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 Vernon Vernon  Lucerne Lucerne  What did you notice?  What are the Ghosts of the Great Lakes?

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Presentation on theme: " Vernon Vernon  Lucerne Lucerne  What did you notice?  What are the Ghosts of the Great Lakes?"— Presentation transcript:


2  Vernon Vernon  Lucerne Lucerne

3  What did you notice?  What are the Ghosts of the Great Lakes?

4  We will interpret a historical event of a ship that sank in one of the Great Lakes by reading the tale of the ship.  We will create a semantic map to help us organize our thoughts for a creative writing piece.  We will compose a one-page journal entry pretending we are part of the crew of the ship, we read about, which sank in the Great Lakes.

5  One large circle for the ‘main idea’  Smaller circles for ideas which will support your main idea.  You can have as many small circles as you may need.

6  How does a semantic map help with your writing?  What do we put in the smaller circles that are around the larger circle?  What do we put in the large, center circle?

7  We will all have a story on a ship, which sank in the Great Lakes.  We will read the story and create a semantic map with facts and ideas to help us write a one-page journal entry.  The journal entry will be you pretending to be on the ship writing what it’s like to be on the ship either the day before or moments before the ship sinks.

8  My ship is the Daniel Lyons: The Daniel Lyons took its last trip in 1889. It left Chicago at 1:00 am and it was set to sail to Buffalo, New York with 20,000 bushels of wheat. As Daniel Lyons sailed along Wisconsin’s shoreline another schooner (a larger sailboat), named Kate Gillett, was spotted sailing towards them. Before the Captain of the Daniel Lyons could turn out of the way or signal hazard, the Kate Gillett, sailed straight into the Daniel Lyons ending up halfway through the deck. At 4:00 am, the Daniel Lyons sank. The Kate Gillette had minor damages and made it to Chicago, safely, for repair.



11  Once you are done reading about a ships’ final voyage, what should you create?  Once you start your semantic map, how many smaller circles should you have on your map?  How many pages will be written in the journal entry?  While writing your journal entry, what point of view are you writing this in or what character are you?

12  Read a tale of a ship that sank in the Great Lakes.  Create a semantic map to help organize your ideas for your one-page journal entry.  Finally, take the semantic map with your ideas and write a one-page journal entry pretending you are on the ship writing day to day details of the trip. It can be the day before the sinking or moments before.

13 Tell Us About Your Ship  Write a brief summary about what you read. What is the name of the ship you read about? How did it sink and when did it sink?  Once you are finished writing put your head down.  Once everyone is finished, we will share our summaries with a partner and hand in our summary.

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