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Chapter 8: Political Parties What Is a Political Party? A group of political activists who organize to win elections, to operate the government, and.

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2 Chapter 8: Political Parties

3 What Is a Political Party? A group of political activists who organize to win elections, to operate the government, and to determine public policy. How are p arties different from interest groups? 2 Ralph E. Becker Collection /Smithsonian Institution Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

4 Political Parties vs. Interest Groups Political Parties Run government Select candidates Multiple issues (party platform) Interest Groups Influence government Support candidates Often a single issue 3Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

5 The Three Components of Political Parties 4Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

6 Functions of Political Parties Recruit candidates to run for elective offices at all levels of government Mobilize citizens to vote and participate in elections Bear the responsibility of operating government at all levels Provide organized opposition to the party in power 5Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

7 Where the Voters Are 6Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

8 History of Political Parties The Formative Years: Federalists/Anti-Federalists (1789-1816) The Era of Good Feelings (1816-1828) National Two-Party Rule: Whigs and Democrats (1828-1860) 7 © The Granger Collection, New York Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

9 The Golden Age of Parties The Civil War Crisis The Post-Civil War Period (1865-1896) “Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion” The Triumph of the Republicans 8 Courtesy of Smithsonian Institute, neg #98-4290 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

10 History of Political Parties The Progressive Interlude (1896-1932) The New Deal Era (1932-1968) An Era of Divided Government (modern period) After 1968, the general pattern was often a Republican president and a Democratic Congress 2000 Presidential Election (Red vs. Blue States) Parties in relative balance 9 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

11 Election 1896 10Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

12 Election 2004 11Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

13 Election 2008 12Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

14 The Two Major Parties Today The parties’ core constituents Economic beliefs Recent economic convergence? Cultural politics Democrats have the reputation of supporting the less-well-off, Republicans the prosperous Regional factors 13Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

15 14Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

16 Income and Party Identification 15Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

17 Republican and Democratic Issues 16Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

18 The Three Faces of a Party 1.The people who identify with the party or who regularly vote for the candidates of the party in general elections 17Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

19 Three Faces of a Party (cont) 2.Party Organization National Convention delegates National Committee National Chairperson State party organization Local (grassroots) organization Patronage and city machines Local party organizations 18 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

20 2008 National Conventions 19Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

21 Three Faces of a Party (cont) 3.The Party in Government Divided Government The Limits of Party Unity Party Polarization 20 © Andy Levin/Photo Researchers, Inc. Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

22 Ethnic Politics and the Campaign for the White House This report discusses the importance of the Hispanic vote during the 2008 presidential election. Airdate: 7/13/2008 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning Click the icon to open the movie Video Supplied by Motion Gallery

23 Video Questions 1.What concerns might Hispanic voters have that other voting blocks do not share? 2.Why is there a historic rivalry between Hispanics and blacks in some states? 3.What was Bush’s appeal to Hispanic voters in the 2004 election? 4.Which party is most likely to appeal to Hispanic voters in the next election? Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

24 Why Has the Two Party System Endured? Duality Political socialization and practical considerations The Winner-Take-All Electoral System Presidential Voting Popular Election of the Governors and President Proportional Representation State and Federal Laws Favor the Two Parties Ruling parties work to remain in control No party organization to join as independents 23 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

25 The Role of Minor Parties in U.S. Politics Ideological Third Parties Green Party Splinter Parties The Impact of Minor Parties Influencing the Major Parties Affecting the Outcome of an Election Spoiler in 2000 Elections? 24 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

26 Policies of Selected American Third Parties Since 1864 25Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

27 Mechanisms of Political Change Realignment (occurs about every 32-36 years) Civil War era 1890s Great Depression Nixon’s victory in 1972 seemed to be a realignment, but Watergate changed this 26

28 Mechanisms of Political Change (cont) Minor realignments 1980s conservative movement Shift of white southerners to Republican party Northern blue-collar workers to Republican party Many professionals turn to Democratic party Religious cleavage Makes Republican party more conservative, Democrats more liberal: but neither party dominates Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning27

29 Mechanisms of Political Change (cont) Dealignment: A major drop-off in support for the parties. Independent Voters Not-So-Independent Voters Tipping (demographically-based change) Often due to immigration 28Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

30 Party Identification: 1937–Present 29Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

31 A New Direction in 2008 2008 Elections bring change Democrats regain political momentum Control White House AND Congress Obama wins five key Republican states Growing political divide between Democratic and Republican agendas Political Maneuvering = Less Responsive Government 2010 Elections indicate a new direction? Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning30

32 Questions for Critical Thinking 1.Do democratic governments need political parties? If a democratic government has political parties, will the structure always be a two-party system? 2.What factors impact how many political parties will exist? 3.Is party identification a major factor for voters in presidential elections? 4.Do political parties make government more responsive? 31 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

33 Questions for Critical Thinking 5.Why is it difficult for independent candidates or minor party candidates to get elected to Congress? 6.What inferences can be made about the voting population through the closely divided elections of 2000 and 2004? 7.Between 2008 and 2010, how did the interests and mood of voters change? 32 Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

34 Web Links The White House The Democratic Party National Republican Senatorial Committee Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee The National Republican Congressional CommitteeThe National Republican Congressional Committee 33Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

35 Web Links Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee National Political Index The Greens/Green Party USA 34Copyright 2011 Cengage Learning

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