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 A group that has a special interest  The Framers wanted to avoid factions from forming  Why are factions bad?  Why might they be good?

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2  A group that has a special interest  The Framers wanted to avoid factions from forming  Why are factions bad?  Why might they be good?

3 LeftRight  More Liberal  Believe individual freedoms  Civil Rights protection  Reform or progress  Leans more toward Democrat  More conservative  Wants things to stay the same or go by tradition  Limit change  Leans more toward Republican

4 Republicans Democrats

5 Democrats today say the donkey is smart and brave, while Republicans say the elephant is strong and dignified.

6 Republican-REDDemocrat-BLUE Where are most red states located? Where are most blue states located?

7 RepublicansDemocrats  No gun control  No abortion  Prayer in public schools  No same sex marriage  Death penalty  Religious  Gun Control  Abortion Rights  No prayer in public schools  Legalize same sex marriage  No death penalty  Separation church and state

8 RepublicansDemocrats  Spend money on defense & military  Build more weapons for defense  Less regulation on business  Less environmental laws  Spend less to help poor  Spend less money on defense and military  Spend less money on weapons  Regulate business to protect worker and consumer  More environmental protection  Programs to help poor

9 DemocratsRepublicans  Larger federal government  Taxes used to help poor  Society should be as equal as possible  Smaller federal government  Stronger state government  Rule in the hands of the people  Less government control  Believe property rights  Poor should help themselves  Traditional family  More Religious

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