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Political Geography. Political culture learned and shared how / what we think about politics communism, democracy, conservatives, liberals, democrats,

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Presentation on theme: "Political Geography. Political culture learned and shared how / what we think about politics communism, democracy, conservatives, liberals, democrats,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Geography

2 Political culture learned and shared how / what we think about politics communism, democracy, conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans, theocracies, secular states, territoriality,

3 Political Landscape How political culture is reflected on the landscape Examples:

4 Our View of the World

5 Election Results


7 Campaign Headquarters

8 Election Signs (lawn ornaments)

9 Political Buildings


11 Monuments

12 Land Division System

13 Borders and Flags

14 Duty Free Shop

15 Territoriality a sense of ownership mark your territory



18 Fences are one of the most common ways to show / mark territory.











29 Sovereignty final authority over social, economic, and political matters rest with the independent state Sovereignty can be exerted subtly or more forcefully. Examples: …

30 Canadian scientific expedition to the Arctic

31 Canadian Coast Guard providing ice-breaking service

32 SS Manhattan & the Northwest Passage

33 The Canadian Coast Guard ship John A. MacDonald accompanied the SS Manhattan on its voyage through the Northwest Passage to support Canada’s claim to control of the Passage.

34 Search and Rescue missions off our coast


36 Canada’s new submarines will help patrol our vast Coastline, and our 200 mile limit. (over fishing, pollution, ….)


38 Brandenburg Gate separating E and W Berlin

39 Border of Pakistan and India The ‘security barrier’ / ‘wall’ separating the West bank from Israel

40 Parts of the 100+ km of wall separating the U.S. and Mexico

41 U.S. – Mexico border crossing

42 Political Morphology Shape Size Relative Location

43 Shape Prorupt, Protruded Perforated Fragmented Compact Elongated

44 Size & Relative Location

45 Nation State Nation-state

46 Kurds Nation (a group of people)

47 State (country)

48 Nation – state (a country occupied by 1 group of people)

49 Stateless nations Kurdistan

50 Palestine

51 Inuit:a nation ?

52 A state for the Inuit nation ? Devolution ?

53 Centripetal Forces unite a country examples: …. Centrifugal Forces divide a country examples: ….

54 What is a key centripetal force here ?

55 What was a key centrifugal force here ?

56 Supranationalism 2 or more countries form a common union for economic, military, or political cooperation in order to promote shared objectives Examples of supranational organizations: ….

57 United Nations



60 Arab League

61 Devolution the process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government Examples of devolution: …...

62 Canada & Quebec

63 U.S.S.R.

64 Former Yugoslavia

65 Scotland Act 1998 (creation of new Scottish parliament giving Scotland greater authority)

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