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Humane Seminar Internal Governance of Universities:Changing demands in a changing environment 20 October 2007 Reflection on the change of the Governance.

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Presentation on theme: "Humane Seminar Internal Governance of Universities:Changing demands in a changing environment 20 October 2007 Reflection on the change of the Governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humane Seminar Internal Governance of Universities:Changing demands in a changing environment 20 October 2007 Reflection on the change of the Governance Model in Portuguese Universities Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra École Normale Superieure de Sciences de lInformation et des Bibliotheques | Lyon

2 Reflection on the change of the Governance Model in Portuguese Universities Humane Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 1| Portuguese HE System 2| Decision-making Process and Governance 3| Portuguese HEI Law [RJIES] 4| Reflection on the change of the Governance Model in Portuguese Universities 5| Final Thoughts

3 Portuguese HE System 1 Humane Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra Portuguese HE System University of Coimbra University of Lisboa University of Porto Technical University of Lisboa New University of Lisboa University of Aveiro University of Minho University of Évora University of Açores University of Algarve University of Trás-Montes Alto Douro University of Beira Interior University of Madeira

4 Portuguese HE System 1 HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra Massification Internacionalization|Globalization Impact of ITC Systems | Knowledge Explosion Competitiveness | Quality Change in the relationships: University - State University - Society 2007: Portuguese HEI Law [RJIES] Context of Change


6 Decision-Making Process and Governance HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 2 DMP Profile Rationalities Competencies Mission Power Structures Organizational Structures Decision Support Systems Organizations are networks of decisions, decision makers, and decision making. Choo (1998:204) Decision-maker The central concern of administrative theory is with the boundary between the rational and the non rational aspects of human social behaviour. Chaffee (1983:xxviii) Organization

7 Decision-Making Process and Governance HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 2 Governance Transparency of the DMP Social return DMP Power allocation The concept of Governance fits the purpose for studying PPU. Accountability of Public Resources

8 HEI Law [RJIES] HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 3 Objective: to regulate the constitution, power and organization, the operating mode and competencies of the bodies within Higher Education Institutions; to regulate the States supervision and public control over HEI, in an antonomy framework. Law no.62/2007, 10 Sept. (repeals the Law of University Autonomy from 1988); Change: Institutions and Organic Units Academic body Merging; integration; division; extinction and tranference of HEI Organization and Management of HEI Governance Bodies: General Board, Rector and Management Board New possibilities: Public HEI of a foundational nature … 185 articles; 8 months for Universities to review their statutes.

9 Reflection on the change of the Governance Model HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 4 Governance Transparency of the DMP Social return DMP Power allocation The concept of Governance fits the purpose for studying PPU. Accountability of Public Resources

10 Reflection on the change of the Governance Model HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra 4 Decision-maker Colective bodies: UA; Senate; AC - Representativity of the bodies (academic; non-academic; students) - high number of members Colective bodies: General Board and Management Board - Representativity; General Board >50% - academics and research >15% - students >30% external personalities General Board: 15 to 35 members Management Board: max. 5 members (Rector; Vice-Rector; Head of Admin.) Profile Rationalities Competences Stakeholders participation is possible in the advisory scope, but it is almost absent Rector – an Academic from the University itself Compulsory stakeholder participation Rector is an individual of recognized merit and relevant professional experience Mission Power Structures Organic Structures Decision Support System Mission in LUA Endogamic collegial model Democracy and professional bureaucracy [Mintzberg] Complex organization with diverse and hierarchized organizational structures Mission in the RJIES A managerial perspective of the law is not ensured Compulsory external decision-makers chosen by the University Democracy and professional bureaucracy [Mintzberg] Complex organization with diverse and hierarchized organizational structures BeforeNow… Decison- maker DMP Organization

11 Final Thoughts 5 HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra Governance Model – Facilitating Factors for Change Legal framework; Organizational culture; Structuring principles shared by decision-makers; - conceptualization and commitment around the concept of social return; - sistemic integration of governance process assessment, guided towards the mission, measuring and monitoring. (…)

12 HUMANE Seminar | Internal Governance of Universities | Margarida Mano | University of Coimbra Thank you very much for attention!

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