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Republicans vs. Democrats… What’s the difference anyway? Unit 5: Ante Up.

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1 Republicans vs. Democrats… What’s the difference anyway? Unit 5: Ante Up

2 Republicans  more socially conservative  economically libertarian  closer ties to both large corporation & locally owned businesses than do the Democrats  less affiliation with labor unions  strong belief in personal responsibility, limited government, & corporate entrepreneurship  generally oppose gay marriage, oppose abortion, & oppose embryonic stem cell research

3 Democrats  favors farmers, laborers, labor unions, & religious & ethnic minorities  opposed unregulated business & finance, & favored progressive income taxes – advocates for welfare spending programs targeted at the poor. Environmentalism – advocates civil liberties, social freedoms, equal rights, equal opportunity, & a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention (what economists call a mixed-economy)  believes that government should play a role in alleviating poverty & social injustice, even if that means a larger role for government & progressive taxation to pay for social services  support gay marriage, abortion, & stem call research.

4 Political Spectrum This is a range of differences in political views between parties.


6 Political Spectrum in the U.S.  Far left: Radical  Left Wing: Liberal & Democrat  Left Moderate: Democratic mainstream  Centrist: Moderate. Democrat & Republican  Right Moderate: Republican  Right Wing: Conservative mainstream  Far Right: Reactionary


8 Many Americans regularly choose not to vote in elections. –Why do you think people choose not to vote?

9 The main reason people choose not to vote is Voter Apathy – lack of interest in politics.

10 Something to Think About Is the purpose of a democracy to represent the people? –If you consider the basic principle of Popular Sovereignty, who actually has the power? –Does this Electoral College system represent the people? –Should each vote count? Are the people of this country smart enough to make the “right” decision? Are You?


12 Gun Control R: Oppose-Gun control is unconstitutional D: Favor – Gun control is needed Natural Environment R: Strong environmental laws harm the economy D: Strong regulations are needed to protect the environment Race Relations R: People & Business can be trusted not to discriminate D: Strong anti-discrimination laws are needed

13 Minimum Wage R: Oppose- raising hurts business D: Favor – help workers Healthcare R: Private insurers are preferable to government mandates D: Universal access to Healthcare Family Values R: “Traditional” family values D: Support Homosexual causes

14 Writing Prompt Questions What are some reasons that American citizens might reject a one-party system? Do you think U.S. citizens value their “right” to vote? What purposes do political parties serve in the U.S. & elsewhere?

15 Writing Prompt 1.Can you have Democracy without Political Parties? Why or Why not? 2.Is Public Opinion important? Please explain why. Think about your responses, because we will be discussing them.

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