 Open loop Poisson spot tracking: The Movie ±3 mm CMOS ±1.5 mm PSD white dot: Poisson spot yellow dot: PSD 1.At t=0, PSD initialized at (0,0) 2.Start train moving 3.Measure Poisson spot (x,y) 4.Move FSM to follow sphere 5.Measure accuracy using PSD

9 Engagement is performed in 23.5 ms, but dynamic errors are too large Sources of errors: rocking of PSD & target speed limitations in PC hardware/ software overly simplistic gain curves FSM quality Breakdown of times x-axis comparison of PS and PSD readings

10 higher performance will require a better FSM Beam deflection is nonlinear with drive voltage and exhibits severe resonant behavior 595 Hz617 Hz 1 ms We characterized the Thorlabs piezo cage mirror mount using a signal generator

11 Work has begun on Doppler fringe counting Restrictions on laser power limit the use of a metal sphere, so we’re using an n=2 sphere and flat mirror Single-wavelength (632.8 nm) Errors due to translation stage, vibration, air flow Repeatability demo using micrometer: travel of 5 mm with 10  m increments An N=2 ball lens is a retroreflector:

12 We performed a fast tracking demo at 1000 Hz using a high-speed pellet and post-shot centroid analysis 1000 fps, 10 ms per frame video sequence of surrogate target coming into, then out of the camera’s FOV, at 150 m/s (Photron camera) Curvature in the target trajectory allows us to avoid a shutter mirror for a range of velocities Speed of gun is too fast, speed of tracking too slow:  work on the benchtop

13 Next Steps: more integration and more prototypical Poisson system: Acquire a faster camera and real-time OS Doppler system: Demonstrate counting on metal spheres with longer paths Implement dual-wavelength counting Integration of Doppler and Poisson: On-axis demonstration (pseudo-integration) Off-axis demonstration (true integration) Integration of Poisson and FSM: Improve control of the environment, acquire a high-end FSM Glint system Install glint laser and coincidence sensor, align 2 beamlets

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